Chapter 1065
The two sides met on the sea, Hua Lezhi waved his subordinates to charge, Li Han greeted them with a sword, wanting to test the strength of this team, Li Han made a move, and the whole world was in his hands, Hua Lezhi's subordinates were buried in the sea one after another.

One of Huale knew that he had encountered a master, and he was not a fool. Seeing that Li Han was so strong, he felt something was wrong. This group of people didn't look like pirates, but rather like disciples of a big family going out to play.

Turning his head and talking softly with the old woman standing beside him, Qin Zixuan listened to their conversation with his ears open. Regardless of the distance between the two, Qin Zixuan's hearing power is much stronger now than before, and his hearing power has also improved with the improvement of his strength. He can hear clearly clearly.

Qin Zixuan reckoned that Hua Lezhi must think that they did not understand the language of the Suzaku Empire, that's why they talked without repeating others. How could Qin Zixuan not only know how to speak, but also learned it very well.

Hua Lezhi asked: "Grandma, do you think this group of people are from Daqin?"

Grandma Kang looked at Qin Zixuan sideways, and a person flashed in her mind, but she was not sure. She didn't think Qin Zixuan would dare to leave Daqin at this time, let alone come to Suzaku. After all, the assassination team sent last time was still very strong.

If there were no accidents, Qin Zixuan should be scared stupid at this time. Even if their group of people can't succeed, it is still okay to scare Qin Zixuan.

He didn't know that the group of people they sent would either die in the sea, die in the spear, or be murdered. Although Qin Zixuan knew that the Suzaku Empire was very powerful, Qin Zixuan had a trump card.

Grandma Kang thought about it and thought about it, but she was still not sure about Qin Zixuan's identity, but this group of people spoke the Daqin dialect, so she heard it right. Granny Kang had also learned Daqin dialect for a few days, although she didn't understand what Li Han was swearing at. , the language can be heard.

Grandma Kang speculated: "Little master, they may be Daqin's spies, and they want to sneak into our Suzaku Empire to inquire about news."

"Well, it makes sense. I think they are spies. Granny Kang, you should do it. Except for that little boy, everyone else should be killed." Hua Lezhi pointed at Qin Zixuan and said, Qin Zixuan's legs were weak, and he hadn't been called a little boy for a long time. up.

Qin Zixuan touched his face, then looked at Hua Lezhi, did this girl fancy him?While Qin Zixuan was proud, he also felt that his three views had been destroyed. The atmosphere of the Suzaku Empire was not so open. Why was this man so bold and unrestrained?
Little master, this guy with the Suzaku flag is a master, could he be a princess or princess?Would it be too big a scene if the princess was the princess?Could it be that he is a princess?
Just as Qin Zixuan was thinking, Grandma Kang had already attacked Li Han, the corner of Li Han's mouth curled up, and the long sword in his hand waved a beautiful sword flower to meet Grandma Kang.

Hua Lezhi looked at Qin Zixuan smiling confidently, she believed that if Grandma Kang made a move, the other party would be dead!However, Li Han just likes to slap her in the face, and the previous battles did not reveal her full strength.

Grandma Kang's attack was just in line with Li Han's wishes, and the two quickly fought together. Bai Jing rushed to Hua Lezhi with her own soldiers, and the dinosaur used its thick flesh as a cushion, lest others would take its boat broken.

This boat was specially remodeled by Qin Zixuan to make the dinosaurs stay comfortably. There is only one in the whole of Daqin. If the dinosaur is really broken, it will be heartbreaking, and I am even more afraid that I will be so wronged that I will be nestled in a corner and unable to straighten my body.

So the dinosaur was very willing to use its thick skin to resist the attack that landed on the big ship. Qin Zixuan watched the dinosaur's movements with joy. With this buddy, he didn't have to worry about the ship being destroyed.

"You're a scum if you haven't become a saint master!" Li Han suddenly called out, thinking that a saint master had come, but he didn't expect that it was a master. Although he was better than other masters, he still couldn't catch Li Han's eyes.

The long sword in Li Han's hand pierced the air, sparking a spark, a head popped up where the spark passed, and Granny Kang, who was still tall before, fell powerlessly into the water.

The smile on Hua Lezhi's face was still there, and she stared blankly at Li Han. This woman is so strong that Grandma Kang didn't even have a chance to escape.

Hua Lezhi quickly became alert, she felt that now is not the time to be greedy for beauty, it is better to flee as soon as possible, Hua Lezhi turned around and ran to the cabin, how could Bai Jing let her go.

There was a one-sided battle on the battlefield, and soon Bai Jing and Liu Yi returned to their positions. Bai Jing was still holding the unlucky Hua Lezhi in her hand, and her boat was also controlled. At this time, Liu Yili was holding the golden Suzaku.

Liu Yi pursed her lips and said, "That boat is really broken, it can't even hold half the body of a dinosaur, but the decoration is luxurious, and it can still be sold for a good price after dismantling it!"

"Bandits!" Qin Zixuan scolded with a smile, such a beautiful ship actually had to be dismantled, but Qin Zixuan also knew that he couldn't keep this ship, it was a ship of the Suzaku Empire, it was dangerous to carry it with him.

"My lord, do you want an interrogation?" Liu Yi didn't know when she was scolded, she took her chin and clicked Hua Lezhi. She also heard the previous conversation. Fat.

"You guys deal with it, I'm worried that I'm soft-hearted." Qin Zixuan tilted his body and leaned on Li Han. Li Han straightened up and watched the plot with a smile. The beauty of Chinese music is beautiful, but Li Han really didn't feel threatened.

Those who are really threatening will not be so arrogant. Those green tea whores who are cute on the surface and dark inside are the scariest. Fortunately, although the green tea whores are scary, their husbands are smarter, and they can always discover the opponent's conspiracy first.

Bai Jing went down with Hua Lezhi and Liu Yi, the little poisonous girl yelled to wait for me, and followed, the little poisonous girl had researched a new poison and wanted someone to test it, Hua Lezhi seemed to be good.

Soon Yang Shulin came back with a sea chart and several big boxes, all of which were treasures, and the sea chart was found in the cockpit, it was the Suzaku Empire's collection, and its weight was even more important than those big boxes.

Yang Shulin handed over the sea chart, cupped his hands to Qin Zixuan and said, "Your Majesty, just checked a few tongues, this ship is the ship of Hua Lezhi, Princess Luoxuan of the Suzaku Empire, this person is the youngest princess of the Suzaku Empire, and is deeply favored by the Emperor Suzaku , so she is arrogant and domineering, she loves beautiful men, her life style is chaotic, and she has a bad reputation, but this woman has military talents and is currently leading troops to conquer the South China Sea islands."

"She has military talent?" Qin Zixuan was stunned. He really didn't see how he had military talent. The soldiers around him couldn't even compare with the guards of Prince Cheng's mansion, and they couldn't even compare with Li Han's soldiers. Also known as military talent.

"Don't be surprised, my lord. The Suzaku Empire is powerful. Even without military talent, you can conquer the islands with a group of warriors. So you can discount her military talent."

(End of this chapter)

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