Chapter 1073
Qin Zixuan's brain circuits are different, and his way of doing things is naturally different from his predecessors. Although he was blushed by the dinosaur and never thought of establishing a kingship, he felt the need to support Dahai to take down the Eastern Continent.

Regardless of Da Qin's future development, anyway, he doesn't want to care about it. Qin Zixuan has already had a new understanding of the saying that the royal family has no family affection, and he doesn't want to make himself sad anymore.

Qin Zixuan's big ship was sailing in the East Sea, and Sun Daochang and Zuo Xiang also came to Panlong Island. Zuo Xiang was surprised that Panlong Island was in a depression, and Qin Zixuan didn't send anyone to guard it.

This is a land with dragon veins, shouldn't the land of dragon prosperity be enshrined in the head?Why is Cheng Wang doing things so differently?Prime Minister Zuo couldn't figure it out, and the people who came with Prime Minister Zuo also couldn't figure it out.

Sun Daochang led a large team of people to start the survey of the terrain, and then ordered the guards to clear the mountain roads and set up a magic circle to cover the sky. He had to blind the eyes of the sky before he could lose his sky-defying spells.

In Sun Daochang's words, if he didn't choose to build the heaven-shrouding magic circle, even if he was killed, he wouldn't dare to use the sky-defying spell, because the emperor would die under the catastrophe if he didn't kill him. Everyone was shocked.

Now they listen to what Daoist Sun says, dug a three-foot-deep foundation, and began to build the so-called sky-covering magic circles. These magic circles still have drainage channels. If Qin Zixuan was here, he would definitely ask about the magic circles and drainage. relation?

Yes, Sun Dao said, this is not a drainage channel, this is the channel through which the pseudo-dragon vein energy is removed.

Thousands of craftsmen rammed the excavated foundation with big stones, and then began to use white jade as the foundation. Cars of white jade were put into the foundation, and the price of Daqin white jade increased tenfold. There is also a steady stream of white jade being sent to Panlong Island.

Qin Zixuan drove on the sea for two months, and came to an island surrounded by mountains. The Panlong flag of Prince Cheng's Mansion was planted on the island. Qin Zixuan's big ship had just approached, and the sea got the news.

When Qin Zixuan and Li Han saw Jiang Yunji, they were all stunned. The old guy was not dead, and he was mixed with Dahai. So who died in Weisuo?
Jiang Yunji was very happy to see Li Han coming, and stepped forward to salute. Li Han happily jumped from the boat to the shore, and kicked Jiang Yunji, so scared that Jiang Yunji fell to the ground and rolled all over the place.

Dahai happily watched his mother go crazy. He had been hiding Jiang Yunji's matter all the time, because he was worried that his mother's performance would cause the emperor's suspicion. Now it seems that he was very successful.

"Old Jiang, you have hurt me. I lost three catties because of you." Qin Zixuan stretched out three fingers and successfully received Jiang Yunji's contempt. Was it because of him?I'm afraid it's because of the so-called family relationship.

Dahai invites Qin Zixuan to enter the island. Qin Zixuan is overwhelmed with emotion when he sees the hot scene. From now on, he will be a nest in Prince Cheng's Mansion. Even if they lose Yujing, Prince Cheng's Mansion will still have a place to stay.

With Qin Zixuan and his party, the personal guards were arranged to rest, and then Qin Zixuan and Li Han came to the lobby to chat with Dahai, but Jiang Yunji did not come with him, and he was entangled by Liu Yi and Bai Jing.

At that time, not only Li Han and Qin Zixuan were sad, but also these two, who cried behind their backs for countless times. Now that Jiang Yunji is alive and well, they must ask for some interest no matter what.

Alas, before Qin Zixuan opened his mouth, he sighed first and asked, "Da Hai, although I don't like that fake dragon vein, it is yours after all, how do you plan to protect it?"

Hehe, Dahai pursed his lips in joy, and began to tell Qin Zixuan about his plan. Qin Zixuan and Li Han were stunned after hearing this, feeling that the so-called Taoist Sun was sent by this kid.

Doesn't that mean that the cartloads of natural materials and earthly treasures brought by Daoist Sun will also fall into the hands of this kid?Qin Zixuan sincerely convinced Dahai, this kid really wasn't the one who suffered.

Dahai turned the cup in his hand with an evil smile on his face. His surname is Qin, yes, but he is not from the royal family. He only knows that his father is Qin Zixuan and his mother is Li Han. relation.

It's not difficult to get along well. Since you can't get along well, then it's okay to fight with them. If you don't know what grandma is thinking, Dahai would have raised the flag long ago. This kid was not a fuel-efficient lamp in his previous life. Teach even worse.

Qin Zixuan himself wasn't that bad, and the eldest son he brought out was definitely a bad guy among the bad guys. Qin Zixuan passed on all the tricks and abduction methods he knew in his previous life to Dahai, for fear that his eldest son would suffer in this world.

Then he taught Dahai the character of not being disadvantaged, and at the same time a cunning little fox, much more cunning than Qin Zixuan, at least Dahai never believed in the emperor, and Qin Zixuan really did, that's why he was so sad.

"Father, the things from our Prince Cheng's Mansion are given to friends. If they are not friends, the things given away will of course be taken back." Da Hai said meaningfully, and Qin Zixuan blinked, as if it made sense.

Li Han drank the tea in the cup in one gulp, and asked, "What else do you plan? What do we need to do?"

"I'm going to take over the Eastern Continent. There are endless land, endless mountains, rich minerals, cold-resistant wheat, sweet and delicious rice, etc. Those are all money."

When Dahai said the last sentence, his eyes were staring, and he looked greedy for money. Qin Zixuan was also drunk, as if he had never been short of his money since he was a child, but this kid is a money addict, and he has never changed.

The family chatted for a long time, and finally Li Han slapped the table and decided not to leave. He wanted to help his eldest son win the Eastern Continent, which would be the territory of Prince Cheng's mansion in the future.

Qin Zixuan pinched his chin and asked the emperor's spies how to arrange it. Dahai showed a sinister smile on his face, how else could he arrange it? Of course, he would kill one batch and take another. He had plenty of means to deal with those spies.

Now that Dahai has a plan, Qin Zixuan has nothing to say, he is really despised by dinosaurs too much, and he wants to prove that he is not so cowardly, he can still accomplish great things.

Now that he has decided to use troops, the cannons and other supplies must keep up. These Dahai said not to worry, the capable craftsmen of Prince Cheng's Mansion have been quietly brought out by him, and even the core personnel of the shipyard have moved away.

Naturally, the technology was also taken away. The sea was to prevent the emperor from turning his back on him. If the emperor thought that he would not need the existence of Prince Cheng's mansion if he had spears and cannons.

(End of this chapter)

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