Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1284 It's him!

Chapter 1284 It's him!

When they rushed to the front of the formation, they saw that there were only a few thousand people on the opposite side, and they immediately showed disappointment. Princess Pingnan's disappointed eyes had not had time to put away, and suddenly lit up, pointing at Qin Zixuan and shouting: "Father, I want that man."

Zhengnan Wang stared at Qin Zixuan, and couldn't help but spit. He only said that his daughter had good eyesight, and that the man was not only good-looking, but also very important. He was No.1 on the Suzaku Kill List, and the bounty had accumulated to 1000 million.

It's him!When Princess Pingnan heard his father mentioning Qin Zixuan, he thought about it carefully, not to mention the truth, he never thought that Qin Zixuan would dare to come to the Suzaku Empire, isn't he afraid of death?
He is Qin Zixuan, he looks better than the picture!The skin is as white as jade, smooth and delicate, the eyes are like agate with frequent glances, the bridge of the nose is high, the eyebrows are like willow leaves, the body is neither fat nor thin, it is simply perfect.

Princess Pingnan bit her lip and secretly admired Qin Zixuan's beauty, but the distance was a little far away. Princess Pingnan hadn't watched it enough. She slapped the horse and came to the two armies. King Zhengnan opened his hands in a daze but didn't call back.

Pointing in Qin Zixuan's direction, Princess Pingnan began to call out, no one wanted Qin Zixuan to come forward to talk to him. Qin Zixuan raised his arm and waved his hand, saying hello in a very friendly manner.

"Hello." Princess Pingnan was happy to hear that, and waved hello to say hello. The atmosphere was so harmonious.Li Han looked unhappy, looked at Princess Pingnan with raised eyebrows, and gave an evaluation, that is, he has no breasts or farts, and he is ugly and skinny.

Fortunately, I thought about it in my heart. If she really commented loudly, Princess Pingnan would definitely look for Li Han to fight for such a bad person. How could she be ugly?

"Sister, stop waving, that woman is too ugly, look at her washboard, I can't bear to look at it." Li Han shouted at Qin Zixuan, while Bai Jing was blowing her nose beside her, the smell of vinegar was so strong that it made her sour .

"It's okay, it's still a steamed bun anyway." Qin Zixuan answered slowly, the woman on the opposite side is good at anything, but the front is too small, it's not as good as the general, the general has grown into a big steamed stuffed bun anyway.

Hey, Li Han was disgusted for a while, and Bai Jing couldn't straighten up laughing beside her. Princess Pingnan didn't know what the other party was talking about, so she saw Bai Jing laughing like a fool, which was not a good thing.

Pointing at Qin Zixuan to ask Qin Zixuan to come out and do something, Qin Zixuan rubbed his nose, should he come up or not?It's not good to take the risk of not getting in. If you win, you're bullying a woman. If you lose, you can't even beat a woman. Anyway, it's embarrassing.

Qin Zixuan didn't do this kind of stupid thing, he tilted his head to let Bai Jing go up, received Wang Rui's contemptuous look, Bai Jing finally stopped laughing, and laughed again, the prince is really interesting, and there is no reason for this.

There was no other way, Bai Jing had no choice but to fight for the lord, try to conquer the strength of the soldiers under King Nan, she was very upset to see Bai Jing go out to Pingnan Princess, she also wanted to watch Qin Zixuan from a close distance, if Qin Zixuan could be snatched away, it would be even better Wonderful.

Bai Jing came to the front of the two armies, slashed his spear and reported his family. Princess Pingnan knew that Bai Jing was one of the two thugs under General Li Han. He heard that he was inseparable from Li Han and was Li Han's right-hand man. , then break his arm today.

Hey, there is a murderous look, Bai Jing flicked the spear, did not miss the murderous look of Pingnan Princess, and heard Pingnan Princess shout: "I am Fang Huixiang, the young general, take my life!"

It's a big fish, Bai Jing doesn't care what Princess Pingnan's name is, she only knows that if she captures this girl, she will make a great contribution, and go back to the sea to exchange some pills for her in-laws to take at home, this is a serious matter.

The two women couldn't help but fight together, Qin Zixuan rode on the horse and poked his head to see, asking if Bai Jing could win?Received Wang Rui's contempt again, will his daughter-in-law lose!

After ten rounds, Princess Pingnan felt something was wrong. It was really the shadow of a famous tree. A strong general has no weak soldiers. This Bai Jing is not easy, she is not an opponent.

If you are not an opponent in a head-on confrontation, then think of a trick, so Princess Pingnan pulled out her horse's head and made a retreat posture to lure Bai Jing to the hook, and then she took Bai Jing down with a hidden weapon.

Who knew that Bai Jing saw that the chief of Pingnan County was fleeing, and stretched out her hand to take out a pistol, aimed two shots at Princess Pingnan, and went straight to the vital point of Princess Pingnan. One bullet passed, and the second bullet hit the waist.

Then Bai Jing's third bullet hit the horse's leg, the horse stumbled, Princess Pingnan was thrown to the ground, Bai Jing stepped off the horse, came to Princess Pingnan, and walked back with Princess Pingnan .

When King Pingnan saw that he was quitting, he took his precious daughter away in the first battle. Is this something people do?Immediately urged the horses to chase, so the soldiers in the formation raised their guns and fired, forcing King Pingnan to retreat.

Bai Jing returned to the front of the formation and threw the person on the ground, and said "tied up", then stood back to the original place with a smile, Wang Rui sent a water bag, and said that the daughter-in-law has worked hard.

Qin Zixuan felt his teeth sour, turned around to look at Princess Pingnan, and found that Princess Pingnan was also looking at him, Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows, touched his chin and gave him a flowery smile, the smiling Princess Pingnan blushed, and the laughing Li Han wanted to kill .

"Take it down!" Li Han waved his hands and didn't want to look at Princess Pingnan again. Over there, King Pingnan was shouting for Qin Zixuan to go forward and die, not to let his daughter go. This is not over today.

Qin Zixuan turned his head to look at King Pingnan, then Princess Pingnan, and said, "Your father is so ugly!" Princess Pingnan didn't know what it was, what did it have to do with her father's appearance, as long as she was strong That's it.

Qin Zixuan waved to King Pingnan, and he still said hello when he opened his mouth. This guy is really polite and has a good attitude towards the enemy. It's just that King Pingnan is not the lord of Pingnan County, so he won't respond to him. Just let Qin Zixuan come over quickly suffer death.

The result is that Qin Zixuan doesn't want to suffer death, and I will fight if you ask me to fight. When I am stupid, Qin Zixuan raised his chin and looked down on others, shaking his head and refusing to fight.

He knew that King Pingnan was a strong Saint Master, and he wanted to save his life under this kind of person. Hehe, he couldn't do it, unless the eldest daughter-in-law took action. Qin Zixuan was really self-aware and determined not to be fooled.

However, seeing the deep love between the other party's father and daughter, Qin Zixuan kindly told King Pingnan that it is not impossible for you to get your daughter back, provided that you have something to offer?
The meaning in the words is exchange. This kind of thing happens from time to time on the battlefield. One side’s general is arrested. If the other side doesn’t want to kill people, they will exchange it for something. This proposal makes King Pingnan’s heart flutter.

This old man fought all his life with only such a precious daughter, so he really wanted the stars but not the moon, how could he be willing to let his daughter die, he warned Qin Zixuan not to abuse his daughter, we can discuss what we want.

(End of this chapter)

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