Chapter 1368

Qin Zixuan looked at Bai Le's arrogant face, and laughed out loud, he never thought that someone would dare to throw money at him, does he look like someone short of money?This Bai family seems to be very rich.

Since he is so rich, hehe, since the eldest son is leading the troops to fight in the front line, I should help him with food and grass. Anyway, it is easy to do it. Qin Zixuan finally realized that it is not easy for the eldest son.

Gong Liangyan's cold face was almost frozen, and he clenched his fists angrily. He really wanted to blow that head off with a punch, and he dared to buy her with money in front of her.

Gu Yue leaned on Li Han's shoulder with her sword in her arms, and looked at Bai Le with great sympathy. There is nothing wrong with arrogance. If the arrogance does not have eyes, then there is a big problem. If you dare to act arrogantly in front of Lord Cheng, your brain will bloom.

Li Han tilted his head towards Gu Yueru and said in a low voice: "I guess Xianggong is trying to get the Bai family's idea. I heard that the Bai family is very rich."

"That's a good relationship. It just so happens that the sea needs food and grass." Gu Yueru continued, and the two guys got together and let out a smirk, which made Bai Le feel terrified.

"Bole, um, not bad, not bad, the young man is not bad." Qin Zixuan looked at Bo Le as if he was looking at a boy who spread money. Just send someone to pick it up, don’t feel bad, anyway, you can’t spend it all by yourself.”

Bo Le didn't feel right when he heard this. Why did he send someone to fetch it? It's his own, okay?Of course, I still have to give the money to buy this beauty.

Bai Le took out a piece of silver from his bosom, weighed it in his hand a few times, and looked sideways at Qin Zixuan. Qin Zixuan looked at the silver and raised his eyebrows, probably planning to use this piece of silver to buy Gong Liangyan away.

Gong Liangyan can pinch and calculate. I don't know if she has calculated her price. If she calculates it, I don't know whether she will be furious or murder to silence her. Thinking of this, Qin Zixuan looked at Gong Liangyan, his eyes were full of teasing.

"Boy, don't say that I won't give you a chance. If I ask you to make a price, you won't. Now that I'm making an offer, I'll take this piece of silver and give it to me!" Bai Le said, throwing the silver at Qin Zixuan.

I saw the piece of silver emitting silvery white light under the sun, flying towards Qin Zixuan's head in an arc, Qin Zixuan's eyes widened, ah, what a good vision, if you don't try to die, you won't die.

Just before the silvery white light got close to Qin Zixuan, it was overturned by an external force and hit Bai Le's left eye backwards. The speed was extremely fast, and it hit the eye before Bai Le could react.

Hearing Bai Le's scream, blood gushed out of his left eye, and the eyeball shattered to the ground. Gong Liangyan, who had done something good, stood beside Qin Zixuan as if nothing had happened, and let others point and point at Qin Zixuan.

"It's too ruthless. Isn't she a woman if you hate anything?"

"It's just a woman. This group of people is too arrogant. They definitely won't be able to get out of Guicheng. Let's just watch them suffer."

"That's right, if you don't sell it, don't sell it. As for ruining people's eyes?"

"That's right, the Bai family is a local tyrant in Guicheng, this kid is finished, he must be chopped up by the Bai family!"

"This person looks very strange, he's an outsider, hehe, if a strong dragon doesn't overwhelm a local snake, this group of people is doomed."

Qin Zixuan listened to the bad-faced discussions around him. In the eyes of these people, snatching a woman is like drinking water. He would not cause public anger at all. Then Qin Zixuan would wish them good luck in this matter sooner or later.

Furthermore, it was obviously Gong Liangyan who made the move, why did these stinky men point at him?Qin Zixuan is about to die unjustly, but because he is a man, does he have to take the blame for others?He has always been the one to blame.

Hua Yan tilted his head to look at Li Han, others are accusing King Cheng, I don't know how the general will react?Li Han did react, and the reaction was unique.

I saw Li Han stepping forward, pointing at these gossiping men and shouting: "Remember them for me, and then patronize their families one by one. Those with daughters will be taken away, and those without daughters will be taken away from their wives." .”

"Yes!" Yang Shulin clapped his hands in response, looking at the gossiping faces around him with sympathy, didn't he know that his general was protecting his shortcomings?You can criticize the general, but not the prince, whoever scolds will be unlucky.

Qin Zixuan waved his jade fan in trepidation for a while, but wanted to see if they could still be so leisurely after such a woman-robbing thing happened?Isn't it a woman?Go on!
There are those smart ones who have shrunk their necks and fled. Some of the excitement can’t be watched, and something will happen if they watch it. Of course, there are two fools who are still screaming "Dare you!"

Do you dare to ask this?Of course he dared, so this man was very unlucky, he was pulled out and searched, his household registration plate was searched out, and then registered in the register, and visited one by one when the time came.

Bai Le almost fainted from the pain in his eyes, he squatted on the ground and couldn't stand up, his slave was about to speak harshly, but he shut his mouth wisely when he saw this scene, his young master seemed to have offended someone who shouldn't be offended today people.

So the clever house slave picked up Bai Le and left. It's better to go back to the house and let the master handle this matter justice. A small servant like him can't afford to provoke these outsiders.

In the crowd, several faint murderous auras rose up. Qin Zixuan looked around, wondering if the murderous aura was directed at him, and it came so well. It was Li Han's words that aroused their murderous intent. However, someone still came to assassinate him.

Qin Zixuan's family knew what was going on. Although he didn't have the flesh of a Tang monk, his life was still very valuable. Although the reward order from the Suzaku Empire was withdrawn, it was probably still released secretly.

At that time, the Suzaku Empire issued a reward for the assassination of Qin Zixuan, Qin Zixuan was not dead, and then issued a mission instead. The final result was that the Suzaku Empire could not stand the initiative to seek peace, and the condition was to withdraw the mission at the same time.

At this time, Qin Zixuan didn't know that the mission appeared again, but the money was reduced. If he knew that Qin Zixuan would jump in anger, it would be too dishonorable.

As soon as the murderous aura came out, not only Qin Zixuan felt it, but Li Han and others also noticed that they were not weak, and ordinary murderous aura could not get close to them.

Li Han held Qin Zixuan's shoulders, and his eyes provoked the surroundings from time to time, wanting to see who dared to charge upwards, but in fact no one charged upwards, because the occasion was not right.

Li Han's information has been spread, everyone knows that this is a strong Saint Master, a Saint Master is holding Qin Zixuan's shoulders, they only choose this time to make a move because they are looking for death, and now they are just here to step on the field.

Soon, Yang Shulin recorded the identities of these people, and then drove them away. The next thing was the highlight, Yang Shulin didn't think Qin Zixuan would let Bo Le go.

Sure enough, Qin Zixuan saw the soldiers finish counting the heads, and then called to open the way to the Bai family. He was going to rob the Bai family's money to buy food and grass to support his eldest son.

At the Bai family, Bai Le was carried to the old man of the Bai family. When Bai Kai saw his only only child, Miao Miao, became furious, he threatened to kill Qin Zixuan and his gang.

(End of this chapter)

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