Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1354 Pig Brain

Chapter 1354 Pig Brain

While Qin Zixuan was working on an expedition in Shishui City, Da Qin Yujing was going on a real adventure. The Zhang family suddenly staged a coup, rushed into the East Palace and beheaded the new crown prince, and then went all over the palace.

The emperor was trembling while hiding in the Hall of Mental Cultivation. He did not expect that the people he trusted would betray him one by one. First, Empress Lu betrayed him.

This made the emperor have to re-establish the prince. How long did the good guy stand, and the Zhang family also followed the rebellion. The emperor felt that he was really unlucky.

These are not counted, and the generals actually became kings in a different place and did not listen to Daqin's orders at all. The reason is that the emperor did not distribute military rations and wanted to starve them to death. If I go, Qin Zihe really has nothing to say.

It's not that he doesn't distribute military rations, but that the military rations have been embezzled by others. Qin Zihe originally thought that it would be okay if there were a few corrupt officials. It was understandable to be an official for thousands of miles just for money, but now he realized that he really couldn't understand. Steady.

Concubine Ren sat opposite the emperor, looking at the timid look of the emperor, she suddenly found out whether the people of the Qin family were naturally timid, and Qin Zixuan could be scared to death by a thunderbolt.

Qin Zixuan is standing beside Li Han, so is he the general beside the emperor?Will the emperor listen to himself in everything?Listen to Li Han like Qin Zixuan?
Concubine Ren was thinking of good things in her heart, but she didn't know that Qin Zixuan was pretending to be henpecked outside, and Li Han really didn't dare to give Qin Zixuan anger when he got home, but he held it in his hand and cared for him.

Qin Zixuan is also cheap, wishing that the whole world would think that he is afraid of his wife, this forced pretending is too much, so that many women look for their future husbands with Li Han as a model, and use Qin Zixuan as a benchmark, dragging many men into the pit.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the Zhang family can't make a fortune." Concubine Ren took a sip from her cup, her expression very calm. The Zhang family is a thousand-year-old fox, and his Ren family is not just paper.

"Hey, since King Jiayi rebelled, my world has never been peaceful. Every day, people pull up banners and establish themselves as kings. Is it true that whoever wins Qin Zixuan wins the world? If Qin Zixuan is lost, my world will not be stable?"

The emperor sat there frowning, and began to miss the days when Qin Zixuan was here. At that time, Qin Zixuan didn't care about other things, but the world was peaceful, and the soldiers of all parties expanded their territories, and the territory of Great Qin was increasing day by day.

On the contrary, after Qin Zixuan left, King Jiayi rebelled first, and when King Jiayi was finally wiped out, Empress Lu raised the banner again and almost took his country.

After the Lu family was annihilated, he promoted the Zhang family to the Ren family, but he didn't expect that the Zhang family was so useless that they only held power for a few days, and they rebelled frantically.

I go!Qin Zihe sat there straight up and began to scold. Concubine Ren listened calmly, a smile flashed in her eyes, Concubine Zhang's son had a fat head and big ears, and he could do nothing but eat.

The master taught him to read, but he didn’t learn ten words in a year. The master taught him mathematics. The good guy learned addition within ten for half a year, and then broke his leg and took a rest for a month. As a result, the master forgot everything after checking.

If this kind of person wants to be crowned prince, not to mention the emperor's disapproval, even if the emperor agrees, I'm afraid the prince surnamed Qin will not agree. What's the difference between that guy and a fool?
After scolding for a while, the emperor put his hands on his hips and panted heavily, but the eunuch hadn't recovered yet, and the eunuch came in and reported that the second palace gate might not be able to withstand it, and asked the emperor to move and hide in other palaces.

Concubine Ren frowned, how could it be possible, the Ren family shouldn't be weaker than the Zhang family?Concubine Ren glanced at the maid beside her, and the little maid hurried out to inquire about the news.

Yujing City was very lively, but several mansions were very quiet, but their gates were guarded by soldiers, so they didn't dare to attack.

In Prince Cheng's mansion, Concubine Cheng looked at the old lady Zhen Guogong and shook her head for a while. This Yujing couldn't be quiet for a few days. I don't know how much blood will be shed this time.

The old lady let out a long sigh, she was worthless for the Li family, their Li family bleed desperately for Daqin, and they almost died out, but look at Daqin's country, alas, one generation is not as good as the other.

The emperor of this generation was so dizzy that he couldn't see the need for assistance at all. Uncle Zhong walked in from the door, saluted the two of them and said, "Concubine, it seems that the Qian family is about to move."

The Qian family?Concubine Cheng remembered that the Qian family hadn't appeared in her ears for a long time. She didn't expect them to jump out at this time. What do they want to do?Do you want to keep the Fifth Prince on the throne?
"How strong is the Qian family?" the old lady asked. She was a military commander. When she heard that the Qian family was about to move, the first thing she did was to care about the other party's strength. If the strength was weak, it would be useless.

"The Qian family's own strength is very weak, but he has joined forces with several generals to launch a surprise attack after the failure of the Zhang family's uprising, and then help the fifth prince to ascend to the throne." Uncle Zhong handed the information to Concubine Cheng. The concubine pushed it to the old lady.

The old lady was not polite either, she opened it and shook her head after reading it, pointing to the list of these generals and said: "These few are not good guys, they are all ruthless, it's fine if the fifth prince doesn't take the position, if the fifth prince takes the post, I'm afraid of life Not as good as the current emperor."

Uncle Zhong nodded in agreement, he also thought so, Taifei Cheng looked at the list of several people, looked at the direction of the palace, it seemed that the luck of that branch was really exhausted.

If the emperor can be honest and obedient to be the Taiping Emperor, it will be fine. There are virtuous kings and other virtuous ministers to assist you, but if you are disobedient, you still have to mess around, and you have no real skills. Now everyone comes out to rebel, it depends Let's see how he handles it.

"Are we going to help the emperor?" Uncle Zhong asked.Concubine Cheng shook her head, she had now figured out what Li Han meant by taking those generals away, she was hoping that Great Qin would be in chaos.

Since the chaos is beneficial to the son, then let them make the chaos, as long as it doesn't endanger Cheng Cheng's mansion, Uncle Zhong took the order to retreat.

In Prince Xian's mansion, King Xian called Qin Ziming to his face and asked Qin Zixuan when he would come back. Qin Ziming stared at the question. He didn't know about such important military affairs. He only needed to help Brother Xuan look at the money bag in Daqin.

King Xian watched his son grind his teeth, the days of waiting were really too sad. A good Daqin would be defeated by Qin Zihe, that bastard didn't know the way of balance at all.

The overall situation has not yet stabilized, and they are so eager to appoint a prince, and even if they are appointed as a prince, they still reuse the son of the Zhang family as a noble concubine, because they are doing their best to deal with Empress Lu's affairs?

That pig's brain doesn't want to think about why his Zhang family has such a powerful force, who is that power prepared for, do you really think it is to protect him!
(End of this chapter)

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