Chapter 1365
Thinking of his own merits, the dinosaur silently calculated that he should be able to pay off the debts of his previous life. He wanted nothing else but to die early. Others wished to live for tens of millions of years. The dinosaur hoped that he could live another day and then be reincarnated with a kick of his legs.

Qin Zixuan sincerely sympathizes with this guy. You said that he is not a heinous person, but just playful and playful. How can he be treated like this? It is probably a debt accumulated by several generations. I hope he can pay it off in this life.

The Great Elder stood in front of the mountain gate, watching Qin Zixuan and the dinosaur approaching, trembling with fright, fighting, but not fighting, it seems that the reputation of Yinshamen has been weakened, after all, everyone has hit the door.

The Great Elder was in a dilemma there, but Qin Zixuan was not at all in a dilemma. He just came to rob. Yinshamen has lived here for many years, and he must have harmed many people. The property they collected must be kept by him.

"You, this senior, can't kill without nodding your head. I, I, we admit it, please let me go." The elder wanted to say a few beautiful words, but he lacked confidence, and finally turned into begging to let go.

Qin Zixuan couldn't help laughing when he saw the change in the expression of the Great Elder. He didn't expect this guy to be so cowardly. He thought he would encounter something hard. He pointed at the Great Elder and shouted: "It's okay to let go. Get out of the way. The baby of the door will let you go."

What?The great elder stared at him, and moved all the treasures from Yinchamen, even if Qin Zixuan let him go, would the two saints let him go?That's impossible, the treasure of Yinshamen is the foundation of Lipai.

This has to be guarded, the great elder puffed up his chest and wanted to continue talking nonsense, the dinosaur quit, you have surrendered, and you are still here blocking the way, isn't it just looking for a beating?
So the tragic elder was slapped flying by the dinosaur, and then the dinosaur rushed all the way to the main hall in the mountain. Qin Zixuan sat there looking around, wanting to see where the baby was.

Li Han and Gong Liangyan came to the front. Li Han directed Yang Shulin to search and walk around the halls with his hands behind his back. The dinosaurs also wanted to go around, but it was too troublesome. The halls were too small for the dinosaurs to get in.

If you want to walk around, you have to shake your fists and wag your tail all the way. Although it is not very tiring, it is annoying, so the dinosaur lay on the front yard of the main hall and did not move. .

"You said you don't learn anything at school, what are you doing at school?" Qin Zixuan was a bit puzzled, playing all day without studying at school, and not learning at all, isn't this a waste of time.

"Pick up girls, brother is famous in the academy." Dinosaur is not ashamed and proud of it. He is quite proud of saying this. Qin Zixuan gave it to two haha. Dinosaur became weak afterward. I won't come here.

Look at how beautiful Qin Zixuan came here, the eldest son of Xiangche beauty, he has everything he wants, and then look at him, he has nothing but a body of flesh, not even a female beast, alas, the worst thing is that even five Neither did the girl.

Qin Zixuan touched the dinosaur's head and felt sympathy in his heart. They are all timetravelers, and this is fate.

"By the way, thank you for donating so many philanthropic halls in my name." Dinosaur suddenly raised his head and said, feeling that Qin Zixuan was really loyal, and he didn't mention it himself, Qin Zixuan had already helped him.

"You're being polite, I hope it's of some use," Qin Zixuan looked at the blue sky and sighed, "Others do good deeds for a long life, but you do good deeds for a quick death, do you think God can hear your voice?"

"It's okay, it doesn't matter if I'm reincarnated as an adult in the next life." Dinosaur looked up at the sky, and his biggest discovery in this life is that it's good to be a human being, even if it's just an ordinary person.

"It's definitely not a problem to be a human being. I asked Dahai about this, and the baby kept talking about it so I didn't understand. Anyway, the conclusion is that you can be reincarnated as a human being. When you can be reincarnated, he has no choice."

Qin Zixuan stroked the dinosaur's head repeatedly, and the dinosaur let out a long sigh. He knew his lifespan, 1000 years. Of course, the way of living this year is different.

It takes 1000 years to live in pain and death, 1000 years to be free from disease and disaster, and 1000 years to eat and drink freely. What dinosaurs want now is this thousand years of freedom to eat and drink, and then reincarnate as a human in the next life.

At present, these two goals can be achieved. The dinosaur really has nothing else to ask for. Let's live happily every day. After the dinosaur decides to unify the world, it will hang behind Qin Zixuan's ass. This guy can play.

"Brother, do you think this world should be unified under the name of Daqin, or a United Nations?" Dinosaur asked.

"It's all due to the use of the Great Qin's name, and the emperor can't control it. In the end, people from all sides looked at it and told me to build a United Nations. However, the United Nations also has many disputes, which is also an unstable factor. "

Qin Zixuan was very worried. In the past, Uncle Huang's lineage took care of the country to unify the world, but now his son took care of the world. Qin Zixuan really didn't want his son to be exhausted, so how to unify the world is a bit difficult.

"If there is a constitutional system of kings, our entire Congress will be handled by them, and the royal family will squat on their heads. You can do less and enjoy more." Dinosaur proposed.

This Qin Zixuan also thought about it, the king's constitutional system is really good, it not only preserves the country of the Great Qin, but also makes this society better, the perfection of the constitution is the best gift for the people.

Ruling the country by law is far better than governing the country by people. The benefits of having imperial power are too few, and no one can guarantee that Lao Tzu is a hero, and a man as sinister as his imperial uncle gave birth to an idiot son.

If this kind of person rules the world, even if a complete world is handed over to him, it will be crippled. The king's constitutional system governs the country by law, which is much better than the imperial power system.

While Li Han led people to transcribe the door, Qin Zixuan and Dinosaur were studying how to weaken the imperial power and implement the legal system. Since they wanted to unify the world, they naturally wanted to bring clarity to the world.

If a more feudal and backward system is established, it is better not to unify. After all, it is only one continent that is not unified. After reunification, it is the entire continent.

In Qin Zixuan's mind, neither the communist system nor the capitalist system works under the current national conditions. It is unrealistic to enter into that social system in one step, and we can only transition slowly.

When Li Han commanded the soldiers to carry out the treasures box by box, Qin Zixuan and the dinosaur had already discussed a model, only waiting for the fullness in the future. Anyway, Qin Zixuan never thought of making his lineage become a permanent emperor, and that is unrealistic. I just want to bring you a piece of clarity.

"Master, the Yinsha Gate is worthy of being passed down for hundreds of years. There are indeed many good things in it. I have people move them all out. Look, what is this? Does it look like the jade robe you mentioned?"

(End of this chapter)

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