Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1215 Prepare for Battle

Chapter 1215 Prepare for Battle
"General, will Xue Zhenye really lead his troops to take such a route? If he doesn't take this route, wouldn't we have ambushed in vain?" A dark-faced man beside Fang Yang asked in a low voice, sweat dripping from his cheeks Next, he lazily raised his hand to wipe it.

"Woo!" Fang Yang put his finger on his lips, signaling the man not to speak. He had no idea about this matter, but it is said that the prince has no omissions. The prince said that Xue Zhenye would go here, so he should go.

Under the shade of a tree, Qin Zixuan was leaning on the side of the tree with a blade of grass in his mouth, a pair of big watery eyes were wandering around, beside him Li Han was holding a water bag and enjoying himself.

I don't know what good thing Qin Zixuan has done. It is a very good thing to make Li Han happy like that. Le's general doesn't even pay attention to the upcoming battle.

Lin Xi squatted aside, looking at his prince and general, feeling that this is not a battlefield, this is a place to enjoy the spring, Bai Jing and Dai Chun got together and watched with binoculars for a while, Dai Chun pouted With disgust on his face, the general smiled so silly.

Bai Jing gave Dai Chun a slap, and said in a low voice, "Are you bringing your son out this time, are you planning to return to the regular army or return to the command of the general?"

"Aren't you asking nonsense?" Dai Chun rolled his eyes, and his words were a bit rough, which caused Wang Rui to stare. Dai Chun didn't care, and said in a low voice: "If I return to the regular army, will I be retired?"

"Don't you know that it is more difficult to get along under the new emperor than under the former emperor. Even if the former emperor was suspicious, he would tolerate heroes like us, but the new emperor doesn't have that kind of tolerance."

Speaking of this, Dai Chun shook his head and sighed: "The old man Cheng Qiu has been transferred to the extreme north now, and the new emperor actually asked him to lead troops to conquer that endless snow field. Didn't he want to drive people to death?" ?"

Bai Jing frowned, she also received this news before the expedition, but she couldn't figure out why Cheng Qiu would agree, at worst, it would be a rest, Yu Zai Bai Jing asked the reason, the reason was embarrassing.

It turned out that Cheng Qiu wanted to leave a bright future for his son, even though the emperor forced him so much, Cheng Qiu still decided to carry it out, hoping that the emperor would see his loyalty, but how could this be possible.

One day he is labeled as a general, and one day he is a member of Cheng Wangfu. It is impossible for the emperor to reuse Cheng Qiu's son. Dai Chun has seen through this matter and realized it, so he chooses to quit this game.

But Cheng Qiu was stuck in it. It was also at that time that the General and Prince Cheng were not in Yujing, they had no backbone, and there were only two paths in front of them, one was to obey the emperor's order, and the other was to quit the officialdom.

Bai Jing didn't say anything after hearing this. The general had his own plans for this matter. The general once said that her subordinates can die in battle, but they can't die in a conspiracy. I don't know if this counts as a conspiracy?
Maybe the general is waiting for the news of Cheng Qiu. After all, the little princess Linger is also in the extreme north. If Cheng Qiu and his gang are lucky enough to survive, it should be the little princess Tofu. It is estimated that the general is waiting for this news.

"Do you know who came up with the idea? There is no news about this matter from the Black Demon side, do you know?" Bai Jing asked in a low voice.

The general investigated this matter after he knew about it, but he didn't find out who came up with the idea. Anyway, it happened suddenly and very quickly. Cheng Qiu, who was originally conquesting the Quartet, was transferred away. The key is that Cheng Qiu actually obeyed orders. 's gone.

"I've heard some news about this matter, and it's probably Zheng Zhaoyi's idea." Dai Chun said in a low voice that he knew the source of the news, and he could only say that everything was a coincidence.

Unexpectedly, Dai Chun's son, Dai Peng, hooked up with a maid in the harem. The maid was Zheng Zhaoyi's maid before she entered the palace, and the two met before she entered the palace.

Originally, the maid wanted to redeem her body, which Zheng Zhaoyi had promised before. Zheng Zhaoyi didn't want the maid beside her to become the husband's liaison in the future, so she agreed to such an attractive condition.

It’s just that the plan didn’t change quickly. Zheng Zhaoyi was favored by the new emperor, and she would naturally have a loyal maid beside her when she entered the palace, so the maid became a palace maid. After the maid got the information, she notified Dai Peng, that is, she could not promise the emperor no matter what. expedition.

As for the reason, the maid did not say, Dai Peng wanted to ask, but was stopped by Dai Chun, the little maid is sympathetic, we can't do unrighteous things, sending messages from the palace is risking our lives, sending a message means dying Walk the edge once.

So there is no evidence for this matter, everything is Dai Chun's speculation, Bai Jing sighed for a while, it seems that the bad relationship with Zheng's family has been planted early, and Zheng Nian's death is not wronged at all.

"Does your family want more, little palace lady? If you want, tell the general, and the general will definitely find a way." Bai Jing is kind-hearted, and she doesn't look down on the other party just because of her low background.

Wang Rui tilted his head to look at Dai Chun, and Dai Chun looked at his son in the distance with his ears on alert. After knowing the truth, Dai Chun proposed to his son to discuss marriage, but his son refused. , this marriage is delayed.

"Is this possible? That's a matter in the harem." Dai Chun didn't say no, Dai Peng let out a sigh of relief, and continued to support his ears. Bai Jing laughed twice. It's not difficult, the big deal is stealing people.

Seeing Bai Jing's evil smile, Dai Chun said softly: "Then I'll mention it to the general, and if I can't help it, I won't force it."

"Don't worry, this matter is easy to handle." Bai Jing took care of everything, Wang Rui's mouth twitched a few times, and he didn't hit Bai Jing, as if he was talking about things in his own backyard.

Dai Peng turned back and smiled gratefully at Bai Jing, and continued to be vigilant.Soldiers, cannons and mines are buried everywhere in the wild crops and weeds, just waiting for Xue Zhenye to appear.

The branches in the distance suddenly shook a few times, Lin Xi quickly straightened her neck to watch, Li Han lay down and listened for a while, and said, "Here we are, ready to fight!"

The corners of Lin Xi's opened mouth closed. The general was really powerful. He knew the enemy was coming just by hearing it. He was too powerful. These ears were better than the prince's. The prince's ears were used to listen to dice.

Qin Zixuan took out the dice from his arms and began to shake it. The small appearance looked like he had entered a casino. He actually asked Li Han to bet on the size. Li Han cooperated very well and really made the bet. The guards on duty were really impressed. The temperament of his prince and general is gone, and it is not a human being who is calm.

Xue Zhenye was walking among the army, looking at the endless crops, his eyes were full of murderous intent, just waiting for him to regroup and fight Qin Zixuan again, he did not believe that the man could always occupy the favorable terrain, and he would definitely kill him without leaving any behind.

"Only so few people?" Qin Zixuan murmured to himself, whether he was disappointed or happy in his tone, Li Han looked at it for a while and added that half of them were wounded, Qin Zixuan was really happy now.

(End of this chapter)

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