Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1334 Brother Xiaoyao

Chapter 1334 Brother Xiaoyao

Above the desert, a lonely figure was running across the desert. The figure was not tall, it was of medium build, but its physique was astonishing, just like Shi Gunan's.

Qin Zixuan made a rough estimate, that person should be three to four hundred catties, it is really rare for a fat man of three to four hundred catties to be so agile, seeing the fat man rolling closer and closer, Qin Zixuan gradually saw the face of the person coming.

How should I put it, she looks very festive, with a kind smile on her face, a pair of eyes squeezed into the flesh, just like a slit on the face, her nose and mouth are buried in the pile of flesh, and her mouth is bigger than a woman's. The small cherry mouth is even smaller.

When he came close, the fat man clasped his hands and said loudly: "I'm Liu Shuai in Xialiucheng, I don't know how to call you heroes?"

Liu Cheng Liu Shuai?Qin Zixuan turned his head and wondered who the person was, but Li Han had already thought of who it was, and reminded Qin Zixuan of his identity in a low voice.

Some cities of the Suzaku Empire are independent in the territory of the Suzaku Empire, but the city owners of these cities are all saints, and those with weak strength are not qualified to build cities.

Libei City and Liucheng are both independent cities, they obey the orders of the Suzaku Empire on the surface, but in fact the Suzaku Empire has reached an agreement with them, that is, the Suzaku Imperial Family doesn't care about them, and they don't do anything to rebel, just keep going.

Li Shang and Liu Shuai are both holy masters, they have been fighting for a lifetime, the intention of appearing here is self-evident, Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows at the visitor, bowed his hand in return, and said to himself Brother Xiaoyao.

Brother Xiaoyao is definitely not his real name, but looking at these colorful people around Qin Zixuan, who is it if it is not Brother Xiaoyao.

There are many strangers in Jianghu who don't give their real names when they meet each other, and Liu Shuai doesn't mind, but stares at the food on the table to find a partner.

Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows. Other than him, there were women at his table, Wang Rui and Wang Rui didn't bother to serve at the table, they were eating at the same time, Liu Shuai asked to sit at this table together, Qin Zixuan was not happy.

He pointed to Wang Rui's table and told Liu Shuai that if he wanted to join him, he could eat there. Liu Shuai was cold-faced on the spot. He is a majestic saint, and he dared to let him sit with a group of servants. He didn't want to mix up!

"What if I have to sit here?" Liu Shuai pointed at the space between Huayan and Gong Liangyan. He knew women by scent, and he came here to pick up girls. How could he sit with a smelly man?

Hehe, Qin Zixuan sent it to him. He thought that the holy master was a great personage, but he was also a womanizer full of flowers and plants. If he wanted to sit between Gongliangyan and Huayan, he had to see if he had the ability.

Gong Liangyan and Hua Yan raised their heads and looked at Liu Shuai coldly at almost the same time. When he looked up, Liu Shuai's heart was burning, and it was the first time he saw such a dusty woman at his age, and he rubbed his hands happily.

Qin Zixuan was very angry when he saw it. This was because he was digging a corner in front of him. Qin Zixuan really wanted to beat Liu Shuai to death. Others were afraid of the Saint Master, but he was not afraid of him. There are several Saint Masters here.

Gu Yueru stood by Qin Zixuan's side, holding a sword and squinting at Liu Shuai, with a fighting spirit on his body, this is a veteran Saint Master, who can just use it to practice.

Li Han squeezed the peanuts and threw them into his mouth one by one. He didn't pay attention to Liu Shuai at all. Qin Zixuan, who wanted to be polite, didn't. Some people just couldn't give him face.

Qin Zixuan sat on the chair with his buttocks turned, threw a sentence of "kill him, and bury him". Then Gu Yueru rushed out first, only then did Liu Shuai realize that this group of people seems to be not simple, they are masters when they look ordinary.

Before I had time to think about what this meant, I had already gotten into a ball with Gu Yueru. Gu Yueru's attack was very fierce. He wanted to cut Liu Shuai's waist with his knives and knives, or he was about to chop Liu Shuai. Furious Liu Shuai Aww strange.

Qin Zixuan quickly stuffed a plate of food into his mouth, and all the girls at the table followed suit and started eating each of them. These are all delicacies prepared by the chef with care, and it is shameful to waste them.

Wang Rui and Wang Rui gathered together with plates, squatting and standing while eating while watching Gu Yueru and Liu Shuai fight. Only then did Liu Shuai realize that this group of people had never been afraid from the beginning to the end. excited.

It is also beneficial for Wang Rui and his group to look at the master's tricks. They can open their eyes and improve their knowledge. At the same time, they may find inspiration from it to improve their strength. Such good things are of course welcome.

"That fat man is really flexible, much more flexible than Ziming." Qin Zixuan couldn't help but praise, Li Han agreed, reminding Qin Zixuan that he is not fat now, the poor baby will not be fat in his life.

Qin Zixuan sighed when he thought of Qin Ziming, earning some money is not easy, it is all in exchange for his life, and only this little money is still being watched by caring people.

Gu Yueru is a new Saint Master, Liu Shuai is a veteran Saint Master, Gu Yueru gained the upper hand for a while by attacking first, and then gradually lost the wind when Liu Shuai adapted to her style of play.

Seeing that Gu Yue was in danger, Li Han held a peanut to help out, but was stopped by Gong Liangyan, who told Li Han that Gu Yueru needed a dangerous battle.

This is good for Gu Yueru's cultivation. Only when he is under pressure can he find opportunities to break through. If Gu Yueru can't find this feeling when fighting against his own people, they won't be able to deal with such a cruel hand.

After hearing this, Qin Zixuan felt that it made sense, but a breakthrough is a good thing, and a good thing should not be turned into a bad thing. He reminded Li Han to keep an eye on her, and don't let Yue Meizi get seriously injured. Li Han should continue to watch the battle.

A sinister smile appeared on Liu Shuai's face, the previous kindness disappeared, and his attacks became more and more ruthless and tricky, even attacking the girl's private parts, this action successfully angered Qin Zixuan.

This kid really has deep feelings for Gu Yueru. Gu Yueru saved Li Han and Prince Cheng's mansion, and Qin Zixuan regards her as a relative. Qin Zixuan will not be happy to see someone bullying his relatives.

Qin Zixuan reached out to touch his pistol, Li Han held down Qin Zixuan's hand, bullets were useless to saints, not as powerful as peanuts, so he asked Qin Zixuan where he wanted to shoot, she would attack.

That place is not good to speak out loudly, Qin Zixuan whispered the target in Li Han's ear, Li Han sneered, that place is indeed a good place, this is called treating another person in the same way as others.

He saw the peanut in Li Han's hand shoot out suddenly, heading straight for Liu Shuai's third leg, which frightened Liu Shuai who was attacking Gu Yue Ruyin, and quickly dodged.

It's just a good idea, Li Han's peanuts are not easy to hide, it looks like one, but when Liu Shuai dodges, he realizes that one has turned into three, and he is still running on the third leg.

"Despicable!" Liu Shuai cursed, and wanted to hide but couldn't dodge, so he stretched out his hand to block. At this time, Gu Yueru's attack also arrived, and Liu Shuai tried to block the peanuts with a sword. Don't want to be a eunuch.

Gu Yueru succeeded in one move and continued to attack, but Liu Shuai stopped fighting. He shouted loudly and confronted Gu Yueru with a sword, turned around and fled.

(End of this chapter)

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