Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1008 Attacked

Chapter 1008 Attacked
Qin Zixuan's family stayed at the Duke's Mansion until dark, and left the Duke's Mansion after dinner. The old lady walked all the way to the gate, watching Qin Zixuan get into the car and leave together, and then reluctantly closed the gate.

The night in Yujing was very quiet. Because of the cold weather, there were no pedestrians on the street, and the carriage made creaking noises. Qin Zixuan sat in the carriage with Ling'er in his arms, looking out from time to time, feeling that the atmosphere was not good Right.

Thief Saint told himself in the morning that there are not many faces, why did he feel a slight danger?Dahai got up and lifted Huang He from the door and threw it to Qin Zixuan's side, and sat by the door by himself.

Li Han reached out and took out a pitch-black sword from inside the carriage. Don't underestimate this sword. It is refitted from a divine sword. Luoshui is the sword that Li Han wears on his face, and this one is hidden in the dark. .

Under normal circumstances, Li Han would not use it, but since Li Han became a master, he knew that his opponent had changed, and he had to keep the Excalibur with him at all times, otherwise he would suffer a disadvantage in weapons.

Today, the children are all by his side, Li Han held the Excalibur in his hand without thinking, even if the Excalibur was exposed, Li Han would not hesitate to risk the lives of his children.

When Qin Zixuan saw Li Han's actions, he knew that the matter was serious. Someone really made trouble for him. Oh, let me go. Qin Zixuan was so angry. He only returned to Yujing two days ago, and someone did it. This is Just waiting for him.

Who could it be?Qin Zixuan tightly held Ling'er's eyeballs and turned around. If he knew who the enemy was, he would try his best to destroy him.

"Hai Hai, watch over my brothers, don't meddle in outside affairs." Seeing Hai Hai eager to try, Li Han immediately said.

"Mother, what's going on outside? We have poison in our hand, do you want it?" Huang He took out a small medicine bag and started to show off, Hai Hai rolled his eyes, it was the medicine he gave his younger brothers to defend themselves, this is Guan Gong playing big swords in front of him. .

"Mother, is it dangerous?" Changjiang asked, and took out a pair of short knives from his waist, while Taishan directly took out a signal flare, telling Li Han that as long as he released this master, he would come to save him.

Zhoushan old monster cherishes his apprentices very much, but he has three apprentices, and he can't follow them all the time, so each of them sent a signal flare, as long as he is released, he will rush over as fast as possible.

"It's okay, you just stay in the carriage obediently." After comforting the children, Li Han got out of the carriage with his sword in hand, his eyes shot into the dark. Yang Shulin hadn't noticed the danger yet, but his eyelids were fine and he saw Li Han's posture I knew there was a situation.

Yang Shulin made a gesture, and the bodyguard immediately cheered up. They knew that there was a situation, and they had to deal with it carefully. Every time they came to assassinate the prince, there were no weak ones. Anyway, they couldn't beat them with their strength. The best weapon was their hands. in the long gun.

In the dark, a few figures flickered. I didn't expect Li Han to be so vigilant. The other party found out that the situation was wrong before they took any action. But this is an opportunity. It's a pity to miss the opportunity for them to assassinate Qin Zixuan or slander the Cheng Palace.

Qin Zixuan had an extra gun in his hand, holding Ling'er in one hand and holding the gun in the other, listening to the movement outside with his ears open. Da Hai didn't have a gun in his hand, but he had a few darts in his hand. These darts were all pitch black, emitting a cold light.

Dahai is not a gentleman in the first place. At this time, his parents are all around, and his younger siblings are still young. Dahai doesn't care about whether it is bright or not, or dirty. As long as it can reduce casualties, Dahai will dare to use any means.

The carriage was still moving forward, the air was full of oppression, and the atmosphere was tense ahead of time. Suddenly, the divine sword in Li Han's hand came out of its sheath, and struck hard at the direction of his right hand. The sword was as fast as lightning.

A flying knife was cut off by Li Han, and then several gunshots rang out. The person in charge of security was still on guard, while the guards in charge of shooting at any time had already pulled the trigger.

They don't need to see the enemy in the dark, they just need to shoot with their guns, and if they shoot, they will make money. This is Qin Zixuan's famous saying, which is used flexibly by the soldiers.

A muffled groan sounded in the darkness, followed by another gunshot, but it was Bai Jing who fired the gun. After the gunshot, the muffled groan screamed, followed by a painful struggle, and then returned to calm.

The carriage continued to move, and Li Han stood there with her sword in hand. The night wind blew her hair, and her white cloak fluttered with the wind. Murderous aura emanated from her body, approaching the clouds.

Huang He swallowed nervously in the car, he instinctively felt the cold.Dahai raised the curtain of the car to look out, Huang He followed him, wanting to see the situation outside, but Dahai glared at him and immediately calmed down.

Suddenly Dahai's hand trembled, and a dart was shot. Qin Zixuan blinked. Dahai's hearing was still stronger than his own, and he didn't hear anything.Qin Zixuan believed that Dahai would not attack for no reason, he must have an enemy.

A loud whistle sounded in the darkness, Qin Zixuan put his head against the window, listened to the movement outside with his ears open, then raised his pistol and fired three shots out of the window.

The darts in Hai Hai's hand also shot out, gunshots rang out, and the peaceful Yujing City became lively. The city guards who heard the gunshots hurried out of the warm room and started patrolling with weapons.

Li Han stood at the front of the car, waving the divine sword in his hand from time to time, and every time he was able to shoot down the hidden weapons of the enemy. The man in black on the bright side fell down with the gunshots, but the enemy in the dark was still attacking.

When the footsteps of the city guards and the forbidden army came, there was no sound from the darkness. Li Han believed that the people were not dead, but she couldn't chase them herself, because it was her life behind her, and those secret enemies couldn't believe it. than the existence of.

When the imperial guards arrived and checked the surroundings, they pulled out five corpses emitting warmth from the darkness, and some people pulled the corpses on the ground together and lined them up, took off the black cloth on their faces, and held up torches to let them go. Li Han looked at it.

From the beginning to the end, Dahai and Qin Zixuan didn't show their faces, they just sat quietly in the carriage, Li Han's eyes outside the carriage swept over the corpses, remembered the faces, and then burst out a word: "Check! "

"Yes!" The forbidden soldiers took the order, picked up the corpse and left. The city guards didn't need to intervene in this matter. The city guards watched the forbidden soldiers leave with envy in their eyes. Back then, the forbidden soldiers were as famous as them, and it was because Li Han took over The imperial army, this made the strength of these grandsons soar, and they rode on their heads all at once.

After explaining the matter, Li Han did not return to the carriage, but sat outside the carriage and thought about the problem. Which force made the move?The Shangguan family shouldn't still be biting their husbands. After all, they are already extinct and have no right to fight for the world.

Now there is no one who is qualified to fight for the world except King Hulun, so whose subordinates are this wave of people?

(End of this chapter)

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