Chapter 1372
As soon as Qin Zixuan and the dinosaurs entered the city, the news spread to the City Lord's Mansion. Ou Mingzhen jumped up and down when he got the news. Qin Zixuan's trip really exploded in the sun, and too many people knew about it.

Looking at the people around him, Qin Zixuan wiped off his sweat, whispering to the dinosaur how fast the reincarnation religion is developing now, and why it doesn't feel so obvious in Guicheng.

The dinosaur rolled his eyes and looked around, and he wanted to ask why.

Li Han explained next to him: "Gui is managed by the Hua family. The soil for the development of Reincarnation is not good. As long as it is found that the reincarnation is a death penalty, even if there are reincarnation people, they dare not be so obvious."

Qin Zixuan understood that under the high-pressure policy, the disciples of the Reincarnation Sect should save their lives first. It seems that the lord of Baocheng is very loose in the management here, so should he rob or not?
Hearing Qin Zixuan's question, Gong Liangyan persuaded him not to rob Qin Zixuan. In the past, the robbing was done in the dark. Others didn't know that Prince Cheng was coming. Now it is not good to rob Qin Zixuan. Besides, there are many reincarnation believers here. It's not good to go up.

There is a saying that when the flood flooded the Dragon King Temple, one family does not recognize one family. The believers of the reincarnation religion and Prince Cheng are one family, and they are protected by Prince Cheng.

It made sense for Qin Zixuan to think about it carefully. Looking at the devout eyes around him, it would be a sin to accidentally injure any of them. Dahai Nawa has worked hard for the development of reincarnation religion.

As a good father, Qin Zixuan was very persuasive. He said on the spot that he would not rob, and I was just here to play. Gong Liangyan felt that he had achieved a lot and pursed his lips for fun. What Yan said makes sense.

As he was walking, a bay red horse rushed towards him on the avenue, and immediately sat a girl in red, with big red flowers on her head, and a fiery red whip in her hand. She was really happy.

"Who is this woman dressed like a New Year's doll?"

Qin Zixuan pointed to the front and looked at Li Han. Li Han stared at him for a few moments and replied, "Ou Mingzhen, the daughter of City Lord Ou."

Oh, Qin Zixuan understood, no wonder he liked the clothes so much, it turned out to be the emperor's daughter, and was about to make a joke when the dinosaur laughed beside him.

"Brother, that girl has a real personality. It seems that she came here after you. Could it be that she wants to snatch a groom?"

While the dinosaur was talking, Ou Mingzhen had already galloped up to him, staring closely at Qin Zixuan with a pair of cross-eyed eyes, the smile on his face could not be suppressed, Qin Zixuan in the painting was already handsome and charming, ten times more handsome in life.

Just one glance at Ou Mingzhen fell in love with Qin Zixuan, Qin Zixuan was looked down upon, but he didn't like Ou Mingzhen, this guy's eyes are not bad, he is not blind so he can see Ou Mingzhen's appearance clearly.

Ou Mingzhen got off her horse and stood still, Shi Shiran gave Qin Zixuan a blessing, looked up and introduced herself excitedly.

"Zhen'er sees Prince Cheng, my lord, Zhen'er is Ou Mingzhen, the daughter of the lord of Baocheng, my lord. Zhen'er is looking at you, if you marry Zhen'er, Baocheng will be yours."

Ou Mingzhen was a chatterbox, Qin Zixuan hadn't spoken yet, she stood there alone and talked a lot, and finally even reported the dowry, Qin Zixuan sneered.

Dinosaur was swaying happily, I really don't know where this girl got the courage, it must have been lent to her by Liang Jingru, she was so awesome, she jumped out to sell herself.

Li Han squinted at Ou Mingzhen. This person not only has bad eyes, but also a bad brain. Where does he have the courage?Just like this, you are not worthy of being a servant girl in the palace, okay?You say that who can talk like this!
Gong Liangyan and Hua Yan looked at each other and looked at Ou Mingzhen with unfriendly eyes. Gong Liangyan regretted persuading Qin Zixuan that he should let the prince rob the city lord's mansion, what the hell.

"That!" Qin Zixuan pointed at Ou Mingzhen, looking at the excited wolf-like face of the other party, he couldn't get the words out of his mouth, forget it, leave this matter to Li Han.

Qin Zixuan turned his head and said to Li Han with a very aggrieved face: "Daughter-in-law, she's planning on your man, you can figure it out."

"Beat her!" Li Han waved his fist without saying a word, Gong Liangyan bit his lip, King Cheng was really too shameless, Dinosaur clapped his hands and applauded, Dinosaur asked himself countless girls, never seen such a confident master, Sister Feng Not even her confidence.

Li Han ordered, Yang Shulin immediately jumped out of the team, Bai Jing and Liu Yi were not there, the first thug fell on him, Yang Shulin didn't say that he didn't hit women here, he beat up with his fists.

Ou Mingzhen exclaimed, and ran towards Qin Zixuan, even if she was beaten, she would hide in Prince Cheng's arms, she had been there for a long time, Qin Zixuan hid behind Li Han in fright, oh my god, he just can't get married The daughter-in-law doesn't look for this kind of woman either.

The people around stared at the play, some applauded, some cursed, and some wanted to smash Ou Mingzhen to death with rotten eggs. This was outrage.

Ou Mingzhen was not Yang Shulin's opponent, and she was beaten to the ground after a few rounds. Only then did Ou Mingzhen realize that she was not number one in the world, and the guards in the mansion had been teasing her.

Originally, she was thinking of fighting Li Han to death as her wife, but only then did she realize that even Li Han's personal soldiers couldn't fight.

When Ou Mingzhen was beaten to the ground, City Lord Ou also rushed over with his people. Seeing her daughter's miserable state, she didn't feel sorry for her, only angry at her. Can we be more angry?
"Xiaguan Baocheng City Lord Ou Xing sees Lord Cheng and the General." City Lord Ou got off his horse and gave a big salute. It seemed that he regarded Qin Zixuan as his master. Qin Zixuan tilted his head to look at the visitor. Is this planning to throw himself into the city?
"Excuse me, please get up." Qin Zixuan gave a false support, his eyes fell on Ou Xing, and Qin Zixuan said something that made City Lord Ou vomit blood after a while.

"Master Ou, is she really your daughter? Are you sure there is no cuckold?"

Dinosaurs continued to rattle next to him, and Ou Chengzhu's face turned black. Looking at Ou Mingzhen who was beaten and unable to get up, he also suspected that it was the effect of a cuckold, but alas, the daughter really looks exactly like the father, and the genes will not Liar.

Ou Mingzhen saw her father coming and crying, complaining that Qin Zixuan and the gang were bullying others, and that they had failed her good intentions, and asked City Lord Ou to send troops to destroy the gang, and then take Qin Zixuan away as her leader.

Ou Mingzhen's mind might be a little abnormal, and she didn't think about Qin Zixuan daring to swagger around, how could the protection around him be weak!

Listening to his daughter's inappropriate words, City Lord Ou slapped Ou Mingzhen in a big slap angrily, saving her from screaming beside her. If Qin Zixuan could be killed, someone would have done it long ago, and it was not his turn!

"My lord, it's a lowly official teaching women improperly, and offended my lord, please forgive my lord." City Lord Ou knelt down to the landlord again to beg for mercy, his eyes occasionally glanced up at Qin Zixuan's face.

(End of this chapter)

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