Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1055 Re-impeachment

Chapter 1055 Re-impeachment

Of course Concubine Cheng will not let go easily, Dahai said again, the matter of the royal family is really hard to say, you have seen how dangerous it was last time, even if it can't hurt Cheng Wang's mansion this time, what about in the future?Our whole family stays in Yujing, so it is easy for others to take it away.

For the sake of safety, we can't put a nest of eggs in one basket. Fortunately, our brothers have a good fortune, so we can learn from the master. If disasters happen in the future, we will have some strength to protect ourselves.

And this time his father beat Yushitai violently, and he has already formed a deep hatred with Yushitai. Now that the emperor wants to seek the world, he has to bear with it and let his father live, but what will happen after the world is won?

I'm afraid that after the world is in hand, it will be the time for Yushitai to counterattack. At that time, there will be one in Cheng Wang's mansion. It's hard to say whether we can die well, but if we all have the ability to protect ourselves, the world is so big, I want to find a place to hide places where it can still be done.

It took a month for Concubine Cheng to think about it before she finally made up her mind to agree to Hai Hai's request, and finally gritted her teeth and let all the grandchildren around her go...

She stays in Yujing, and if she wants to kill or scrape, she admits it. Anyway, she can't give up the old prince and leave alone. She will die in Yujing. suffering.

Qin Zixuan sat listlessly in the Fenglin courtyard, Dahai and the others had left, Qin Zixuan knew he couldn't leave, the emperor would not let him go, alas!Looking at the blue sky and white clouds, Qin Zixuan felt that he was in prison.

Li Han stood behind Qin Zixuan with his hands behind his back, his face was uncertain. If it wasn't for her mother-in-law's refusal to leave, she really wanted to leave Yujing instead, and the relationship between Prince Cheng's residence and the palace had another subtle change.

The emperor thought for a long time, and went to the empress dowager again. He once said that he had uncovered it, why did he let the child go? Back then, Dowager Cheng was crying and shouting to keep the child by her side, why did she make such a decision in a few days.

The Empress Dowager wept secretly after hearing the letter, some scars had already appeared, and these scars would not open when she was alive, what if one day she was not around?Will these scars get bigger and bigger?
In the end, the Empress Dowager ordered Qin Zixuan's family to enter the palace. Without a word, Qin Zixuan brought his wife and mother into the palace. In the Xianju Palace, Qin Zixuan saw the emperor whom he had not seen for a month, and the emperor's hair turned gray a lot.

The two looked at each other a little strangely and awkwardly, Qin Zixuan took the initiative to meet the ceremony, and then sat listlessly by the Empress Dowager's lap, looking listless.

The emperor asked Qin Zixuan with his eyes what exactly do you want to do?Qin Zixuan replied with a blink of an eye that I want freedom, will you give it?The emperor was speechless, and thought to himself, do I give you less freedom?
The Empress Dowager slapped the table and asked everyone to have something to say clearly, don't smack in the words, the emperor, you want to say clearly what you want Cheng Wangfu to do, and what you want Cheng Wangfu to say clearly, speak clearly in front of her today.

Qin Zixuan still said the same thing, I want freedom, I want to take my daughter-in-law around, we don't care about political power, we don't care about the throne, we don't care about military power, we just want freedom.

But the emperor couldn't give him this freedom, he still needed Qin Zixuan to sit in Yujing, and in case of any accident, he needed the two to protect his country.

Then Qin Zixuan asked the emperor, Uncle Huang, you have seen my performance these years, we don't want power or name, what do you want me to do about this?If you feel that Prince Cheng's Mansion is a threat, that's fine, you can make your demands right now.

If the Chengwang Mansion can do it, let's accept it. If it can't, we will disband it now and never show up in Yujing again. Put the bottom line here today, and none of us will be demon moths in the future.

The emperor sighed and remained silent. What could he say?The queen mother turned her eyes to the prince, which means that you can speak up if you have any opinions, don't wait until she is old, and turn her face one by one ruthlessly.

The emperor has nothing to say, what can the prince say?The crown prince bowed his head and remained silent. No matter how much he said now, it would be useless. Everything will be discussed after he wins the world. At that time, whether to keep or kill Prince Cheng's mansion is not up to him alone.

This time the trouble was so big that the Yushitai was washed from top to bottom. This is the shame of the Yushi. If they want to wash away the shame, they will naturally stare at the Cheng Palace. Under the cold knife.

Qin Zixuan rested his chin and looked at the emperor and the prince. These two are sinister people. Fortunately, he was prepared for it. Fortunately, they can use him. Now he really doesn't dare to do anything to him, or he will suffer.

The empress dowager's intentions were good, and she wanted both parties to speak clearly, but Qin Zixuan showed their cards, but the emperor and the prince did not express their views. Qin Zixuan wanted to leave the capital, the emperor could not agree, and the prince would not agree.

So things just can't be talked about, it's really not something that can be done in a few words if you want to get back to the original one, Qin Zixuan still doesn't know that the emperor is plotting to Pan Longdao, otherwise the gratitude to the royal family in his heart will disappear.

Qin Zixuan thought that anyway, he gave himself a fake dragon vein, no matter whether he could use it or not, at least it was given to Prince Cheng's mansion, how could he know that the emperor had his idea on Panlong Island again.

This time the showdown ended unhappily. After Qin Zixuan left, the queen mother pointed at the emperor and didn't know what to say. It seemed that her eldest son really couldn't fit into Prince Cheng's mansion, which made the queen mother very sad.

On the night Qin Zixuan left the palace, the queen mother became ill with anger. Qin Zixuan went to the palace to see him immediately after receiving the letter, and stayed with him all night. After dawn, the queen mother's illness stabilized. Make her angry again.

Qin Zixuan snorted and didn't speak, who knew who made the queen mother angry, Qin Zixuan didn't think he did the evil, and the emperor stayed with him all night, and didn't leave until the morning.

The formation of the new Yushitai was basically completed, and the vacant parts were advanced by the Hanlin, and some were promoted from the supervisory history of various countries. Anyway, the components this time were checked for three generations, and they were promoted after confirming that there was no black material.

The emperor was slapped in the face once, and he didn't want to be slapped a second time. The selection of censors was unprecedentedly strict. After the imperial court this morning, there was a censor who was not afraid of death, Ben Cancheng Palace.

The reason is that Prince Cheng's mansion raises a monster, and that monster destroyed the royal feng shui and caused natural disasters. It is proposed to kill the monster, and return Yujing to a bright and clear sky. The emperor sits on the dragon chair and casts a shadow. You can't visit the Cheng Palace at this juncture.

The commotion last time was so big, the emperor has already regretted it, and he hasn't eased the relationship until now. Yesterday Qin Zixuan revealed his bottom line. The meaning is very simple. I will leave if Yujing City can't tolerate me, but I can't black me like this again. Hack me and I will bounce back!

(End of this chapter)

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