Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1348 Grandpa Qin

Chapter 1348 Grandpa Qin

When Qin Zixuan and his group went downstairs, they immediately caused more gasps. They all said that the girl was beautiful, and looked at Qin Zixuan, which one was ugly?It's really a little green among thousands of flowers.

The spectators around wanted to beat Qin Zixuan to death yesterday and replace him. Zhao Wu led the girl back, and when he heard the movement behind him, he looked back and his eyes straightened.

Mu Sanniang lowered her head and was held up by two guards. Feeling something strange, she turned her head and looked back, her face changed slightly. She knew that the girls in Shishui City would not end well.

The city lord is lustful and his subordinates have no good things. The handsome ones are sent to the city lord, and the average-looking ones are not spared, and his subordinates occupy them.

Qin Zixuan happily walked among the beauties, looked at Zhao Wu who turned his head and sneered in his heart, and wanted to see if Zhao Wu dared to grab someone.

Zhao Wu stared at Qin Zixuan for a long time, waved his hand to ask the guards to take Mu Sanniang away, he turned around and greeted Qin Zixuan, Zhao Wu, as the chief steward of the palace, had a good eye, and he could see that Qin Zixuan was not an ordinary person.

Ordinary people don't have the aura of Qin Zixuan. Of course, when you come to Shishui City, you have to be coiled by the dragon, and you have to lie down if you are the tiger. The boss here is the city lord.

Going forward, Zhao Wu joyfully bowed his hands and greeted him, and asked Qin Zixuan and his party from the front of the house, what happened to Shishui City, and do you need help from the City Lord's Mansion?

Speaking of helping, a smirk appeared on his face. Zhao Wu knew very well what he wanted to help. Qin Zixuan was not a good guy, so he couldn't understand the hidden meaning in his words.

Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows, this Zhao Wu is so courageous, if that is the case, he will demolish his city lord's mansion today, let's see if this city lord is superhuman.

On the other side of the street, Huang He held up a bunch of incense sticks in his hand, stared at Qin Zixuan in the crowd, and murmured: "Qi Qi, we are really destined to be with Father, he actually came to Shishui City."

Ying Xiaoqi nodded, it was a predestined relationship, the two of them walked casually, there was no target in the east, west, north, south, they were throwing tree fingers in this direction, unexpectedly they met their parents-in-law again.

The two walked forward with the flow of people, wanting to see what happened to Qin Zixuan, when they got closer, they heard Qin Zixuan cheerfully saying please, and actually followed Zhao Wu to Cheng Wang's mansion.

Zhao Wu reported his family, and Qin Zixuan came to say that it was a pleasure to meet him. Zhao Wu took the opportunity to invite Qin Zixuan and his party to go to the City Lord's Mansion for a drink.

Bai Jing looked at Zhao Wu's back with sympathetic little eyes with her hands behind her back. This was a trick for someone who didn't see it. He wanted to design the prince in front of the general, and now he was having fun.

Zhao Zhui was sitting on the main seat drinking with everyone, when he heard the report from the servants, he immediately asked the guards to put them up. He has always liked beautiful women all his life, and he has had sex with eight thousand women if not ten thousand. Manage the glory and never fall.

Mu Sanniang was brought in front of the people, looked up and saw hatred flashing in Zhao Zhui's eyes, she struggled twice but couldn't get away, so she could only stare at Zhao Zhui bitterly.

Zhao Zhui looked at Mu Sanniang, then at the concubine sitting beside him, raised his hand and slapped the concubine's head, it wasn't that Zhao Zhui was cruel, it was because the difference in appearance was too big, Zhao Zhui felt I have been blind.

The concubine from room [-] had her life on the line before she even entered the bridal chamber. Some of the guests at the banquet screamed and screamed, and even covered their mouths, unable to believe the change before her.

Of course, this is not the most embarrassing thing, the most embarrassing one is Tao Wanli who sent his daughter to curry favor with Zhao Zhui, Tao Wanli covered his wife's mouth, his face was full of panic.

He didn't know where he had offended the city lord, it was a marriage but not an enemy!Before Tao Wanli could inquire, Zhao Zhui spoke.

"Come here, come here, sit here, this is the concubine I want to take." Zhao Zhui wanted to say Mu Sanniang's name, but then he didn't think it was wrong. How did they know each other's name when they met for the first time, so they simply didn't introduced.

Anyway, he has too many concubines, and he is too lazy to memorize so many names. If he likes them, he will throw them away. He has no shortage of women. As long as he has the strength, will he worry about not having women?

Only then did Tao Wanli realize that it wasn't that he had offended the city lord, but that the city lord disliked his daughter's ugliness and felt ashamed of him. This discovery made Tao Wanli hate Mu Sanniang to death.

If the stunning beauty in front of him hadn't appeared, his daughter would not have died in vain, and if she climbed to the high branch of the city lord, the Tao family could also rise to a higher level.

Of course, no matter how much hatred Tao Wanli felt in his heart, he still had to force a smile on his face, and he had to congratulate the Lord City Lord with the mocking eyes of all the guests. This slap in the face was too hard.

Qin Zixuan entered behind Mu Sanniang, seeing that this farce was not worth it for the girl who died in vain, and hoped that in his next life he could find a good family.

Zhao Wu came out in a row, came to Zhao Zhui and whispered in a whisper, his eyes slanted to Qin Zixuan, Zhao Zhui's eyes finally moved away from Mu Sanniang, when Zhao Zhui's eyes fell on Qin Zixuan's side, he said that today is a good day day.

Mu Sanniang was pushed by the guards to sit next to Zhao Zhui, looked up at Zhao Zhui, and saw Zhao Zhui's piggy-like face, gritted her teeth in hatred, and wanted to draw her sword to kill Zhao Zhui, but found that Zhao Zhui had already got up.

Just like this, the opportunity flashed before Mu Sanniang's eyes. Zhao Zhui quickly walked a few steps to meet Qin Zixuan, and said directly, son, I have a destiny with you. Qin Zixuan was ashamed of his flirting skills.

"The Lord of Xiashi City, Zhao Zhui, I don't know what to call your son." Zhao Zhui came to Qin Zixuan, obviously talking to Qin Zixuan, a pair of eyes fell on the woman beside Qin Zixuan.

Hehe, Qin Zixuan sent a sneer, and replied: "My surname is Qin, and my name is Grandpa. You can call me Grandpa Qin."

After Qin Zixuan's displeased voice fell, Zhao Zhui really called Grandpa Qin, and the guests around lowered their heads and laughed secretly, praising Qin Zixuan for being so brave that he even dared to tease Zhao Zhui.

Everyone laughed at Zhao Zhui and didn't find anything wrong, because Zhao Zhui called Grandpa Qin, Hua Yan couldn't help but raise his lips and chuckle, confused Zhao Zhui so much that he couldn't tell the north from the south, couldn't distinguish things, how could he know that he was occupied by someone Cheap.

Pointing to the top position and saying please, I don't know who he is inviting, all the beauties here are pretty, and Zhao Zhui doesn't know the names of all the girls, so he stretches out his hand to say something, but is caught by Gu Yueru's sword blocked the way.

At this moment, Zhao Wu realized that there was still a big black flower here. Qin Zixuan yelled and walked up with his hands behind his back.

When the guests sitting at the top saw Qin Zixuan's group coming over, their expressions were extremely uncomfortable. There were only so many seats, where would they sit when Qin Zixuan came?

Qin Zixuan's goal was very clear, which was Tao Wanli's direction, not for anything else, but because Tao Wanli didn't dress like an ordinary guest.

(End of this chapter)

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