Chapter 1318 Colorful Clouds
On the way here, Qin Zixuan met the Xiaoyao King of the Suzaku Empire. The man directly occupied an island and named it Xiaoyao Island. He became the owner of the island and moved all his life's collections to the island.

Xiaoyao Island was conveniently taken over by Qin Zixuan, and most of the collections in it went into Qin Zixuan's treasury. The reason was that King Xiaoyao was a saint, and no one else was his opponent. In the end, he died in Li Han's hands.

This kind of meritorious service can't be snatched by others even if they want to. When it is distributed, it will be rewarded according to merit. Li Han's first merit, Qin Zixuan left the real treasures, and gold, silver, jewelry and other vulgar things were left to the soldiers.

Dahai was also not polite, he squatted there with his buttocks up, opened one box after another, and successfully removed one third of Qin Zixuan's treasure house, Qin Zixuan sat there dumbfounded, is the eldest son going too far?

When he left, Dahai felt better, and asked Qin Zixuan for credit, telling Qin Zixuan that he helped Qin Zixuan reduce his burden, which reduced by a third, Qin Zixuan could only hehe, he couldn't compete with his eldest son.

Seeing that Qin Zixuan had suffered a disadvantage and quit, Li Han called for some medicine to improve his strength, let alone no, I didn't beat you up!Dahai has no way to deal with his unreasonable mother. Her mother's famous saying is to fight until she is convinced.

Dahai said that he took it, and waited for two days to prepare the medicinal soup and obediently delivered it to Qin Zixuan. These medicinal materials were still obtained from Qin Zixuan's collection.

When Qin Zixuan was taking the medicine, Li Han and Dahai sat next to him to protect the dharma. The mother and son muttered for a while. The meaning behind the words was that the Suzaku royal family really had a lot of rare medicinal materials, and they would be useful if they were grabbed. .

Li Han can't wait to grab it now, but it is a taboo in the military to do it without knowing the details of the opponent. I hope this time I can force out all the cards of the Suzaku royal family.

Li Han told Dahai that her sixth sense told her that the Suzaku Mountains were dangerous, and that there was the real trump card of the Suzaku Empire.

Dahai raised his eyebrows. He was really convinced by his mother's sixth sense and his father's intuition. The two have their own unique skills, but his intuition is not so strong. Fortunately, he has learned the ability of fortune telling, which can be used to pinch one Do the math.

If nothing else is good or bad, it’s okay to count. Just after receiving the news from his father, Dahai pinpointed that this trip was extremely dangerous, and if something bad happened, he might die.

So upon hearing Qin Zixuan's suggestion, Dahai carried it out without hesitation. There are not many other things in this world, but there are many hidden masters. If he goes alone to the danger, he will mobilize everyone to go together.

At present, the mobilization is not enough, the real masters have not appeared, and the identity of the shadow killer has not yet been exposed, which means that those real masters have not yet been dispatched.

Shadow killers have existed for hundreds of years, and there are legends of shadow killers in every generation. Dahai concluded that shadow killers are not a person, but a family. No matter how strong a person is, it is impossible to keep the record for hundreds of years.

Among other things, even the psychological level can't be passed, and when killing people gets tired of killing, when a person kills for no gain, the murderous nature will naturally weaken, and finally he washes his hands and retires.

These analyzes Dahai did not speak out, but he was investigating silently. Now the mother and son chatted, and Dahai's analysis was affirmed by Li Han, which is indeed the truth.

Looking at Xianggong, Li Han was worried that the opponent would show up again, so he could only work hard to improve his strength. Fortunately, Xianggong has a good intuition, and his sixth sense is also very strong, so he can guard against the opponent.

Six days later, Dahai announced to the three armies that he would use his magic power to put out the fire, and soldiers who were not on duty could come to watch. Qin Zixuan, Li Han and other experts also appeared.

Everyone sat in a row, and saw the sea rushing into the air with a whoosh, and then they muttered words, sparks flew in their hands, and they were surrounded by colorful auspicious clouds when they sat down.

Qin Zixuan looked at Hai Hai's equipment, his face was full of pride, he was the one who came up with the idea of ​​colorful auspicious clouds, the effect was not ordinary, even Zhao Qingfeng was surprised.

Li Han sat next to Qin Zixuan, although he looked up at the sea, his ears were raised, he was afraid that someone would sneak attack Qin Zixuan, but Qin Zixuan himself was quite relaxed, he was not afraid of this guy.

With the roar of the sea, the wind blows! Huh!When the strong wind blows, the dust blows up all over the place, and the sea thunders again, so there are lightning and thunder, and dark clouds are rolling in.

The soldiers all around shouted loudly and knelt down to see the leader. These passionate believers were really going crazy. It turned out that the leader's abilities were more than what they saw, and he could even bring on heavy rain.

Wu Ying looked at the sea in mid-air, her eyes were full of sparks, which were the sparks of frenzied love, and she found that she really couldn't see through her future husband, who could always surprise her from time to time.

The old concubine burst into tears of excitement, her daughter is lucky, finding such a genius is really a blessing that has been cultivated for several lifetimes.

In the fanatical worship of the believers, the bean-sized raindrops fell, hitting everyone's faces one by one, and then turned into beads that changed their lines, getting bigger and bigger. There is a mysterious smile on his face.

The heavy rain brought the army back to the camp, and there were discussions everywhere. The news spread throughout the Suzaku Empire as if it had grown wings, and even the people in the Suzaku Imperial City received the news.

Some people shouted that God is helping Daqin, Suzaku will be destroyed, and some people think that I should run away and join them, because there is no way out for the Suzaku Empire.

It rained heavily for a day and night, and the fire was so cold that the ground was not muddy because of the heavy rain all the time. The army ordered the soldiers to bury the pots for cooking, and set off after the meal. He had to go to kill Zhang Henshui.

At this time, Zhang Henshui was looking at Wang Tong and the others. They also had the teachings of reincarnation. They always felt that it was too exaggerated, and they didn't believe it. They felt that Qin Zixuan and Dahai were fooling the people.

Hearing the rumors about the sea at this time, and thinking about the scene when he saw the sea last time, is there really a god in this world?Why have they never seen it.

From time to time, the three words of reincarnation teaching came back to several people's minds. Wang Tong doubted whether they were doing right or wrong. If the sky wants to Xingcheng Palace, even if they try their best to stop it, will it be useful?
Besides, the emperor is really not a holy king, and the difference between him and the previous emperor is not a star, but a distance of one hundred and eight thousand miles. Can such an emperor lead the Great Qin to unify the world?
Wang Tong sighed, and Zhang Henshui also sighed. They are now detained in the army, and Hua Tianlin forces them to make shells every day. No matter what they say, Hua Tianlin just doesn't believe it, and believes that they can make shells.

Hua Tianlin even issued an ultimatum. If he didn't see the finished product within a month, he would have to wait for the military law to deal with it. Zhang Henshui and the others asked themselves that they were not blacksmiths, let alone blacksmithing, so how did they make it?
(End of this chapter)

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