Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1363 Purpose

Chapter 1363 Purpose
Dinosaur looked at the pile of meat in front of him, and was very moved. This brother really understands himself, and they are all his favorites. Dinosaur chatted with Qin Zixuan while eating.

After unremitting efforts, dinosaurs are now able to communicate with Qin Zixuan normally, no need to use paper and pens anymore, a monster can speak human language, which is a very magical thing in itself, so the status of dinosaurs in the Reincarnation Sect is getting more and more higher.

Qin Zixuan sat next to the dinosaur, remembering that when he saw the dinosaur for the first time, Qin Zixuan still wanted to give the dinosaur the status of a guardian animal, firstly to protect Daqin, and secondly to have someone around the dinosaur take care of him.

Unexpectedly, in the end, the guardian animal was not regarded as the guardian animal of the reincarnation religion. So far, the life of the dinosaur is good, eating, drinking and chatting.

"Brother, it's not bad. Your strength has actually entered that level. You have worked hard enough." Dinosaur was very happy to see Qin Zixuan's strength improve. Apart from being able to fight, the strength improvement also has a good health.

The longer Qin Zixuan lived, the happier the dinosaur would be, otherwise Qin Zixuan would be left as a lonely soul in another world, how lonely it would be to live.

Hehe, Qin Zixuan was very proud of his smile, he couldn't stop his luck. He only wanted to meet his luck and see what secrets are in Shishui City. Who knew that he would meet such great luck.

Looking at Qin Zixuan's grinning face, Dinosaur lamented that different people have different fates, they all came from the same place, alas, fate can play tricks on people.

After inquiring about the next itinerary, Dinosaur was very happy and called to go with him. He also went to Yinsha Gate to see how strong the rivers and lakes of the Suzaku Empire are. Dinosaurs like to challenge the strong.

When the dinosaurs were full, the chef in the back kitchen was about to cry. He was so tired that he couldn't lift his arms and sat against the wall, unable to move. If it wasn't for fear of losing his head, these people would have gone on strike long ago.

Of course, there is no such thing as a strike in this era. It is not a strike, it is a strike. As a servant, you have to finish your work even if you are exhausted, or you will be beaten to death.

Qin Zixuan leaned on the dinosaur, continued to brag with the dinosaur, turned his experience into a novel, and the dinosaur regretted not following Qin Zixuan closely.

In the Suzaku Imperial City, the Emperor Suzaku was upset when he saw his son kneeling in front of him. He had placed high hopes on him, but he didn't expect to be defeated one by one, not only defeated but even lost the city and land.

At this moment, the eunuch presented the latest news, the Emperor Suzaku opened his eyes to watch, his eyes flickered, that bastard Qin Zixuan actually left the main army and went deep into the Suzaku Empire, what a coward!

"Hmph! Invite the ancestors to come in to discuss important matters. This time, Qin Zixuan doesn't have many experts to protect him. Whatever he says, he will be killed. If he doesn't die, Suzaku will die!"

The Emperor Suzaku thought of the news calculated by the magic operator, and he was very sure that the news was correct. From various signs, it can be seen that Qin Zixuan is the nemesis of the Suzaku Empire.

With Qin Zixuan around, the plan to attack Daqin failed, and the one who lost was completely clean, and few people escaped back. With Qin Zixuan, the enemy's attack was as fierce as a tiger, and he couldn't stop it at all.

As soon as he made a move, he cheated 800 million soldiers!Thinking of the soldiers who died in Qin Zixuan's hands, Emperor Suzaku gritted his teeth in hatred. If Qin Zixuan hadn't tricked him so much first, he wouldn't be so passive.

One wrong step, one wrong step, so that now the Suzaku Empire is in a precarious situation, leaking from all directions!The Suzaku Mountains are the heart and soul of the Suzaku Empire, and now that heart and soul have abandoned them and no longer care about their life or death.

Whether he can survive depends on whether he can kill Qin Zixuan, which is very important. Emperor Suzaku told himself Qin Zixuan's important words over and over again, and he decided to kill Qin Zixuan no matter what price he paid.

The prince looked up at the Emperor Suzaku, with hatred on his face. This hatred was not directed at the Emperor Suzaku, but at Qin Zixuan. It can be said that the words Qin Zixuan are very hateful, and there is no one in the Suzaku royal family who does not hate him.

This hatred has been around for a long time, and everything is attributed to the magic operator. Qin Zixuan himself never knew that he was so good at soliciting hatred.

Soon, the ancestors of the Suzaku royal family arrived. These people were all masters from the Suzaku royal family. They used to learn from the masters in the Suzaku mountain range, and they could be regarded as disciples of the Holy Fire Palace.

It's just that these people have too much heart and always want to control the Holy Fire Palace, so they are interrupted when they stretch their hands too long, so that they are excluded from the range of peripheral disciples. They are also dissatisfied with the Holy Fire Palace, but unfortunately their strength is not enough.

Now everyone will attack the Holy Fire Palace together. These guys saw the opportunity to control the Holy Fire Palace, so they withdrew from the Holy Fire Palace and hid in the palace. In name, they were protecting the safety of the royal family, but they were actually waiting for the opportunity to break into the Holy Fire Palace.

The power of the Suzaku imperial family is not too weak, at least not as weak as it appears to be. The fact that a large area of ​​land was seized by others is related to the selfishness of these old guys.

Of course, there are also people who are holding the country and can take it back at any time, but their strength cannot be damaged, because they are preparing for a big move.

If that big move is successful, they will be able to truly dominate the world, and they will become the real top ten thousand people, and they will no longer have to bear a mountain on their heads.

When the matter came to a critical moment, everyone was holding back their big move. Dahai's big move was to get all the masters of the four major families over, and at the same time let everyone use the fire sea to improve their strength and strive for victory in the first battle.

The Suzaku royal family is planning to fight out when everyone is hurting. Before that, they hide their identities and never reveal their whereabouts.

Zheng Nanwang's gang is also preparing for their big moves, and they are practicing total counting skills every day. They want to defeat the enemy in terms of numbers. Dai Chun is busy training troops every day, and is always looking forward to entering the Suzaku Mountains.

The ancestors of the royal family entered the main hall in twos and threes, and when they saw the prince and the emperor, they didn't salute, and just found a place to sit down. Their attitude towards the emperor was that of the younger generation.

Emperor Suzaku was not angry either, he knew that strength is the confidence to speak and the attitude to act, this group of people has this strength, but the prince sees one salutes to another, the attitude is called respectful.

"Your Majesty, what's the big deal for you to invite us here?" An old woman with a hooked nose asked suddenly, and the eyes of the others fell on the Emperor Suzaku.

Emperor Suzaku did not dare to hide anything, so he told the news about Qin Zixuan and his party, and at the same time told his own plans. Qin Zixuan's opportunity to travel alone was too rare.

The Emperor Suzaku wanted to keep the Suzaku Empire, and the first person he wanted to kill was Qin Zixuan. He really talked about lotus flowers and tried his best to persuade all the experts. In short, there was only one meaning, that is, killing Qin Zixuan would be beneficial.

(End of this chapter)

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