Chapter 1336

In the middle of the night, someone broke into the camp again, but was shot into a sieve by a burst of arrows from the soldiers. Qin Zixuan slept in the carriage with Li Han in his arms, and was not woken up at all.

After dawn, the battlefield outside had been cleaned up, and a group of people continued on their way after breakfast. It was better to say they were walking in spring than they were on the road. They walked and stopped, and they were not in a hurry.

In Libei City, Huang He and Xiao Qi were swimming hand in hand, until noon, Huang He cried out that he was hungry, and took Xiao Qi into the tavern. This time, Huang He opened his eyes.

Listening to the guest's description, the more Huang He listened, the more he felt that it was his father's team, among other things, it was just a group of beauties and masters, who is not his father?
Among the group of beauties, the father is the worst. Wherever he goes, the mother follows him. Now the master and uncle follow the father, plus the seven aunts, hehe, isn't it just a group of beauties.

"Are you talking about your father?" Xiao Qi asked in a low voice, when Huang He came to see your father-in-law, Xiao Qi was not angry, and stared at Huang He cheerfully, Xiao Qi also thought that the pedestrian was Qin Zixuan.

Now the one who is still in the mood to hang around and not care about the Suzaku Mountains is Prince Cheng. Others can't wait to grab the Suzaku Mountains right now, but Qin Zixuan and his group are good, and they grab the territory slowly.

Of course, Xiaoqi doesn't care about things like territory, because the Shadow Clan is a detached family, and they usually accept tasks if they want money, and they have everything if they kill a few more money.

As for grabbing land and managing the people, the Shadow Clan doesn't do that kind of thankless thing. Seeing Qin Zixuan and his group, they really don't understand it. Wouldn't it be good for you to develop into a supernatural being?Why grab the world.

Now there are very few masters who do not go to the Suzaku Mountains and wander around. Their wandering must be more than just wandering, they are looking for objects to form alliances with.

Xiao Qi looked at Huang He, and didn't feel that this group of people had any intention of looking for helpers, and the future husband in front of him was also a guy who liked to play around, playing every day was a joy.

"Qiqi, are we going to meet up with our father?" Huang He stared into Xiao Qi's eyes and asked, Xiao Qi shook his head, how uncomfortable it is to meet up, the people staying there are all elders, and they are in Ming Dynasty now, and the two of them are in Isn't it good to be dark?

"Looking at their marching route, they should be rushing to Libei City. Let's go pick them up. You don't need to show up. It would be better if you can pick up some small fish behind."

Xiao Qi's eyes turned, revealing a money-greedy side, Huang He nodded in agreement after hearing this, he also meant the same thing, it would be better if he could snatch some unlucky ones, so that he would not have to wring his fingers to earn some hard-earned money.

Soon, the people in the tavern talked about the city lord's birthday again, and some people started bragging about how many good things the city lord received last time, as if they had seen it before.

"Tch, you are so rare and weird. Let me tell you, none of the things you mentioned are rare treasures. I know that a rare treasure is called a treasure."

A guy with a pointed head and mouse eyes stroked a few beards with a mysterious face. Seeing everyone's eyes on him, he continued: "I heard that the city lord took a piece of Tianji Stone a few years ago. What is the Tianji Stone? do you know?"

Tianjishi!Huang He's eyes shot out. The Tianji Stone is not very useful to ordinary people, but it is of great use to the lineage of the divine operator. Huang He's heart is very hot, and he really wants to grab it.

Ying Xiaoqi didn't miss Huang He's expression, and asked Huang He what's the use of that thing, Huang He didn't tell Xiao Qi immediately, but told you after replying, Xiao Qi groaned twice and didn't continue to ask.

The two of them sat there and listened with their ears open. They didn't expect such useful news to come out from a small tavern. Huang He secretly made up his mind. As soon as you find the Tianji Stone, you will make a lot of money.

After the two had eaten their fill, they heard some less important news, such as the disappearance of the person sent by the Shen family to give gifts, or the disappearance of the young master of the merchant.

Not to mention that there are quite a lot of missing persons cases, they happened one after another, and they were the ones who gave gifts to the city lord. Some people suspected that this was a good thing done by the city lord's enemies. In fact, Li Shang thought so too.

Liu Shuai is his deadly enemy, he did something disgusting to him last time, so he is not surprised at all to block the way and rob him this time, and even thinks that it is this person in all likelihood.

Li Shang kept this matter in his heart, and only waited for Liu Shuai to settle the score with him when he came out. Liu Shuai, who was targeted by Li Shang, would be following behind Qin Zixuan's team.

Watching batch after batch of spies disappear every day, Liu Shuai also got to know Qin Zixuan and his group better. These people are definitely not from the Suzaku Empire, because they speak a different language from Suzaku.

If he didn't guess wrong, it should be the language of Daqin, then it is almost obvious who the person in front of him is. It must be Daqin's famous bastard prince and the nemesis of the Suzaku Empire.

It is said that Qin Zixuan wins the world, but Liu Shuai really didn't find anything different after following him for the slightest bit. This will see that the women around Qin Zixuan are not only envious but also envious.

In terms of ability, he is better than Qin Zixuan, and in terms of appearance, he is also more handsome than Qin Zixuan (whose courage is this.), the more Liu Shuai thinks about it, the more he feels unjust, wishing he could rush in and kill Qin Zixuan now, and take over Qin Zixuan's woman.

A holy master followed behind the team. Ordinary soldiers really couldn't find it, and the extraordinary ones wouldn't go to patrol the border. They were circling around Qin Zixuan.

Gongliangyan's daughters and Li Han's relationship is getting better and better, and sometimes they even gather together to whisper, but Qin Zixuan is thrown aside, but Qin Zixuan has not realized it yet, and plays well with Wang Rui and the others.

With the loss of the spies, finally the big bosses from all sides couldn't do it anymore, and they all dispatched one after another, following Qin Zixuan's team far behind.

Libei City was getting closer, and Qin Zixuan's team was getting quieter and quieter. Many people felt that something was wrong, as if a storm was waiting for them. Why?

Qin Zixuan stepped on the balance bike, and twisted his body from time to time to control his balance. Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking the air in his ear, and Qin Zixuan turned his head to look.I saw an unlucky guy being shot through the heart with an arrow, and his body fell with the arrow.

Hey, Qin Zixuan had a smile on his face, he came here for him, and looking at Gu Yueru who was holding a sharp arrow in his hand, he said with a smile that Yuemeizi is mighty.

Gu Yueru replied who is your sister, Qin Zixuan blinked, didn't they always call it that way before?Gu Yueru said to Qin Zixuan seriously: "You can call me Ru'er, or Yue'er."

"The moon bends back to Jiuzhou" Qin Zixuan just sang it at Tiankou, this song has never been sung before, it's very nice, if you can't enjoy Gu Yue's music, hurry up and write down this song.

Li Han ate for a while, and asked her to want it too, Qin Zixuan tilted his head to look at Li Han, the eldest daughter-in-law didn't cook it today.

(End of this chapter)

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