Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1338 Come 1 hexagram

Chapter 1338

Standing in the canopy of the tree, Xiao Qi watched Huang He shamelessly take advantage of her father-in-law, and couldn't help baring her teeth. Huang He finally took the ring from Qin Zixuan's hand, and then left with a sentence of "Be careful."

Qin Zixuan looked at his empty fingers and questioned the thickness of Huang He's skin. This guy's skin must have increased with age. It is said that the skin will become thinner when you grow up and sensible. Qin Zixuan seriously doubted the credibility of this sentence.

When the Yellow River left, Li Han and Gu Yueru began to discuss how to arrange troops. There seemed to be a lot of enemies. I didn't expect so many holy masters to stay here without going to the Suzaku Mountains.

The two had a heated discussion, and when they reached a point in the discussion, Qin Zixuan took out a pack of poison from his bosom and said softly, "I have a sage nemesis here."

Pfft, Gu Yue is like a mouthful of old blood, they have spent a long time studying their feelings in vain, if there is any poison, you should take it out earlier, so we can discuss how to poison it.

Facing Gu Yueru's question, Qin Zixuan said that I am providing you with an opportunity to practice formation, Gu Yueru rolled her eyes, she is not a general and does not need to practice formation.

Gong Liangyan and Hua Yan's expressions were very flat. They knew Qin Zixuan's plan from the conversation between Qin Zixuan and Huang He, and expressed their admiration for Qin Zixuan's shamelessness. This guy will never use his strength to be lazy.

Besides, Huang He hadn't gone far from Qin Zixuan's team before he was stopped by someone. Liu Shuai asked Huang He why he was looking for Qin Zixuan, and whether he was tipping off the news.

Huang He curled his fingers and called out a hexagram, as long as one hundred thousand gold is not expensive, and if there is no gold, there are treasures to offset the price. Let's not pick, Liu Shuai's small eyes are squinted, and the consequences can be imagined.

Huang He can't stand still with his fingers twisted. It's okay to put on airs with small eyes. The problem is that you have to find the right way, such as threatening others with wide eyes.

Of course, no matter how small the eyes are, they can't stare too big. Huang He stared at his big eyes and raised his eyebrows. This guy is proud of his big eyes, but at the same time he is also laughing at Liu Shuai's small eyes, he can't stare too big.

Liu Shuai unleashed the aura of a holy master to press Huang He, Huang He curled his lips, who is he bullying?He is a dead grass, the younger brother of the leader of the reincarnation sect, the son of Qin Zixuan, would he be afraid of the aura of the holy master?

Tsk, I grew up among the holy masters, among other things, my master is a holy master, and he is also a beautiful great saint master. If the master is willing, he will definitely receive a bunch of followers.

Huh?Liu Shuai spent a long time discovering that Huang He was not timid at all, and even smiled at him cheaply, curling his fingers with anticipation, and asked Liu Shuai if you want to come to see him!
This kid is weird!Liu Shuai finally found out that something was wrong. Facing the heirs of the lineage of the divine operator, these masters instinctively felt scared. He knew that there was a veteran in the legend who was the ancestor of the lineage of the divine operator. He was so powerful.

"Okay, kid, don't say I'm bullying you, so what if you can give you one hundred thousand gold." Liu Shuai asked Huang He to figure out for him whether the next action would go well.

Huang He stared at Liu Shuai stepping down with crooked fingers, if he heard his mother call Liu Shuai a dead eunuch just now, hehe, not everyone can call this eunuch.

After staring at it for a while, Huang He Goougou pointed his finger and asked Liu Shuai to hand over the money first, and to collect the money first before handling the affairs. This is Huang He's rule. This kid doesn't like chasing after other people's buttocks to ask for debts, and he wants to get the money first.

Liu Shuai felt in his arms, he was not Qin Zixuan, he would not bring so many gold tickets with him when he traveled, he finally gritted his teeth and took out a purple stone, Hai Hai saw the purple stone raised his brows, he did not expect that all the masters of the Suzaku Empire were pregnant. Alien treasure.

As soon as he waved Zishi into Huang He's arms, Liu Shuai's brows twitched, and his heart ached. That thing could increase the speed of cultivation, but unfortunately, its effect disappeared since he became a saint.

Even so, Liu Shuai didn't give it to others, he didn't even pass it on to his own children and grandchildren, he just hoped that his strength would improve one day, staring at Huang He's belly, he really wanted to grab it back.

Huang He didn't care about Liu Shuai's expression, he curled his fingers and chanted a mantra for a while, then left a sentence of narrow escape, turned around and left!

Why!Liu Shuai was stunned, and finally understood why Huang He collected the debt first. It was a dream to cheat his Zishi away with just such a sentence, so he immediately stepped forward to intercept him, demanding that Huang He return the Zishi.

This purple stone is priceless, but it is not comparable to common things like gold and silver. I just wanted to try Huang He's skills before, but now I have tried it.

Is Huang He the kind of person who pays back things obediently?Of course not, even if Huang He wants to return it and has a more money-obsessed person by his side, Xiao Qi will not let Huang He return it.

Before the two sides fought, Xiao Qi threw a smoke bomb and dragged Huang He to run away, let alone fight or something, they are still waiting to watch the show.

Liu Shuai waited until the smoke cleared, and there was nothing in front of him. There was no shadow of the Yellow River. Liu Shuai was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. This trip was really a loss. The second child was ruined, and the purple stone was also robbed. Liu Shuai slashed wildly, looking for people like a madman.

Huang He and Xiao Qi didn't go far away, but quietly walked in front of the team and waited to watch the show. The others followed behind, mainly because they didn't know Qin Zixuan's route, but Huang He knew.

Qin Zixuan told Huang He that he was going to grab the calendar, Huang He expressed his support, and this guy would follow behind to play the drums, and it would be best if he could reach out to hug a few treasures.

He didn't find Huang He, so the furious Liu Shuai found Li Shang and proposed to intercept Qin Zixuan now. As for the nonsense about narrow escape, he just remembered that he had lost a rare treasure.

Li Shang doesn't want to start a war with Qin Zixuan now, mainly because his helper hasn't arrived yet. Li Shang's plan is to kill Qin Zixuan and then turn around and kill Liu Shuai, but only one of his good friends has arrived, and how many others haven't arrived yet? .

Liu Shuai's eyes widened handsomely, and warned Li Shang not to play tricks, if he didn't want to participate, forget it, he brought other people to the stage, if he dared to come out to grab the treasure map, then don't blame him for being ruthless.

There is an agreement among the several saints that the treasure map will be shared. If Li Shang does not participate in the operation, it means that Li Shang will withdraw from the operation and no longer have the right to share the treasure map.

If you dare to grab it, then attack it together!This move was too ruthless. Although Li Shang is a saint master, he is not invincible and cannot withstand the attacks of several saint masters. Whether to attack Qin Zixuan now will make Li Shang in a dilemma.

It is said that the plan cannot keep up with the changes, Li Shang really realized the power of this sentence, the plan is good and the changes are even greater, Li Shang rolled his eyes to recruit, and finally made an appointment with Liu Shuai to dispatch in two days.

Thinking that his friends should be able to arrive in two days, Li Shang thought silently and his eyes fell on Qin Zixuan's team.

(End of this chapter)

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