Chapter 1351
Zhao Zhui wanted to escape, but Gu Yueru refused to let him go, the two soon fought together again, Zhao Zhui's eyes were red, he found that Gu Yueru was not like a girl, how could a woman attack a man and greet her all the way down to Sanyin of.

I really can't blame Gu Yue for this, she was deeply influenced by Qin Zixuan, Qin Zixuan is not good at martial arts, and his moves are dirty, in Qin Zixuan's own words, his martial arts is not enough to be dirty, as long as he doesn't get beaten.

When it comes to Gu Yueru, she can do whatever she wants, and attack anyone who is unhappy, if she is an admirable opponent, she can use the correct attack method.

Some of the surrounding guests had already sneaked towards the gate of the city, but only when they reached the gate did they find that they could not go there either, and Yang Shulin led the soldiers to guard outside.

Zhao Zhui was panting like a dog, barely sticking out his tongue, and stood against the wall, waving his hands and yelling to stop beating, if he couldn't do it anymore, any more spanking would be a blow.

Gu Yueru really begged for mercy by begging a saint master with his strength. Zhao Zhui knew that he had met someone who was more ruthless than him today, so if he didn't beg for mercy, he would die.

Life is so beautiful, Zhao Zhui really didn't want to die, he clasped his hands to apologize to Gu Yueru, he didn't know how he offended Gu Yueru, and begged Gu Yueru to let him go.

This guy still hasn't figured out who is the one with the strongest voice. What's the use of begging for mercy from Gu Yueru?

It's better not to ask for mercy than Gu Yueru, begging is useless, and Zhao's pursuit of forgiveness makes Gu Yueru look down on him even more, as a strong man without the backbone of a strong man, it would be strange for Gu Yueru to look up to him.

Seeing that it was useless to seek Gu Yueru, Zhao Zhui turned his head to look at Gong Liangyan. Qin Zixuan looked at Zhao Zhui's eyes and sighed that Zhao Zhui was blind with a pair of white eyes, and he couldn't tell who was the boss.

Li Han laughed and answered "Kill him to save food waste", Mu Sanniang stepped forward and begged her to do it, Qin Zixuan waved his hands and called "Freedom", he just stopped by to fight Qiu Fengdi.

Mu Sanniang was so unequivocal that she rushed forward with a sword in her hand. Zhao Zhui's eyes flashed fiercely, and he didn't give him a way out, so he pulled his back. Since the person was invited by Mu Sanniang, then Accompanied by Mu Sanniang.

Just thinking about it well, he moved an arrow and shot it on his wrist, and it went straight into the wall. His bones were all broken, and he sank into the wall with the arrow.

Qin Zixuan clapped his hands and shouted that the nails were useful, Mu Sanniang looked back, only to realize that she had underestimated these women, and that any one shot could kill Zhao Zhui.

In her eyes, the enemy who is the top of the sky is nothing to them. Mu Sanniang's desire for strength has reached a new height, and she will become as strong as these women.

Zhao Zhui's eyes were red, and he ordered the city guards to attack the enemy. It's okay not to shout, but when he shouted, the city guards gave up the weapons in their hands, squatted there with their heads in their hands and surrendered.

The guests who had just done it all regretted it, and the one who regretted it the most was Tao Wanli, who originally wanted to repair the relationship and took the initiative to join the team that attacked Qin Zixuan and his group.

He also worked extremely hard in the battle, because he worked too hard, so his eldest son was beheaded on the spot, and he himself broke a leg. This will see everyone surrender, and Tao Wanli feels that his sky is completely dark.

Today he lost his favorite eldest son and married a daughter. It would be fine if he could climb the high branch of the city lord, but the city lord has fallen. Is there anyone more unlucky than him in this world?

Qin Zixuan's eyes swept across Tao Wanli, and the corners of his mouth raised disdain. This kind of prostitution is really not a good thing. If the same thing happened to him, Qin Zixuan would dare to raise his head to avenge his daughter.

Seeing the surrender of the city guards, Zhao Zhui knew that he had no way out and no one to count on. He only hated that he hadn't cut the grass and rooted out the roots at that time. If he had let him know of Mu Sanniang's existence earlier, he would definitely not have let him go.

At the moment when his life was in danger, Zhao Zhui burst out with all his strength, broke free from the control of the sharp arrow, and flew up from the wall. Li Han sneered while holding the arrow, and then three more arrows shot out, Zhao Zhui was nailed to the wall again. up the wall.

Mu Sanniang seized the opportunity to rush forward and cut off Zhao Zhui's head with a sword. This time, there is no need to worry about his head being sideways. Seeing the blood column bursting out of his neck, Mu Sanniang knelt there and cried loudly.

The mountain that had been pressing on her all this time disappeared, and finally avenged her family.Qin Zixuan waved his hand and asked the guests around to line up to offer gifts. If they are satisfied with the gifts, they can save their lives. If they are not satisfied, they can die.

After the insidious words came out, the frightened guests trembled, looked at each other a few times, and finally someone boldly stepped forward to report out of the house.

"Xiao Buhuai, Xiao's family in Shishui City, see my lord, please spare my life." Xiao Buhuai touched a string of shells from his body, and there was a handful of strangely made bones in the middle of the shells.

Seeing Qin Zixuan's staring puzzled expression, Xiao Buhuai hurriedly explained that this thing was handed down from his ancestors, I don't know how many generations it has been passed down, anyway, it is a token of the Xiao family.

I don't know what it's useful for, Xiao Buhuai adhered to the principle that big people don't need money, so he had to offer the oldest things to show his sincerity.

Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows, well, Qin Zixuan also accepted it even at that age, and ordinary shells must not be handed down for so many years, there are secrets in these shells.

Seeing Qin Zixuan waving his hand, Liu Yi stepped forward to take the shell and placed it beside Qin Zixuan, telling him to go and wait.

The second came on stage, blushing and stepped down towards him. Just when Qin Zixuan was about to order him to be killed, that guy found a jade whistle of this color from inside.

Hehe, Qin Zixuan sent a sneer, that guy is not going to present this thing, who does he want to brag about what he put there?

"My lord, this and this are quite old. Putting them there can make the little dick bigger." Seeing that Qin Zixuan didn't believe it, the man said with certainty, "I'm really not lying to you. If you don't believe me, you can check my place."

Pfft, someone couldn't help laughing, Qin Zixuan was also annoyed, who was he trying to take advantage of, he went to check up on a big man, he was sick!
"My lord, I want to report him," a figure walked out of the guests, pointed to the second middle-aged wretched man on stage and said, "He is lying to your lord. He has been bigger than ordinary people since he was a child, and the whistle is just his whistle." nasty taste, and he likes his women to do it while whistling."

Pfft, Qin Zixuan is having fun this time, he has heard of flute but never whistle, this person is too wretched, no wonder he looks like this.

"Pull it down and behead it." Li Han was not happy, and directly issued the beheading order. He hated being deceived the most.

(End of this chapter)

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