Rebirth in another world as a fake eunuch

Chapter 221 Persuading Du Xianming

Chapter 221 Persuading Du Xianming (ask for a monthly pass, recommend)

"My son-in-law, Wang Kuo, please see Lord Taishan!"

At this time, Wang Kuo was also under the protection of a group of guards, accompanied by Du Weiwei to the outside of Du Xianming's study.

Wang Kuo is not stupid, since Du Weiwei came to open the door for him instead of the doorman, it can be seen that Du Xianming did not want to see him, it can only be said that Du Weiwei opened the side door for him quietly, it was a private behavior.

This also made Wang Kuo couldn't help but secretly sigh in his heart, what more could a husband ask for if he had such a wife! ! !
"Hmph!" Following Wang Kuo's respectful voice, a cold hum suddenly came from the study, but after the cold hum, there was a long silence!

"You stay outside, no one can get close!" Seeing this, Wang Kuo could only resign himself to his fate and order his subordinates, "This is really cheap, I can't be messed with!"

Shaking his head, Wang Kuo didn't wait for Du Xianming to greet him, he just pushed the door open and entered. Although he went in without the host's greeting, Yu Li refused to accept it, but he couldn't really leave in a desperate manner, could he?
"Hmph, who let you in?" Hearing the sound of the door, Du Xianming turned his head and said, seeing that it was Wang Kuo, his face turned dark and dissatisfied.

"Father, come whenever you come..." Du Weiwei followed closely behind Wang Kuo. Hearing what his father said about Wang Kuo, she felt very sorry. She immediately wanted to speak for Wang Kuo. Du Xianming was already dark-faced.

"Fart, he's a eunuch, how can he become your husband?" Hearing the shameless words of Mu'er, Du Xianming almost held his breath and coughed twice, "Ahem, you, you sincerely want to I'm mad at you, you are not engaged, and you are not paying homage..."

"But we have already done what a husband and wife should do..." Wang Kuo suddenly interjected, and took two steps forward, only to say that if I hadn't been outside all this time, you might be about to hug your grandson, that's it The words came to his lips, but he didn't say them in a daze.

It's not that he didn't want to say it, but just after he finished his sentence, he saw Du Xianming's eyes go dark, and he fell back abruptly. Du Weiwei was so frightened that he gave him a hard look, which meant that he saw what you did.

Just like that, I can't even say a word when it comes to my mouth!

Du Xianming is not young anymore, if it happened suddenly, it would be like rubbing his face on the ground. This world is like ancient China, where the requirements for children's innocence are very strict, and the Du family is a family of poets and books. Emphasis on etiquette, if my daughter does such a thing, if it is really spread, it will be pinched down the spine!
"Taishan, why do you think you are doing this?" Wang Kuo stepped forward and quickly patted Du Xianming's back. He didn't smile until Du Xianming recovered a little.

"Your daughter Weiwei and I are in love with each other. To have such a happy event is also a happy event for both of you and me..."

"You fart!" Du Xianming didn't know that this was the first time he had scolded others today, and his usual self-cultivation had already disappeared today, so it can be seen that he was indeed very angry by Wang Kuo.

"A rebellious official like you deserves to be my son-in-law?" Du Xianming pointed at Wang Kuo tremblingly, and opened his mouth to curse angrily, just because there were too few curse words in this life, and he was very angry. , For a moment, he was speechless, not knowing how to curse.

However, Wang Kuo didn't care about Du Xianming's attitude, because he had already thought about Du Xianming's attitude before he came here. Pass?

Just these two cursing words, it's just... just drizzle, okay?
One does not involve relatives, and the other does not revolve around women... smack smack, no feeling, okay?

But having said that, Wang Kuo still deliberately turned his face straight, showing a displeasure on purpose and said!

"I, Du Xian, am obviously incompetent. I don't dare to take on the role of a traitor like you. Please change my name!"

This stubborn old man directly interrupted Wang Kuo's address, but Wang Kuo still had that indifferent expression, as if he didn't hear it, and continued to speak.

"Master Taishan, my son-in-law would like to ask you, this country belongs to the Zhu family, but is it still the country of the world?" Wang Kuo looked at Du Xianming leisurely, because no matter how Du Xianming answered, he actually had something to deal with. language waits.

"This world is naturally the country of the people of the world!"... "It's just that this country is also the country of the Zhu family, and this emperor is a member of the Zhu family!"

Du Xianming's words made Wang Kuo sneer!
"Chi..." Shaking his head, Wang Kuo sat down unceremoniously, stared at Du Xianming seriously and said disdainfully.

"The son-in-law is asking you, if it is said that the world belongs to the Zhu family, then the whole world belongs to him from the beginning to the end?" Gu Zi shook his head.

"No, this world was not owned by Zhu's family before, but he snatched it from other people's hands. That's why this world was named Zhu, and it was passed on to his Zhu Yu!"

