Chapter 98 Jealousy
The wind was blowing under the feet of the two, and they hurried along the way. Soon the Golden Luan Hall was in sight. At the same time, a familiar figure happened to come out of the Golden Luan Hall, which made Wang Kuo frown.

The humble expression on Sun Deqiang's face also turned into complacency the moment he walked out of the Golden Luan Hall, but he didn't want to see Wang Kuo coming from a distance just after he walked out of the Golden Luan Hall.

"Huh." The two of them were extremely jealous when they met each other, and when they saw each other, they turned gloomy at the same time. As they walked past and passed each other, they snorted coldly at the same time. Eunuch Ding looked at Wang Kuo enviously.

This guy is really a role model for my generation, he dares to treat his immediate boss with disdain, smack, smack, really amazing.

Anyway, Eunuch Ding asked himself, he didn't have the courage, because if he dared to do this to his adoptive father, he would be guaranteed to find him in a dry well the next day... or the kind that didn't show any kicks.

But what he didn't know was that whether it was Sun Deqiang or Wang Kuo, the relationship between them had already broken down. If both sides had no way to deal with each other now, only one of them would have survived.

After all, Sun Deqiang is the commander of the Jinyiwei, a real boss, and it is not easy for Wang Kuo to get rid of him.

Conversely, it was not easy for Sun Deqiang to get rid of him.

Although Wang Kuo is nominally under Sun Deqiang's leadership, Jin Yiwei is still the emperor's personal soldier after all, and he was personally arranged by Zhu Yu to be the governor of Nanzhen, so if Sun Deqiang wants to get rid of him, he must have Zhu Yu Just nod.

It is precisely because of this reason that Wang Kuo is really not afraid of what Sun Deqiang can do to him.

In the past, the two of them might still be able to maintain a smile when they met, and the way their mother was behind the scenes, but with Sun Deqiang's complaint to Zhu Wang today, why should he, Wang Kuo, continue to flirt with him?
Now that his face was torn apart, he, who was angry in his heart, of course would not give Sun Deqiang a good look.

"Wang Gonggong, please wait a moment, the miscellaneous family will report to His Majesty." Eunuch Ding signaled him to wait at the gate of the Golden Luan Hall, and then turned and entered the Golden Luan Hall.

Soon, Eunuch Ding, who went in to report, brought Zhu Wang's will and asked him to have an audience.

"Slave Wang Kuo kowtows to His Majesty, Long live Your Majesty, long live, long live, long live."

As soon as he entered the Golden Luan Hall, Wang Kuo knelt down and saluted. After three rings of his head, he heard Zhu Yu's deep voice.

"Get up, come over and take a look at the things on this table, do they look familiar?" Zhu Yu raised his head, which was correcting the memorial, and glanced at Wang Kuo who was kneeling on the ground, then slowly put down the imperial brush in his hand, rubbed He rubbed his temples.

"These objects were brought back by Commander Sun in a place called Fengping County. I also find it strange to see them. I wonder if Wang Gonggong can clarify my doubts?"

Wang Kuo couldn't help raising his head when he heard the words, but he didn't want to meet Zhu Yu's searching gaze, and his heart trembled.

The gaze in a pair of eyes is as unfathomable as an abyss, and Gu Jing's expressionless expression is like the surface of a lake in the cold winter months, cold and expressionless.

But the more this happened, the more worried Wang Kuo became. He didn't know whether Zhu Yu knew about his refining of steel, because the result of knowing and not knowing was very different.

But just for a moment, he suppressed the trembling in his heart. Thanks to the habit of dealing with teachers he developed in school, he deeply understood the principle of being frank and lenient for parents to visit, resisting and strict, and going home for the New Year.

So Wang Kuo dealt with him with the prepared words without even thinking about it.

"My Majesty, these things were all invented by slaves, but the ones placed here are all tools that have not been fully completed. In fact, this tubular iron tool should have one side that needs to be sharpened. It can be used to inspect some agricultural products such as rice in sacks."

As he spoke, Wang Kuo hurriedly explained to Zhu Wang the other function of the gun barrel with gestures.

The principle is to make one end of the steel pipe into a pointed shape. Because the middle is hollow, as soon as it is inserted into the bag, the rice inside will flow out along the pipe, so that it can be checked whether the sack is mixed with other substances without opening the seal. Things, such as sand or worthless rice bran and so on.

What is especially commendable is that once the pipe is pulled out of the sack, the sack will become intact again.

Not to mention, he really didn't just fool Zhu Wang with this statement, because Wang Kuo was a rural person in his last life, so he didn't know the name of this thing, but he could remember the principle clearly.

"Your Majesty, the needle on the table is actually used to sew sacks, but because the slaves can't get out recently, I haven't had time to test it yet, but I don't want them to make a mistake."

Pushing two-five-six, and after some explanations, Zhu Yu gradually became convinced. After all, Zhu Yu didn't understand this stuff, so it wasn't his Wang Kuo who said it?

But what made him even happier was that Zhu Yu didn't ask about refining the high-speed rail.

"Well, although this item is not bad, I still want to remind you that strange silver skills are not the way to govern the country. What I lack is a minister with a shoulder, not a craftsman who only knows strange silver skills."

