Chapter 1268 Bet
It's been three days, and within three days, Qin Zixuan's serial suits also made a real cry, and a tragic mood spread over Yujing.

Some people say that King Cheng will fight for the last drop of blood for Daqin, just to save the people of Daqin from suffering. Some people say that King Cheng gave all his loyalty to Daqin and should not end up like this. Some people say that loyal ministers and good generals are buried in the battlefield. They are fighting for Daqin and for their faith.
No matter what others said, Qin Zixuan didn't respond at all. The tragic effect he wanted was to stop the palace's mouth and save them from having nothing to do to encourage the people to force him to go to war.

How could he want to send himself to death without digging out his flesh and blood? This time, he not only emptied the treasury, but also forced the emperor to copy a few more, otherwise it would not be enough for his travel expenses.

Empress Lu smashed several cups angrily, and lost to Qin Zixuan again in this confrontation, that bastard took the lead in what they wanted to do step by step, what a bastard, there is nothing he can't do for money.

The emperor had given up struggling, he should do things honestly, as long as he agreed to Qin Zixuan's conditions, the six ministers gathered in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and everyone began to discuss how to raise military funds for Qin Zixuan.

The Hubu Shangshu opened his mouth and cried poorly, telling the emperor that if he really agreed, then Daqin's treasury would really be empty, and nothing could be brought out. The emperor gave him a sideways look and said nothing.

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry said that as long as you have money and iron, you can make as many bullets as you want, but it takes time, so there is no rush.The emperor also knew that there was no need to rush, but he didn't want to see Qin Zixuan, and wanted Qin Zixuan to get out of here quickly.

Therefore, the Minister of the Ministry of Industry promised to expand the team of craftsmen, and then implemented a twelve-hour work system, allowing craftsmen to work in three shifts, so as to maintain their physical strength without affecting the construction period.

This proposal is good, the emperor agreed, and the matter of the Ministry of Industry was explained, and the problem was transferred to the Ministry of Households, that is, money, money, and money, and quickly transferred the money to the Ministry of Industry.

It's easy for the Ministry of War to explain that the source of troops has been prepared, that is, the group of people stationed in the south. Anyway, the direction is not an obedient master, so it is just right for Qin Zixuan to take it away.

The Minister of Rites promised with a dark face that he would send away those who should be sent away one by one, as long as all those who were not loyal to him were packaged and sent to Prince Cheng, so as not to cause trouble for himself.

The next step is to use the abacus to calculate the accounts, but no matter how I do the calculations, I can't get enough money, so what should I do?Hubu Shangshu scratched his head anxiously, and the emperor rolled his eyes, wondering which minister to attack.

As long as a few ministers' homes are copied, the vacancy will be filled. If you copy more, the treasury will have money. If you want money, you can search the house. The money from the house is the fastest. This is the creed of the emperor since he took office.

Qin Zixuan laughed and cried when he received the news from the palace, and said to Li Han: "I'm so happy to die, look at the few families that got the benefits last time, they must be on the search list this time."

Li Han thinks it's unlikely, they are the emperor's favored ministers, the emperor will not raid their homes just for some money, that's not how the emperor of a country behaves, Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows, that is the emperor of a country Make pie.

Qin Zixuan made a bet with Li Han, betting that these people would be unlucky, Li Han agreed, the condition was that if Qin Zixuan made the bet, he would unconditionally agree to one thing with Li Han, and if Li Han lost, the conditions were the same.

Then Li Han became a happy flower, and she has always been like this without betting, but Princess Xiaoxiang is right and often refute her, no matter whether she wins or loses this time, she will not lose.

When Li Han was happy to recruit the daughters of the Song family, they should play a few games of mahjong. Before Dahai and the others were at home, Concubine Cheng would not let them play in front of the children. Now it is different, and they can play as much as they want.

On the West Sea, Tang Shiqiang stood at the bow of the boat, looked at the coastline in sight, and let out a long breath. Fortunately, Qin Zixuan had a plan, otherwise he would really be carried on the West Sea this time.

There was a burst of cheers on the boat. They knew that half of the mission was completed. As long as they returned to Daqin with the information from the Western Continent, they would definitely be promoted.

Tang Shiqiang looked at this group of people and curled his lips. Good things happen every year, but it is uncertain whether it will be his turn. The matter in the Western Continent is still being kept secret. It is better for the Great Qin Emperor not to get news.

The seaside outpost also found the boats on the sea, and hurriedly reported to the superiors. How to send these people away is up to their generals, and whether they live or die depends entirely on the general's thoughts.

After Li Zhui received the news, he identified it carefully for a while, and knew that it was Tang Shiqiang who had come. As early as two months ago, he received the order from the king, that is, after Tang Shiqiang arrived, everyone except Tang Shiqiang's confidantes were detained .

The Western Continent is unfair, and this group of people should stay honest. If anyone is dishonest, they will be sent to see the first emperor.Thinking about what was on his mind, Li Zhui had led people out to meet him, Tang Shiqiang couldn't help but click his tongue when he looked at the army on the shore.

I didn't expect that the children I watched growing up were more powerful than the other, but I seemed to be living in vain. Being bullied by the emperor into a grandson, I didn't dare to make a big noise. In this life, I still live like a king of Cheng.

Along with Tang Shiqiang arrived there was a shipment of food, which was contributed by the emperor. Thinking of that bad boy Qin Zixuan, Tang Shiqiang was really convinced, everything was counted, and there was no plan left.

When all the people on the boat went ashore, Tang Shiqiang ordered the people on the boat to obey the order, and follow Li Zhui's men and horses to leave honestly. Don't try to make trouble, this is not Daqin, even if you are the emperor, it is useless to come here.

Some smart people have already seen that Tang Shiqiang doesn't know the route. He has already hooked up with people from the Western Continent. That's right, he is the leader of the navy, and of course he knows more than them.

Then Li Zhui and Tang Shiqiang started on their way with food. The front line urgently needed food and grass.

Thinking of Qin Zixuan's little abacus, Tang Shiqiang felt that someone must be unlucky after he left Beijing, and it would be no good for that kid to pull out his abacus, but he didn't know whose idea Qin Zixuan had.

Li Zhui heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this, and at the same time lamented that Prince Cheng is really amazing, he can do whatever he wants, it's not like they scratched their heads until they were bald and didn't think of a move, otherwise the king would not have asked the prince and the little prince for help.

The current battle situation has entered a stalemate, and it depends on who can fight to the end. Both sides are fighting against the sky, and no one has any extra food. The batch of food brought by Tang Shiqiang strengthened Li Zhui's confidence in winning.

On the battlefield, the face of the Yangtze River was as sinking as water, and his immature face was full of fortitude, showing a maturity that did not match his age. He followed Donghuang Taiye closely beside the Yangtze River, and lined up all the disciples of the Huangfu family along the way.

This group of people all obeyed the command of the Yangtze River, and when the Yangtze River gave an order, they rushed forward with horses and whips to tear the enemy into pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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