Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1316 Quite Shameless

Chapter 1316 Quite Shameless

On the other side of the Lover's River, Hua Tianlin's life is not easy. He also noticed the sudden rumors. He wanted to grab a few tongues, but let the other party run away. The Emperor Suzaku even gave him a death order, that is, he must investigate Find out what the other party is hiding.

Just in a hurry, when he received the news that Qin Zixuan's army was crossing the river, Hua Tianlin hurriedly asked someone to guard the bank to prevent the enemy from crossing the river. This kind of idea is quite good, but Qin Zixuan's army bombarded the shore before reaching the shore. .

The cannons and ammunition placed there became decorations, and the range of range became their flaws. Hua Tianlin had no choice but to give up guarding the shore, and then set up an ambush in the mountain forest.

After Qin Zixuan and Dahai brought the soldiers to the shore, they began to fight for territory, controlling the cities along the river in their hands, and once again turned into a pattern of advancing in multiple lines.

That day, Qin Zixuan and Dahai were discussing how to break the enemy's ambush, when they received a report from the spies, saying that Zhang Henshui and others were collaborating with the enemy, Qin Zixuan's eyes widened after hearing this, the boss, are those old guys crazy?

So Qin Zixuan led people to chase Zhang Henshui, unexpectedly Zhang Henshui escaped into the enemy area together with Wang Tong and others, which made Qin Zixuan very puzzled, is this Zhang Henshui crazy?Why is he collaborating with the enemy.

Qin Zixuan wanted to understand that he was just taking them out for a stroll, and didn't intend to kill them, so why did they cooperate with the enemy?Dahai folded his arms and smiled sinisterly.

I'm afraid Zhang Henshui and the others felt that the emperor couldn't suppress Cheng Wang's mansion, did they intend to sacrifice their allegiance to the emperor, or did they use this method? It's ridiculous. Do they think they can hold back the army by surrendering to the enemy?
However, if Zhang Henshui and the others send news to Yujing through the hands of the Suzaku Empire, grandma will become more dangerous in Yujing, so these people cannot stay.

With a command from Dahai, the army marched forward, the cannon opened the way, bombarded the mountains, and shot at people. Zhang Henshui and the others saw Hua Tianlin, and before they had a drink, Dahai's subordinates chased after him.

Hua Tianlin was very happy to see these old guys. He was really sleepy. Someone sent a pillow, and he was worried that he could not find the news. He didn't expect Zhang Henshui and the others to come.

Zhang Henshui's purpose is very simple, it is to hope that Hua Tianlin will help them send a letter to the Great Qin Emperor, and the emperor must be notified of the situation here, otherwise Qin Zixuan and Dahai will return to Yujing, and it will be the day when the emperor steps down.

During this period of time, they were hiding in the barracks and thinking about this problem. They were loyal courtiers of the emperor. No matter how powerful King Cheng was, they couldn't let them bow their heads. They had to find a way to let the emperor get the news and destroy Prince Cheng's mansion.

Whoever wins Qin Zixuan wins the world, that's all shit. King Cheng is laughing and joking on the surface, but in fact he is big on the inside. He wants to be the emperor, and he must not be allowed to succeed.

Hua Tianlin agreed to this proposal without thinking about it. If King Cheng Qin Zixuan could fall out with the Great Qin Emperor and lose support behind him, it would be good for the Suzaku Empire. Of course, Hua Tianlin was more interested in Da Pao.

If they can get hold of this technology and create a cannon with the same range as Daqin, are they still worried that they won't be able to defeat each other?Do you still have to be afraid of being hit by the enemy as a target?
Before that, Hua Tianlin was more concerned about the treasure map. Although Zhang Henshui and the others didn't know much about this matter, there were quite a few. They could move freely in the camp, so they naturally heard the news.

Zhang Henshui told Hua Tianlin that the news was true. The treasure map was stolen by the shadow killer. The killer had assassinated Qin Zixuan several times, but all ended in failure.

Moreover, Qin Zixuan even took up the time of the army's advance in order to search for information, and Dahai tried his best to help him find ancient books. It's a pity that he was too frightened to hold a celebration party.

This time it was good, the celebration party was very successful, everyone was drunk, and the most hateful thing was that there were no them in the celebration party, Qin Zixuan looked down on them from the bottom of his heart, Zhang Henshui couldn't swallow this breath even thinking about it.

Zhang Henshui also told Hua Tianlin the big news by the way, that is, Wu Ying is really engaged to Dahai. Regardless of whether Wu Ying is still a general leading the army, the future hostess of Cheng Wangfu will be Wu Ying.

After hearing this, Hua Tianlin gritted his teeth in resentment, and he was even more convinced of one thing, that is, Wu Ying was really cheating Master Suzaku, and that pair of bitches had no good intentions, and they had no good intentions from the beginning.

The accusations against Wu Ying can't be washed away. Of course, Wu Ying doesn't care now. He often walks with Dahai. Dahai has already conquered Wu Ying with his charisma.

When he got the news he wanted, Hua Tianlin had a sinister smile on his face. Since Qin Zixuan had the intention of rebelling, he had to be a good person to do what he said, and send the news to Daqin.

Let's see how the Great Qin Emperor will deal with him, as long as Qin Zixuan's army has no food and grass, the army's morale will naturally be loose, and it's not a matter of minutes to beat him when the army's morale is scattered.

Holding the letter handed over by Zhang Henshui, Hua Tianlin asked Zhang Henshui and others to write down Daqin's cannonball production method. This is what Hua Tianlin and the generals wanted most.

Zhang Henshui shook his head and smiled wryly. It wasn't that he didn't want to cooperate, but that he didn't know how to make ammunition at all. The production of ammunition was a matter of the Ministry of Industry. Generals like them had the right to use it, but not the right to make it.

Of course, some people quietly researched and produced crude ammunition, but it was incomparable with Qin Zixuan's in terms of range, and what made Zhang Henshui unable to complain the most was that Daqin's shells were really inferior to Dahai's group.

Since Zhang Henshui joined the sea, he has observed the opponent's weapons in secret. After comparing them one by one, he found that they are not comparable to the weapons and equipment of the sea. He has a gun in his hand, which is designed to explode the head. The most important thing is that the range is far away, hundreds of meters away can hit the target.

Daqin didn't have this kind of gun. Zhang Henshui even questioned Qin Zixuan why he made the weapon privately, and Qin Zixuan despised him. Qin Zixuan told Zhang Henshui with disdain that without him, Daqin wouldn't even have the lowest gun.

Well, Zhang Henshui admits that what Qin Zixuan said is correct, the problem is that you are the Prince Cheng of Daqin, shouldn't you serve Daqin?Qin Zixuan continued to curl his lips, so he was sent to the Suzaku Empire. If it weren't for the sea to respond, he would already be dead.

Zhang Henshui's heart ached from being bullied. In terms of weapons and equipment, the soldiers brought by Daqin hadn't been updated, and they usually played side drums on the battlefield, and they couldn't be ranked in major battles.

Listening to Zhang Henshui's complaints, the conclusion is that I don't have the method of making it, and I have never touched it, but Qin Zixuan knows it. If you really want to get the latest weapons, please find Qin Zixuan.

Hua Tianlin gritted his teeth in hatred, did he think he hadn't thought of doing it?Many spies were sent to contact Qin Zixuan's subordinates, but none of them escaped. Those people were quite shameless.

(End of this chapter)

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