Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1004 Very Familiar Scene

Chapter 1004 Very Familiar Scene
Qin Zixuan was stared innocently, Zhoushan old monster stepped forward to take a look, and said: "This book is too broken, I need to find Nanyangzi to fix it."

When Gong Liangyan heard that the book could be repaired, she immediately regained her spirits. Qin Zixuan also approached with Ling'er in his arms. Feng Wu Qinglan stepped down from the throne and came to Gong Liangyan with the same curiosity. Can such a broken book be repaired?Why hasn't she heard of it.

Qin Zixuan thought of the rumored expert in restoration of ancient cultural relics, who seemed to be able to repair it even more broken than this, but it was a skill that has been passed down for 5000 years. Can people nowadays restore it?
"Who is Nanyangzi? Why haven't I heard of it?" Qin Zixuan asked out loud. He received the contempt of the Zhoushan old monster. Qin Zixuan didn't take this old thing. The bachelor is his three sons.

"Nanyangzi is a folk master. I heard about this person when I was traveling in Nanyang. I heard that he has a strange temper. It is not easy to find him. You have to be interested. If he is not interested, please spend ten thousand gold. .”

Gu Yueru interrupted suddenly, while Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows. I heard that experts have strange tempers, just like Zhoushan old monster, and they are also very strange.

Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows, and the bad news came up. In his previous life, he heard that those experts in restoring cultural relics were more crazy when they faced the most rare and orphaned items than an old man met a young woman. If so, hehe, Qin Zixuan has a plan.

Seeing the smile on the young man's face, Li Han felt that the young man was taking the risk, and he wondered who designed it this time?Could it be Nanyangzi, who is a hundred and eight miles away from Yujing, so he shouldn't have provoked the young man.

Just when Li Han guessed what Qin Zixuan was thinking, Gong Liangyan got up and was ready to go to find Nanyangzi. This book was very important to her, so Gong Liangyan was impatient.

Qin Zixuan stroked his chin and called Gong Liangyan to stop, telling Gong Liangyan that he had a way to let Nan Yangzi find Yujing to restore the book by himself, and everyone despised him when he successfully said this.

Nan Yangzi will send him to the door to fix it if he is sick, but he is asking to come to the door if he is not talking to King Cheng. .

Zhoushan old monster was the first one who couldn't help jumping out to ridicule Qin Zixuan, and then Gu Yueru and others also joined the team. What they liked most was fighting with Qin Zixuan, whoever made King Cheng like to make them happy when he was fine.

Facing the ridicule of the crowd, Qin Zixuan became a big gambler, calling for a gamble with everyone, not a big bet, just bet 1 taels. Is it big?

Zhoushan old monster patted his pocket, not to mention 1 taels, he can't get out 100 taels now, what does he want those vulgar things for an outsider?
But Gu Yueru, an ordinary person with money, followed Hai Hai all the way to sweep casinos, even though she spent a lot, she still saved more, Qin Zixuan called for a bet, Gu Yueru took out the banknotes without saying anything.

Dahai looked at the master's anxious expression and covered his face. Anyway, let's talk about the odds first. With his father's petty temper, he can really do things like gambling. When he says that he will pay 0.000001, what can you do? Paying a tael of silver is also called compensation, and this business has lost a lot of money.

Dahai was determined not to be fooled, but instead asked about the odds, Qin Zixuan blinked, why did the eldest son always tear him down?Is this real?
Gu Yueru just remembered the business, she didn't seem to mention the odds, so she called to fix the odds first, otherwise the matter would never end, Qin Zixuan looked happily at the audience, reluctant to make a decision odds.

The odds were not set high, so they paid one for one. Although Qin Zixuan was very good at talking, he didn't know what to do. What if the other party was a money-grubbing person?It's a matter of winning and losing.

Fortunately, he was not short of money, so he could afford to lose, and that's it, Gu Yueru's [-] silver bills fell into Ling'er's hands, and Ling'er counted the silver bills one by one.

Feng Wu Qinglan touched her pocket and had no money, but she wanted to join in the fun, so she said to Linger: "Linger, bet [-] for the master."

"Okay!" Ling'er agreed cheerfully, handed over the bank note to Qin Zixuan, and said seriously: "Father, this is the 1 taels my master bet on."

ah?Qin Zixuan's eyes widened, this seems to be Yuemeizi's bet, didn't Linger count the banknotes for him?Why is it as pitted as the sea!
"That's it." Ling'er stuffed the silver bill into Qin Zixuan's hand, patted Qin Zixuan's hand to signify the deal, and then took out the silver bill from Qin Zixuan's hand to count.

Qin Zixuan looked at the banknote that he just got and was taken away again. For some reason, this scene seemed familiar. Qin Zixuan cast his eyes on the sea, and the sea smirked.

Feng Wu Qinglan looked at her spiritual little apprentice, and couldn't find the north and south with joy. Qin Zixuan looked down at his precious daughter, but still couldn't bear to say something serious, let's make a deal, anyway, it's only [-].

Gong Liangyan looked at the depressed Qin Zixuan, pursed her lips and sniggered, then turned her head to look at Huang He who was standing behind him full of curiosity.

Sweeping his eyes around, Huang He understood, reached out his hand to ask Linger for the bank note, and said, "Linger, you have already used the bank note once, this time it's my turn."

Ling'er snorted, stuffed the banknote into her bosom, and replied: "No, it's from my father."

What?Qin Zixuan's eyes widened again, this scene became more familiar, when did he tell her to let her count for fun?Now it's all right, he lost a lot, and he didn't get a single penny of the [-] bets he collected.

Huang He watched Ling'er put away the silver bills, and stared at Qin Zixuan with his hand begging for it with wide eyes. He had to be fair and not favoritism, and then Qin Zixuan's eyes rolled, so he refused to give it.

"Father, am I raised by my stepfather? Why don't I have a share?" Huang He is a kid who dares to ask questions, ask whatever comes to mind, Qin Zixuan's face is blackened when he asks this question.

Low laughter sounded from all around, Princess Cheng watched Huang He grind her teeth, this child really can't speak, does anyone speak like that?Qin Zixuan looked at Li Han and said, "It's a light blow."

"Then focus on it." Li Han replied lightly, got up and came to Huang He's side, raised Huang He and slapped him, and slapped Huang He's little butt a few times, so that your stepmother and stepfather can speak up!

Gong Liangyan looked at the punished Huang He with a dark face, tears burst into her heart, they are all apprentices, why Mao's own apprentices are so wild, Gong Liangyan really wanted to beat him up in person, this child is too bad at talking.

Huang He howled a few times, seeing Li Han stopped his hands and got up to take his seat, Huang He's howling stopped immediately, his eyes still looking at Qin Zixuan, it's probably unfair if you don't give me the silver ticket, you are the stepfather.

(End of this chapter)

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