Chapter 1309
The Shadow Killer has become a dark thread in everyone's mind. They are worried that if they are careless, they will become a tool to cover the Shadow Killer. Even experts like Bai Jing can't guard against them, let alone them. The only thing they can do is self-examination.

The first thing I do when I get up every day is to check my belongings, and get off the car immediately, wishing I could check all the pots and pans.

If anyone in this team is the calmest, it must be Qin Zixuan. This guy is still studying those books. Li Han fell asleep when he saw the books, so he looked at Qin Zixuan. Although Qin Zixuan also wanted to sleep, his purpose was different. .

Sitting in front of the desk, Qin Zixuan took a pen and drew a map based on the terrain depicted in the book, looked up and down with wide eyes, and then compared it with the map, not to mention that he really matched it.

"Oh, I'll go, this map was left a few years ago, right?" Qin Zixuan said at the top of his voice, Li Han immediately woke up from the sky, and leaned over to check it.

"Look, this book describes the topography 6000 years ago, and the content of the description is a mythical story passed down by word of mouth, but it is really exactly the same as the map." Qin Zixuan pointed to the book, then pointed to the map, His eyes were full of question marks.

Is there really a god in this world?Qin Zixuan felt that maybe there should be no, but he couldn't explain why he appeared here, maybe it was almost possible that there was a god.

These two contradictory thoughts swirled back and forth in Qin Zixuan's mind. Li Han looked at it for a while and asked, "Where is this place?"

"I don't know." Qin Zixuan replied directly, Li Han rolled his eyes, his feelings were searched in vain for a long time, Qin Zixuan continued: "This book contains anecdotes about mountains and rivers, and the place names described are different from the current ones. , if you want to know where it is, you have to look it up.”

Oh, Li Han nodded, put his head on Qin Zixuan's shoulder, and asked Qin Zixuan if he was interested in checking her body, Qin Zixuan laughed and cried, this bitch is thinking of something good.

The general direction has been found, and it is time to relax. Qin Zixuan let out a lewd laugh, and suddenly a slight voice came from his ear. Qin Zixuan lay on Li Han's body, twitching his nose, and a faint fragrance wafted in the air.

Um?Qin Zixuan drew a few strokes on Li Han's back, and Li Han understood, the two's dissolute figures gradually approached the big bed, and a gleaming blade appeared in Li Han's hand, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Just when the murderous aura on Li Han was foreign, Qin Zixuan yelled inwardly that it was not good. Killers are most familiar with murderous aura, even if it is just a faint murderous aura, it is enough to arouse the other party's vigilance.

Sure enough, before they even got close to the big bed, the luxuriously decorated big bed was torn apart, pieces of wood and stones were thrown at Qin Zixuan, Qin Zixuan waved his hand to block, Li Han tore off his outer robe and shook it in his hands, blocking the attacking debris , and then looked on the bed, where there were still figures.

Oh, I'll go, Qin Zixuan is really impatient. Is this man really good at hiding? How can I learn this kind of kung fu? Qin Zixuan said that I want to learn it too, but I can't catch anyone.

Yang Shulin rushed in with people, looking at the mess all over the place, his expression was ugly, he felt that he was useless, and let the shadow get in again, he is the captain of the general's personal army, so vigilance is really bad.

Qin Zixuan sniffed and sniffed for a while. The fragrance was no longer here. It was obvious that the other party had left, just so quietly, like the clouds in the sky without leaving a trace.

Even raising a few big wolf dogs is useless, that guy seems to have found a way to deal with the wolf dogs, he can easily avoid the noses of the wolf dogs, Qin Zixuan shook his head for a while, finally met an opponent of comparable strength.

After hearing the news, Dahai rushed over, checked around, and then left in a huff. This was the first time Dahai was deflated since his debut, secretly grinding his teeth to tear him apart.

Huh, in a certain corner of the barracks, a small figure let out a sigh of relief. It was really dangerous just now. If he didn't feel the familiar murderous aura, he might really be blocked by someone.

This Qin Zixuan and Li Han are interesting. The shadow shows that I am very curious about them. I am even more curious about the map in Qin Zixuan's hand. What kind of map is that?

Things from a few years ago, the Suzaku Empire has historical records for more than 1000 years, and things from thousands of years ago are mostly passed down in the form of poetry and myths, no one knows whether it is true or not.

Could that be the treasure of the ancients?If it was Qin Zixuan who really couldn't kill him, one hundred million gold was quite valuable, but it was still not enough compared to the treasures of the ancients.

Before the treasure was found, not only could he not be killed, but he had to be protected. In case Qin Zixuan was killed, where would he find the treasure?

Qin Zixuan didn't know that someone was planning to protect him, and he had already changed to a place to rest. Of course, Qin Zixuan put away the book, and he had to continue reading it tomorrow.

There was nothing to say all night, the next day Dahai and Qin Zixuan and his party returned to the river, looking at the broad river, Qin Zixuan looked at the opposite bank with binoculars, and when he saw someone digging, Qin Zixuan was overjoyed.

There is no need to guess that there must be a trap waiting for them on the opposite side. That Huatian Linxing actually wants to rely on a big river to resist the enemy. Judging from his posture, he probably has no intention of crossing the river.

Qin Zixuan suggested that Dahai should first take over all the land on this side of the river, and then stabilize the rear. These lands will be the supply of grain and grass in the future, and they should not be messed up. The people here must be able to farm with peace of mind.

This suggestion was approved, and it is now the autumn harvest. The weather here is different from that in Daqin, and we can plant another season of rice. It would be a pity if we missed it.

The best way to make the people stable is to let them have land to grow, food to eat, and they can’t be idle. If they want them to be idle, they have to find something to do. Now that the sea traffic here has been controlled, we can continue to trade. .

At this time, the Black and White Chamber of Commerce played a role, buying gadgets in the hands of local people, or local specialties, first invigorating the business, and letting the people know that there is meat to eat with them.

When everyone sincerely accepts this system, even if the person on the other side calls, they will not be afraid. This group of people will naturally protect their property, and if they want to recruit soldiers, they will come.

So Qin Zixuan decided not to attack, they stopped the war, and let the Suzaku Empire be busy for a while, that King Jian is not easy, let's see what he will do next.

Then there are the rebels inside the Suzaku Empire and they have to find time to wipe them out, so let's give them time.Qin Zixuan didn't make a good idea. During this period of time, he had to focus on looking through ancient books to find out where the place in the mythology refers to.

Dahai sent people to set up an outpost by the river, with a posture of ruling across the river, which made Hua Tianlin heave a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the enemy didn't come over, otherwise he really knew how to fight. He is a warrior, not a military man. Home.

(End of this chapter)

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