Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1313 Discovery

Chapter 1313 Discovery
This letter was placed in front of everyone, and Wu Ying sat there with her head bowed, feeling sore in her heart. Qin Zixuan and the others would definitely agree to her. After all, King Zhengnan is still very powerful. If King Zhengnan joins the group, The next battle will only be smoother.

However, what surprised Wu Ying was that no one agreed. Did this group of people come out to grab territory and fight for the country?

Don't they know that if King Zhengnan and the Suzaku Empire reach a consensus, they will have an extra powerful enemy!The reason given by Dahai is that I am in charge of my backyard, and those who don’t like it will never be welcomed in, no matter who the other party is.

Li Han agreed, the women in the backyard must be the ones his son likes, otherwise, it would be a mess, and there are still many ways for a woman not to be favored by a man, so I have to guard against it.

Wu Ying looked at Dahai quietly. Does Dahai like her?Thinking of this, it was like eating honey in his heart, his face turned red quietly, he lowered his head and didn't speak, just listened with his ears open.

Qin Zixuan thought about it for a while, and decided not to reply to the letter, and to kill the person who sent the letter, as if nothing had happened. In case King Zhengnan inquires later, just say that he didn't receive it.

This idea is a bit flamboyant, but it's a good idea. There is no need to form an enemy with King Zhengnan now, but there is no need to form an alliance. Anyway, this group of people will conquer in the future.

After discussing, Qin Zixuan went back to read. Li Han looked at Qin Zixuan's back and sighed. She really didn't want to read, and her head would get dizzy. Forget it, let's hurry up. Li Han was worried that the shadow killer would seize the opportunity to assassinate.

It's strange to say that since the last incident, the shadow killer has not appeared again. Could it be that he retreated in spite of the difficulties?Li Han rolled his eyes and felt that it was impossible. Among the killers on the list, which one is not a proud guy.

It is impossible for him to retreat halfway. The biggest possibility is that the shadow is still nearby. Unfortunately, his hiding skills are so good that he couldn't find it, and he didn't move in a hurry.

Qin Zixuan said to Bai Jing while walking, "Sister, Wang Rui is looking at that maid's ass."

Wang Rui, who was walking, wanted to vomit blood when he heard it. King Cheng would not provoke their husband and wife's relationship for a while, so how can he talk like this?
Bai Jing glanced at Qin Zixuan, turned her head and shouted to Li Han: "General, the prince said that you can't satisfy him at night, do you want to find some maids to warm the bed?"

"Nonsense, my fighting power!" Li Han swallowed the words blurted out, and almost fell for Bai Jing's tricks. This bastard is getting worse and worse, so Li Han changed his words and yelled to practice a few moves with Bai Jing.

Bai Jing smiled and pulled Wang Rui and ran away. Practicing with the general is just for fighting, especially if you practice under the premise of offending the general, you will definitely be tortured miserably.

Turning a corner, seeing Liu Yi walking with her hands behind her back, Bai Jing told General Liu Yi to find her to practice, Liu Yi did not doubt that she had it, so she followed her and asked the general to show me some tricks.

Qin Zixuan hugged his stomach and laughed, it seems that the bandits still can't play Bai Jing, that guy is too bad, this is Liu Yi, so Li Han took Qin Zixuan's hand and brought Bai Jing to the martial arts arena, really want to point out Liu Yi has a few tricks.

In the next scene, Qin Zixuan clapped his hands and applauded, Liu Yi and Wang Rui teamed up to fight Li Han, and then saw the two guys being tortured to death, rolling all over the field, Qin Zixuan was full of what is called melon-eating crowd.

Liu Yi rolled to Qin Zixuan's side and cast a sideways glance at him, then rolled and kicked up dust, and Qin Zixuan ate a mouthful of ashes just as he was applauding, but in the end Liu Yi was abused for another half an hour.

When the practice was over, Liu Yi and Wang Rui were lying there unable to get up, Qin Zixuan called to get up and let's practice, Wang Rui's eyes burst out with fighting intent, it seemed that the posture really wanted to abuse Qin Zixuan.

Li Han pulled Qin Zixuan and left, what are you practicing, those grandsons didn't do anything serious, they must have abused Xianggong into a second idiot, and she was going to practice with him.

When Li Han left, Bai Jing cheerfully ran over to ask about her post-training experience, did she gain anything?How could Liu Yi not understand that she was following Bai Jing's words, and she was so angry that she wanted to practice with Bai Jing, abominable guy.

While these people were fighting, they didn't notice that in the team, a soldier stared at Qin Zixuan from time to time, with a calculating light flashing in his eyes.

Qin Zixuan entered the study room, sat on a chair, opened the book next to the table, and wrote and drew on the table while reading it. It is really not easy to find the ancient place names, so you have to read one by one. It is too difficult to determine the place name depending on the environment.

Lin Xi served tea, yawned, and told Qin Zixuan that he had read all the books over there, and no, Qin Zixuan said he knew, and continued to read with his head down. Li Han sat over with grapes, peeled one and threw it into Qin Zixuan's mouth. It's just hello.

Hey, Qin Zixuan stared at the book in his hand with joy on his face, and the pen in his hand was faster, "Look, if I'm not mistaken, it should be in the Suzaku Mountains, which is the forbidden area of ​​the Suzaku Empire."

Ouch, I'm going!After hearing this, Li Han swears a foul word, and after searching for a long time in that ghostly place, she should have figured out that the map was most likely found on someone from the Hua family.

"There must be treasures in the Suzaku Mountains that can enhance people's strength, otherwise the Suzaku royal family would not have so many saints." Qin Zixuan thought for a while and came to a conclusion.

Most of the saint masters in the Suzaku Empire came from the royal family. Qin Zixuan didn't believe that there were no ghosts in it. A person's cultivation talent is important, as is the treasure of heaven and earth.

If Qin Zixuan hadn't found a large number of treasures from heaven and earth, Qin Zixuan thought to himself that because of his laziness, he would definitely cultivate a strength that does not appear in his cultivation, Dahai and Li Han would not have made great progress.

The Gu Yue family will not have more than a dozen holy masters in a short period of time, and the reincarnation religion will not have so many masters. This has an important relationship with resources.

Qin Zixuan threw the waste paper on the table into the trash can, and then stuffed the ancient books in his arms into his bosom. We should discuss with Dahai, whether to call him now, or go to the Suzaku Mountains to investigate later, we need to make a good plan.

The two rushed towards the handsome tent in the sea, but they didn't know that their actions fell into the eyes of someone with a heart, and this person with a heart is naturally not an ordinary person.

Dahai, who was working, was quite surprised to see Qin Zixuan coming over. Isn't his father buried in Shushan?How could this come to me.

"Son, good news." Qin Zixuan sat down on the table in front of Dahai, Dahai raised his eyebrows, his father's movements were really skillful, he was sitting on his desk as a chair, Li Han followed suit, and tightly Close to Qin Zixuan, showing affection all the time.

"Son, I found the location, who is it?" Qin Zixuan was about to continue, when he suddenly turned his head and shouted, Dahai got up and rushed out to look for a week, but he didn't see anyone, so he called his own soldiers to inquire, but found nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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