Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1232 Deliberately

Chapter 1232 Deliberately

After Qin Zishuo beat Dai Yan, he didn't continue to embarrass Shang Rong. Instead, he led people to say that he would send people to carry Shang Rong into the mansion in three days to make room for him. The time when Qin Ziming started the war.

Qin Zixuan heard the taste of conspiracy from this utterance, this time it is not because someone wants to mess with the virtuous king, right? If Qin Zishuo really likes Shang Rong, why didn't he raise him as a concubine?It's a slap in the face to use lift to describe Tongfang.

Seeing Qin Zixuan frowning, Li Han was immediately unhappy and snapped his fingers. Yang Shulin walked in from the outside. Li Han immediately ordered, "Send someone to investigate Qin Zishuo and see what he wants to do."


Yang Shulin led the order to retreat, and Bai Jing shook the cup and said: "It seems that Yujing City has never had a single day of peace. It was only yesterday that we got involved with our prince, and today they confronted the virtuous king. These people can't wait to reach the sky in one step."

"Sister, can you change the word? That's not the way to use the word. If you want to do it, I'm going to do it to others." Qin Zixuan didn't like it, and immediately corrected Bai Jing's grammatical errors. Bai Jing couldn't help laughing, the prince really cares about everything .

Li Han shook his head and smiled, and continued: "Yujing City has never been peaceful. Whether it was before or now, there are countless pairs of eyes staring at the road to the sky. If they want to be in power, they have to pull down the people above. This is the law. , is an unchanging law.”

"Tongtian Road is not easy to walk. If you take one wrong step, you will be smashed to pieces. If you want to mess with the virtuous king, they will probably suffer. The virtuous king is not a toothless tiger. He just put away his edge for the time being. If he really wants to start a war, the only one who loses is It's King Jiayi."

Qin Zixuan had an inscrutable look, pinching his fingers and making a miraculous expression. Everyone was amused to see it, but after careful consideration, Qin Zixuan's words made sense.

No matter how coldly received the virtuous king is, he is also a veteran of the former court. It is rumored that he can live under the former emperor. There is no reason why he cannot play well under the new emperor.

As the late emperor's trusted confidant, King Xian knows far more than King Jiayi, King Jiayi only has the emperor in his eyes, but King Xian has more things in his eyes, such as the four major families.

The virtuous king must know that there are four major families above the royal family. They have a cooperative relationship with the royal family. They don't embarrass the royal family, but the royal family can't control them. If you don't want to leave people, you can call them back at any time.

"Then help Shang Rong?" Song Tong asked, his mind was slow and he hadn't sorted out the complicated relationship inside, he just wanted to know Shang Rong's fate.

That woman is also strong, and she can refuse to face Qin Ziming. If she follows Qin Ziming, her life will be happier than now, and no one will bully her at the door.

Qin Zixuan slowly uttered a word, that is to help, Qin Ziming is helping him with the layout now, there is no reason why he should not help him with the affairs in the backyard, no matter whether Shang Rong accepts Qin Ziming or not, he is branded by Qin Ziming.

The matter of Shang Rong came to an end, Qin Zixuan toasted to congratulate everyone, this time the troops sent to the south were able to fight so smoothly, this group of people did a lot of hard work, and he himself just came up with a brain, the real fight had to be played by these people.

What the emperor rewarded was the emperor, and this group of people stamped the imprint of Cheng Wangfu, then Cheng Wangfu accepted them, left and right are just a future, so don't worry about it.

Qin Zixuan was not worried anymore, the emperor was sitting in the Hall of Mental Cultivation and began to worry, things that had been planned had changed, but nothing was done, how could he let Qin Zixuan go to the Western Continent?
If it was stated clearly that even if Qin Zixuan was on a business trip, he would have to pay for the travel expenses, the emperor said that he didn't want to pay Qin Zixuan even if the national treasury was sufficient now.

Empress Lu sat across from the emperor, looking at the emperor's appearance, she was also worried. The emperor got angry after what happened yesterday, and reprimanded all the ministers for being unrighteous. The object of this reprimand was the Lu family.

Fortunately, it was just dissatisfaction and reprimand, and no further drastic measures were taken. When Empress Lu was thinking about something, the emperor slapped the table and shouted: "Do you know? I'm quite dissatisfied with those princes who eat vegetarian meals in their corpses!"

Empress Lu looked up at the emperor, what does it mean to be dissatisfied with the prince?Could it be that some prince wants to start?Is it still King Cheng?Now King Cheng is not easy to deal with, he can't fight with force, and his intelligence is not good. If you really push King Cheng to return to Yujing, it will be called trouble.

This kind of thing is now being suppressed by the old lady, if it is really forced, it will not work, Qin Zixuan's petty temper is really difficult to deal with, even Princess Cheng can't suppress it.

Thinking of this, Empress Lu frowned even tighter. The emperor didn't expect the empress to give her opinions. He just wanted to find someone to vent to.

"There are a dozen of those princes in total, but there are really not many of them that can be used. The Jiayi King that I am using now, besides talking nonsense, he just wants to gain power in his arms. I am satisfied with him, and he also promised to Qin Zixuan. It started firing, but look, he was playing dead yesterday, and he didn't make a sound from the beginning to the end."

The more the emperor thought about it, the more angry he became, and he was very dissatisfied with King Jiayi, but he regarded King Jiayi as his confidant, and entrusted the important task of attacking Qin Zixuan to King Jiayi, but he didn't expect that old man to say nothing.

"It's indeed King Jiayi's fault. Did he mention any difficulties? For example, King Cheng's slanderous revenge, have you guaranteed him this?" Empress Lu immediately thought of the important point.

The emperor snorted, how dare he guarantee this kind of thing in person, besides, even if he didn't give the guarantee, wouldn't he have to complete the tasks of the Bank of Communications?
The hall was quiet again, only the sound of the emperor's heavy breathing could be heard from time to time.
After Qin Zixuan, Dai Chun and the others had finished drinking and went to the brothel to play with the lanterns, they parted from the generals. Qin Zixuan and Li Han sat in the carriage together. Wang's.

The records from King Jiayi's birth to the present are very clear. I have to say that Yang Shulin really knows how to handle affairs. Not only did he check Qin Zishuo, but he also checked all of his lineages. He didn't even miss anyone who made good friends with him.

Li Han pointed to the information and shouted: "From this point of view, King Jiayi should be the one who has the chance to be on the dragon chair. It's just fate, and he fell out of favor in the end. What a pity."

Qin Zixuan pursed his lips and continued: "C'mon, it's so rare that it's strange. The emperor's favor is like a gust of wind, and it's over when it's said. It's too common to fall out of favor, but he is also a smart one. He survived the cleaning. Having lived three generations of emperors, this life is really tough, and I can live too."

Thinking of King Jiayi surviving from the hands of the emperor, Qin Zixuan had to sigh that this man is a scheming master!

(End of this chapter)

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