Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1242 Dumbfounded

Chapter 1242 Dumbfounded
Li Han gritted his teeth secretly, knowing that the young man was playing tricks, and seeing the emperor's foolishness, he felt a little sympathetic to this guy, and it was a pleasure to say something directly, but he had to beat around the bush.

Hehe, the emperor's current mood is hehe, and his mouth is also hehe. He is quite speechless to Qin Zixuan. Doesn't he know that he will grow old if he doesn't go out, but how can he go out?

There are a few who are emperors, they can go wherever they want, they are tied to the palace all their lives, and they will be there wherever the palace is, and they will die if they travel at will.

These days, how many grand masters are staring at his position, the emperor can know with his butt thinking, all these ambitious people are staring at him in the dark, and if they have the opportunity, they will definitely kill him.

As for how good the Western Continent is, these are all assumptions. The emperor doesn't know what's there. Of course, he knows what's next to Daqin, because the army is fighting on the front line, and there will be memorials sent there.

No matter how far away the emperor was, he didn't know what was going on, so he just praised Qin Zixuan to coax Qin Zixuan to take a look. How could he know that Qin Zixuan would not accept this, which made the emperor very helpless.

Qin Zixuan wiped his mouth, said I'm leaving, got up to say goodbye, the emperor was dumbfounded, opened his mouth a few times in a daze, but didn't say the gossip about Qin Zixuan going to the Western Continent.

Qin Zixuan was also drunk looking at such an emperor, why not be so fake, will he die if he speaks directly?Since the emperor is so fake, then Qin Zixuan will not take the initiative to mention anything.

There are two routes to the Western Continent, one departs from the Tongwan Strait in Daqin, and the other departs from the South China Sea. Qin Zixuan intends to bypass the South China Sea to keep the emperor from knowing his destination.

Even if he went to the Western Continent and didn't bring any news to this bastard, making him, a cowardly scumbag, not truthful, Qin Zixuan suddenly understood why Qin Zihe was so cooperative when he was still the prince.

This guy is timid and afraid of taking responsibility, Qin Zixuan will implement whatever idea he comes up with, and if something goes wrong, he can push it to Qin Zixuan's head. This is not cooperation, it's a big hole dug early.

Qin Zixuan only hated himself for realizing it too late, and mistakenly regarded Qin Zihe as a friend. Now that he saw Qin Zihe clearly, it was meaningless, he might as well leave Yujing and wander around.

When Qin Zixuan left, the emperor sat there sulking, and at the same time he was still trying to make a move, but unfortunately he didn't think of a good move, that kid Qin Zixuan is too slippery now, the emperor thought about it and thought of the old queen.

It seems that the only option is to ask the old queen to take action. If the old queen suggested that Qin Zixuan would have to go, so the emperor went to find the old queen again. This guy is not afraid of embarrassment, and actually went to the old queen to complain.

He said that the national treasury was empty, he said he was worried about the differences in the Western Continent, he said that no one was available, he said a lot of old ladies, and finally understood that he wanted to send people to the Western Continent to explore the way.

Pathfinding is a dangerous job, and the old lady was unwilling to let Qin Zixuan take risks from the bottom of her heart, so the old lady gave a trick, that is, to use Tang Shiqiang. Tang Shiqiang built the navy with one hand, and he is quite familiar with the conditions of the sea. use.

The emperor sat there with his head bowed and bitter, he made it so clear that the person he wanted to send was Qin Zixuan, because that kid had money and a boat, and sending Qin Zixuan could save money on traveling and boating.

That warship cost a million grains of silver, and the emperor said he didn't want to spend that money. Besides, the cost of sending an envoy to the west was quite high.

The emperor can only think about this thought in his heart, if the old lady is said to be so angry that he vomits blood, the majestic emperor spends this money on others, why can't his own family spend it!
It is considered generous to those foreign relatives, rewarding officials and houses and rewarding money, but plotting against one's own cousin in every possible way. Is this stupid or smart?Who is the relative and who is the outsider?
The emperor sat there for a long time, but the old lady didn't mention Qin Zixuan, besides Tang Shiqiang, he mentioned another person, that person was Fu Chengying, the old lady had heard about Fu Chengying's abilities.

Both of these two candidates are the same, they cost money, and they are not the candidates in the emperor's heart, but the old empress did not go to Qin Zixuan, the emperor did not move, so he had to return in vain.

When the emperor left, the old lady sat and sighed, her heart bursting with disappointment. The son is good, but the grandson is out of shape. This is all inherited from the mother's family. It seems that the royal family has to keep their eyes wide open to see clearly. All the families are married.

When Qin Zixuan returned to the palace, Qin Ziming was already waiting there. Qin Ziming wanted to go to sea with Qin Zixuan, but Qin Zixuan couldn't agree, and the bank still relied on Qin Ziming to take care of it.

Besides, there are still many things that Qin Ziming needs to do. Qin Ziming was disappointed when he got the news. He had no choice but to stay behind.

As for the ability of who can snatch these external objects, it will be fine to recover them ten times and a hundred times when they are liquidated in the future. Anyway, this business will not lose money.

Qin Ziming listened to Zhile, or this brother would do business, and he didn't worry about others ruining his business, and living every day was called nourishment, so Qin Ziming proposed a farewell party, and the place would be Yihong Courtyard.

Yihong Courtyard is a good place. At the beginning, Qin Zishuo became famous there. Now the whole Yujing knows that there is still business in Yihong Courtyard.

Hearing Qin Ziming's proposal, Qin Zixuan shook his head and refused, not because he was afraid of going to Yihong Courtyard, but because Qin Zixuan knew what he looked like, and he didn't want to be someone else's fantasy with his eyes closed.

He'd better go to a more normal place, Qin Zixuan directly chose Ruyan Pavilion, the atmosphere there was good, Qin Zixuan liked it better, so Qin Ziming had no choice but to agree and make an appointment before leaving.

When Qin Ziming left, Qin Zixuan sat there and counted the heads with his fingers. At the end of the calculation, Qin Zixuan felt that there was still one important person missing. Could it be that this person ran away?
No way, holy master, that is a dignified person. After the entire army was annihilated, he fled back to the Suzaku Empire alone. Does he still have the face to live?If you don't bring something back to the Suzaku Empire, it will be a joke to go back this time.

Seeing Qin Zixuan picking his finger, Li Han stepped forward to say a few words of concern. Hearing Qin Zixuan's thoughts, Li Han also felt that something was wrong. Did Hua Tianyue die? Why didn't he show up?

The husband and wife sat there to study the reason why Hua Tianyue didn't show up, didn't they find a chance?This is unlikely. They went out of the city to hunt several times, and there is a flaw of intentional selling. If the other party is in the dark, it is impossible not to know.

The two of them thought for a long time, but they didn't expect that Hua Tianyue ran away cowardly, or didn't dare to show up, but lost his way!
(End of this chapter)

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