Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1094 Surrender

Chapter 1094 Surrender
Qin Zixuan's idea is very good, but there are beasts that don't cooperate. When the dinosaur heard that someone was ambushing in the forest, he was immediately happy. He is the best at fighting in the forest. .

We haven't discussed the strategy here yet, but the other side is already in a mess. The dinosaurs have thick skin and are not afraid of being hit. live.

After Qin Zixuan and Li Han got the letter, they had no choice but to lead the army forward, and after further discussion, the ambushing enemy army would run away. The dinosaurs are really powerful, and they couldn't help the ambushing soldiers, one after another. Get up and flee.

Eleanor, who was leading the army, looked bitter at the scene. It wasn't that he was incompetent. He really couldn't think of it. He couldn't think of a monster so powerful that it could break a tree as thick as a bucket. If they didn't escape, they would die. was stoned to death.

But this time the ambush also reminded Li Han and his gang, that is, the enemy is not as weak as imagined, they are strong, it's better not to be proud, being a down-to-earth person is the most down-to-earth.

The dinosaurs joined Li Han's army and chased them all the way to the Starry Sky City. Countless enemy corpses were dropped along the way. Thinking of him being abandoned so easily.

No one wants to die if he can live, but Eleanor knows that he can't live. If he dares to surrender, the city lord will dare to kill his whole family now. Eleanor has no choice but to turn around and fight to the death.

This is the destination of soldiers. It is the glory of soldiers to die on the battlefield. Facing the enemy, you can either fight to the death or die in battle, no matter which one is worthy of respect.

Li Han respected the soldiers who fought to the death, so he gave Eleanor time to regroup. exude from the body.

Everyone is not a fool, what does it mean to flee to the city without opening the gate?Everyone understands that they know that they either need to kill the enemy and survive, or they die under the city. If the enemy is not destroyed, they have no chance to return to the city alive.

Fight to the death!These two words flashed in the hearts of the soldiers. Everyone knew the outcome of the matter. It was not unreasonable for the underdogs to win. At this moment, they exuded a strong fighting spirit.

Li Han waved her hand to stop the Long Spear Team, took off the Dragon Slaying Saber, with respect on her face, she decided to kill their fighting spirit by herself!

Qin Zixuan looked at the opposite side, and then at his eldest daughter-in-law. Isn't this bullying? If a master like the eldest daughter-in-law is on the stage, who is her opponent?Forget it, do yourself a favor, let's play by myself!
Qin Zixuan bit the horse's belly, whipped the horse and rushed out. After rushing out, Qin Zixuan thought of a very important thing, and that was his fire dragon gun?It seems to be in Linxi's hands.

Lin Xi jumped anxiously when he saw the prince rushing out, he was still holding the prince's fire dragon gun in his arms, why are you rushing without a weapon?Isn't this adding to the chaos?Lin Xi rushed out with a little horse.

Li Han looked at the young man who couldn't laugh or cry, and urged his horse to come to Qin Zixuan's side, and there were a few low laughs behind him, the tense atmosphere was resolved by Qin Zixuan's mischief, and they drew out their weapons and rushed towards the enemy.

"Um, Lin Xi, where's your gun?" Qin Zixuan didn't stop his horse, he knew that once he rushed up, he couldn't stop, and stopping would affect the charging of the soldiers behind him, so he had to ride on the horse and shout.

"Here, the prince is here." Lin Xi replied.Bai Jing rode by Lin Xi's side, pouted with disgust, Lin Xi's strength was still so scumbag, just as scumbag and lazy as his prince.

Bai Jing reached out and took away the gun from Lin Xi's hand, quickly caught up with Qin Zixuan, and handed the fire dragon gun to Qin Zixuan, she should kill first, otherwise she would be so teased by the prince that she would not have the strength to fight.

Qin Zixuan held the fire dragon gun in high spirits, roaring to the sky, shouting to kill!Li Han waved the big knife in his hand and shouted to kill, but one hand seemed to be open. Anyone who knew Li Han knew that he was protecting someone.

The two sides rushed together, Qin Zixuan swung the fire dragon spear and stabbed, and then saw one enemy after another fell in front of him, whether they fell in front of him or not by his gun, Qin Zixuan sadly found that there was a circle of relatives around him. soldier.

These personal soldiers were as fierce as wolves and tigers, but they wiped out those who were close to Qin Zixuan, and those who were not destroyed were too far away from Qin Zixuan, and the fire dragon spear was not long enough to pierce the opponent.

Bai Jing chopped off Eleanor's head, looked back at the prince who was holding a spear, and couldn't help laughing out loud. Her prince came to the battlefield to make fun of it, and he was right.

On the city wall, the starry sky city lord watched a soldier who was facing him fall down in a row, as if they were harvesting wheat. They couldn't even resist effectively. Where did this group of people come from? God of killing?

One by one to destroy the enemy, Li Han waved his hand, the flag commander raised the flag, and the army returned to the position to re-form.

"Boom!" Li Han pointed to the Starry Sky City in front of him, and gave the order to attack. The artillery fire rang out, and the Starry Sky City fell into the artillery fire. The owner of the Starry Sky City stood on the wall and shouted loudly!
Amidst the roar of artillery fire, the city wall fell, and fragments fell all over the place. Starry Sky City could no longer mobilize a large army to fight.

Li Han waved his hand to let the army enter the city to take over Starry Sky City, and the old routine continued. Li Han did not participate in the governance, but sat in the city lord's mansion and played chess with Qin Zixuan. The game was Xiangqi. It was a good game, and Li Han liked it very much.

Starry Sky City's counterattack was not strong, and the chaos was quelled within half a day. The main reason was that their soldiers had all gone to the battlefield. If they wanted to counterattack again, they had to use force. Qin Zixuan was still asleep the next day, and someone outside the city begged to see him.

The soldiers reported to Li Han that the four city lords including Zhuoma City had come to ask for an interview. They were not here to fight, but to surrender. Together with the city lord of Xingkong City, these people formed a coalition army to ambush Qin Zixuan and his party. The strategy failed.

The most important thing is that the frontal battle was also defeated. At that time, they still had more than 1 remnants. Li Han took a photo of 6000 people and killed them all. This made the city lords understand one thing, that is, to fight them It's an amateur, and it can't beat others' professional ones.

For the safety of the people in the city, these city lords voluntarily surrendered. Of course, there are nobles standing behind them. I heard that this army is the executioner of the nobles. The purpose of the city lords is to intercede for the nobles. They do not want to die. After all, everyone The city lords themselves are members of the nobility, and they also represent the interests of the nobility.

(End of this chapter)

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