Chapter 1270
After this turmoil, other banks will definitely be damaged. When Ziming Bank comes out again, it will definitely be able to take over a piece of the market.

That is the internal rectification of the bank. People are asked to keep the deeds, and they can exchange them normally when the bank opens. As for when the door will open, it is hard to say, and it is not good.

Qin Zixuan's suggestion got thumbs up. There are not many depositors in Ziming Bank, so it is no problem to exchange it now, but other banks are hard to say.

It's really hard to say whether it will cause a round of financial turmoil. Qin Zixuan shook his head vigorously thinking of that scene. When the emperor tastes the bitter fruit, he should understand that some things really cannot be moved.

If private property is not protected by law, it will also cause a major earthquake. How to solve it will be discussed later. Qin Zixuan rubbed his chin and smiled wickedly.

The facts were indeed as Qin Zixuan guessed, the common people panicked when they saw that Ziming Bank was closed, and went to exchange the banknotes in their hands one after another, the money was still in their hands with peace of mind.

The silver ticket is a thin piece of paper, what effect can it play? This effect soon spread to the whole city, with Yujing City as the center, shooting outwards, the situation that Qin Zixuan could have expected, but the emperor did not.

He was very angry that he did not get the money after he copied the palace of the virtuous king. He brought the virtuous king to the palace and asked where the virtuous king’s money went. It also shows that his goal is clear, and that is money?
So the virtuous king asked the emperor, that is, didn't you see every donation from the virtuous king's mansion?Isn't that money?The emperor who asked this question was speechless, it was money, isn't it Qin Ziming's money?

In fact, Qin Ziming didn't know how much money the emperor had made. He always thought that he had earned a lot, and it was impossible to only donate it. That's why he rushed to copy the palace of Xian Wang. He would really regret it.

I'm afraid that Prince Xian's Mansion won't make any more donations in the future, after all, their property has been exposed, so what can they say even if they don't donate.

Just when the emperor questioned the virtuous king, Qin Ziming ran to Prince Cheng's mansion again, that is, his shop in Yujing was blocked by people, and the depositors of Ziming bank demanded to exchange silver.

Whether or not to exchange for silver has become a problem. What if the exchange calms down the turmoil?Qin Zixuan rolled his eyes and told Qin Zixuan to ask Xiaoer to tell those depositors that the money can be used in Qin Ziming's shop.

If you feel that the deed is not good, then buy something, which can stimulate consumption.Qin Ziming's eyes lit up after hearing this. This is a solution. If you don't want to buy something, you can keep holding it and wait until the bank opens to exchange it.

If you want to buy something, you can use it as money. What a good way, your business will definitely go to a higher level, so Qin Ziming left happily.

On the third day, my God, the people went crazy, the banks of various families closed their doors one after another, and the silver they saved was not enough to exchange, and even bigger disturbances came, because behind those banks stood the shadows of officials, and many ministers’ houses The door was blocked by angry people.

At this time, the emperor realized that something was wrong, so he hurried to discuss with Empress Lu, no matter how awesome she was, Empress Lu had never experienced such a thing, so how could she know what to do, so he invited ministers into the palace to discuss, but found that many ministers could not come out. government.

The emperor thought about Qin Zixuan again at this time, but Qin Zixuan did not enter the palace, and replied that he was practicing in seclusion, trying to improve his strength, and he was going to Suzaku to fight desperately, and his own strength urgently needed to be improved.

The emperor scolded his mother angrily when he got the news, he forgives me, how to solve this situation is still a problem, who will forgive him?Empress Lu saw that there was really no way, so she came to a bottom line, that is, to continue arresting people and ransacking the house.

Those ministers must have a lot of money in the bank, so they copied them. When the idea came out, Qin Zixuan was shocked. That woman was definitely the one who brought disaster to the country and the people.

Fortunately, the emperor is not completely stupid. After thinking about it, besides Empress Lu, the Xian Wang and the Tai Tuo can be used, so Xian Wang's charges are cleared, everything is a misunderstanding, the official reinstatement, and the stolen property one by one sent back.

At the same time, Lin Yucheng also received the imperial decree. The emperor declared him to enter the palace. Before he left, Lin Yucheng sent someone to Chengwang's mansion to ask for a letter. Qin Zixuan sent a letter not to touch the ministers standing behind the bank, and the rest was optional.

Once these ministers move, it will be really chaotic. As long as those people don't want to lose their heads, they will naturally find a way to quell the riots, but if they really want to copy their homes, then they can only huh, the people of this world are controlled by the emperor. Take over, that's a big deal.

After receiving the letter, Lin Yucheng discussed with the old lady for a while, and then packed up and followed the eunuch into the palace. The eunuch who came to announce the decree had been waiting patiently. No matter how long Lin Yucheng discussed with the old lady, he would not urge him.

It's not that he didn't dare to urge him, but that he knew why the emperor announced his appointment, and also what Lin Yucheng and the old lady discussed. If they can discuss a solution, that would be a good thing.

Lin Yucheng entered the palace, and the virtuous king was already sitting there arguing with the emperor. That is whoever owns the bank. Qin Ziming will let Qin Ziming solve the problem. Anyway, that part of the people will definitely maintain stability. As for other banks, forgive him for his incompetence and cannot solve the problem.

The emperor was making calculations when he saw Lin Yucheng coming, so he quickly asked the matriarch to sit down. Since becoming emperor, it was the first time that Qin Zihe had such a good attitude towards Lin Yucheng, and he got up to greet the door.

The virtuous king looked at it and rolled his eyes secretly, what the hell, they are used, Baba invited people into the palace, and ransacked his house a few days ago, this Qin Zihe is too worthless.

Lin Yucheng didn't dare to trust him, so he saluted and sat down on his seat. He had a very good attitude and was definitely more polite than Qin Zixuan. If Qin Zixuan came, he would definitely not sit down honestly. The bead buckle is not enough to go away.

The emperor told the current situation and his own plan. After hearing this, Lin Yucheng sneered in his heart. Compared with his nephew, Qin Zihe is really a world apart.

Sitting at home, my nephew knew what Qin Zihe was going to ask, what plans he had, and how to solve it, while Qin Zihe was sitting on the dragon chair, except that he was the first emperor's son, he really didn't see any ability.

Of course, Lin Yucheng spoke very tactfully, not as straightforward as Qin Zixuan. He just reminded the emperor that if these people ransacked their homes, how would those people with silver tickets deal with it?

Rather than raiding their homes, it is better to order them to appease the people. If they cannot appease the people, it will not be too late to raid their homes and destroy them.It makes sense for the emperor to think about it. If their homes are raided now, it will be difficult for the people to settle down.

(End of this chapter)

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