"Okay!" Seeing that Du Xianming frowned and looked like he was about to speak, Wang Kuo interrupted him with a wave of his hand, because in Wang Kuo's view, he came to persuade Du Xianming by himself today, so he only needs to persuade him by himself. , It is of little use whether he opens his mouth or not.

"Okay, let's not talk about whether it is right or wrong for the Zhu family to be in this world, let's just say that there seems to be no change in this world, right? It's not that the children of their Zhu family will continue to be the emperor, and this new emperor is just young and ignorant. At that time, you were the leading figure of the literati in the world, shouldn't you come out of the mountain to help him stabilize this precarious court?"

Xiaozhi used emotion to reason, but Wang Kuo's words actually made Du Xianming speechless for a while, and he didn't realize it until a moment passed. Although what Wang Kuo said made some sense, he was a bit of a sneaky change of concept!
"Hmph, you don't have to say it so nicely. Am I helping the new emperor? Isn't it helping you stabilize the court? When you are in power, a new emperor..."

"No, you are not helping me, you are helping the world!" Wang Kuo shook his head, denying Du Xianming's words.

"It's still the same sentence, this world belongs to the people of the world."

"When the first emperor was in power, the Tatars were eyeing them, and the Kingdom of Jin was also waiting for an opportunity. Our Tianming Dynasty was captured by the Tatars in just one battle the year before last. The casualties were extremely heavy. As for the affected people, Directly as many as one million people..."

"Taishan, my son-in-law would like to ask you, if this continues, how much will the people suffer? Is it true that my people continue to suffer like this? Do you know what the Tatars call my Tianming people?"

"Two-legged sheep? They call our people two-legged sheep. What does that mean? This is a shame..."

Du Xianming finally fell into deep thought about Wang Kuo's words, and his hard attitude softened a bit!
"Why do the common people want us to be officials, and why do you want your family to be the emperor? Are you begging us to give them a peaceful and prosperous life and a stable life..."

"For example..." Du Xianming opened his mouth to say, but then he realized that his voice was a little hoarse, he picked up the teacup to moisten his throat, and then continued!

"If I come out to help you, no, to help the new emperor, can you ensure that the common people live the life they want?"

That's right, after Wang Kuo's persuasion, Du Xianming had obvious emotions. Even Du Weiwei who was on the side couldn't help casting admiring glances at Wang Kuo. Those who didn't know Du Xianming might not know, but as Du Weiwei Mingming's daughter, but she knows how stinky and hard her father is!

Under Du Xian's obvious questioning eyes, Wang Kuo shook his head when he didn't want to!

"No, I can't guarantee that the people can live the life they want, because people's hearts are not enough, no matter who they are, they will not be satisfied, so I can't satisfy their pursuit, but I can guarantee that a year Time to pacify the civil strife, I swept across the grassland in three years, at least I will use my lifetime to exchange for hundreds of years of stability in Tianming!"

When Wang Kuo said that there was no guarantee, Du Xianming was still a little disappointed, but following Wang Kuo's assurance later, his eyes lit up. As for what Wang Kuo said could not be guaranteed, Du Xianming thought about it briefly. , also feel that this is true.

Du Xianming is not the kind of person who doesn't distinguish between grains and grains. After working in the capital for so many years, it can be said that his understanding of the human heart is no worse than Wang Kuo's, so just thinking about it, he understands the greed of the human heart.

In fact, this is like when a person has no money, he keeps saying that if he has a few million, what will happen... In fact, when he has a few million, he realizes that the original million is nothing, So he will pursue tens of millions, and when he reaches tens of millions, he will pursue assets of hundreds of millions!

The result is, even if they are billionaires, how many of them are so free?Isn't the most time in life given to continue to work hard to make money and continue to work hard?

Therefore, contentment is always happy, contentment is always happy, in fact, it is such a truth!
"Okay, then I promise you, but I just promise you first, if you prevent me from seeing your actions within a few months, then I will continue to resign and leave!" Du Xianming didn't think long this time, After a brief consideration, he agreed, but he also expressed his request.

For Du Xianming's request, Wang Kuo agreed without thinking, because this was what he was about to do!
"Okay, it won't take a few months, but within two months, I will send troops to suppress the rebellion, guarantee to end all Tianming civil wars within a year, gather all powers together, and then resolve matters outside the pass!"

Wang Kuo's promise also changed Du Xianming's attitude towards him, but it was not obvious, in short, his face was still quite dark.

So Wang Kuo didn't like to stay here, and after a few simple words of politeness, he got up and said goodbye, and left Du's mansion.

"Father, I'm going to see off my husband!"

"En!" Du Xianming agreed with a dark face. Originally, he wanted to reprimand his daughter for being shameless, always saying the word "sister", but after thinking about it, he still didn't say it.

"Hey, it's true that the female university has been rejected!"

(End of this chapter)

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