This sentence Zhu Yu said was not serious, but Wang Kuo understood that it was because His Majesty didn't like his not doing business properly.

It is true that Zhu Yu doesn't like the minions he valued to go out of business. Scholars, farmers, businessmen, craftsmen don't look ahead of businessmen, but it really makes Zhu Yu choose, Zhu Yu still prefers the kind of rich businessmen.

For example, when Zhu Yu tapped on the dragon case with his finger, Wang Kuo looked at the fearful Wang Kuo and suddenly pointed out: "I heard that you earned a lot of silver taels recently, I wonder if there is such a thing?"

"Report to Your Majesty, but there is such a thing." Wang Kuo nodded without thinking about it when he heard the words, but after he finished speaking, he explained to himself: "It's just that the slaves earned a lot of money and gave it to the original protector. Slaves, so the slaves don’t have many in their hands now.”

His words, firstly, told Zhu Yu that he was also poor, and secondly, he told Zhu Yu that all his money had been given to his subordinates.

Paying out of your own pocket to support your subordinates, although it is reasonable in sense, but as the saying goes, being with the king is like accompanying a tiger, and the king's heart is unpredictable.

Who knew what Zhu Yu would think of himself after knowing this?
Is it affectionate and righteous, or is it buying people's hearts?These are all unknown, so taking this opportunity to speak out is also an opportunity to express loyalty.

But when he saw Zhu Yu's expression in a daze, his heart suddenly moved.Grandma, wouldn't this bastard be interested in his own money?
Sure enough, the more he looked at Zhu Yu's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, the more Wang Kuo felt affirmed, and his complexion immediately became bitter.

It's over, just this wink is enough to confirm that this bastard is really interested in his little bit of property.

"Oh, that's right, I don't know how much profit Wang Gonggong can make in a month?"

Seeing Wang Kuo's wry smile suddenly blooming.Zhu Yu couldn't help being a little embarrassed, after all, the master hadn't given the slave any benefits, and in the end he wanted the slave's property, so it would be a bit embarrassing to tell the truth.

This embarrassment is even more embarrassing when he thinks that he is the Ninth Five-Year Master and rich in the world.

The annual tax revenue of the entire Tianming Dynasty is about 1000 million to 500 million, which seems to be a lot, but there are also a lot of places to spend money.

After a year, there will always be natural and man-made disasters in some places. After all kinds of relief, there will be ten to seven or eight, and the remaining money will be used to pay officials across the country, support the army, etc. It can be said that sometimes the tax revenue for a year is not enough. Not enough money to spend.

So...he is also very poor, okay? Besides, not long ago he compensated Tatar with 100 million taels of silver?
And I don't need to think about it to know that the north has also suffered from military disasters this year. Not only have hundreds of thousands of people been looted, it is estimated that thousands of miles will be lost after this, and the plague after the military disasters will appear. Next year, the tax revenue will be guaranteed Reduce by a quarter or so.

So when he heard Sun Deqiang's report just now, he mentioned that Wang Kuo's stores are now located in several state capitals, and the annual profit is about one million taels, and he was completely tempted.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the monthly profit of the minion's shops is about 5 taels, and sometimes it can reach 8 or [-] taels."

"Well, yes, you really are young and promising. I didn't misread you."

Hearing that there is an income of 8 to [-] taels of silver in a month, Zhu Yu couldn't help but see a bright light in his eyes. After doing this calculation, he really has an income of nearly a million taels a year. The national treasury's income for a month.

"Hehe, yes." There was a miserable laugh in his heart, but seeing His Majesty complimenting him, and then suddenly looking at him without saying a word, Wang Kuo could only endure the pain in his heart.

"Your Majesty, I don't know if I should say something about my slave, so please tell me clearly."

"Oh, just say what Aiqing has to say, I'll make the decision for you." Zhu Yu chuckled, as if he was convinced of him, making Wang Kuo anxious, but at the same time helpless.

What's the matter, no matter where it is, it's all about interests first, the prince who was not stopping a moment ago, now he is Aiqing?Aiqing, your sister.

There was resentment in his heart, but his expression was one of worrying about the country and the people.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I see this peaceful and prosperous age. Although the country is safe and peaceful, and the world is peaceful, I still want to do my best for the country. I intend to hand over all the property in my hand to the imperial court and to Your Majesty. I also ask Your Majesty for your kindness." allow."

"Well, I'm so relieved that Aiqing can have such a heart."

For Wang Kuo's understanding, Zhu Yu couldn't help showing a gratified expression, and nodded in satisfaction.

"However, I can't deprive Aiqing of her family business. How about this? Since Aiqing has the heart to serve the country, then I will hand over half of my income to the internal funds."

"Yes, my servant complies with the order." Slowly heaved a sigh of relief, the harm of lovesickness is the lesser, after the emperor shamelessly opened his mouth, what else can he do?He is already very satisfied if he can leave half of his income.

What's more, is tens of thousands of taels of silver really half of the income?

"Hey, maybe this is still my chance."

Wang Kuo thought about it, and suddenly couldn't help being happy again. Maybe it would be better with His Majesty's participation, wouldn't it?
(End of this chapter)

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