Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1375 Where did it come from?

Chapter 1375 Where did it come from?
Baocheng swords, swords and shadows, secret tricks constantly, above the sea, the Yangtze River is leading Jiang Qinglian and other experts to fight the sea monsters. I didn't expect them to be so unlucky that they encountered a group of sea monsters. The battle was really fierce.

The face of the Yangtze River is very ugly. Others have traveled this route N times, but they have never encountered such a sea monster. He never thought that he would encounter this kind of thing when he finally finished his work and went home. It is really unlucky.

Cannons and long guns came to the field one after another, but it was still useless. I don’t know where these monsters came and went, but they couldn’t kill them. This must be the migration of the ethnic group, and they were very unlucky to meet them.

snort!Changjiang was so angry that his long and narrow eyes turned into a line. Anyone familiar with Changjiang knew that this master was really angry. Once this master was angry, nothing good would happen.

Just when the Yangtze River was about to amplify its moves, the sky suddenly darkened, and rocs fell from a height and hovered over the big ship.The people who were fighting were stunned.

One by one swallowed nervously, the monsters in the sea hadn't been killed yet, another group came over their heads, it was God's death for them.Changjiang squinted his eyes and stared at the sky, his anger rushed up wave after wave.

He is not a person who believes in fate, even if the sky wants to destroy him, he dares to poke a hole in the sky. Changjiang is holding a bloody sword, and his mind is frantically thinking about countermeasures.

Ling'er poked her head to look at the boat, wanting to see who Fang Sheng was trapped on the boat, but she didn't recognize the others, but she recognized the flags on the flags, one of which was the flag of Prince Cheng's Mansion.

When Ling'er saw the owner of the pair of line-like eyes, Ling'er sweetly called "Second Brother", woke up Changjiang from his anger, and looked up carefully at the sky.

"Second brother, it's me." Ling'er whistled, sat down and the roc slowly raised its wings, Changjiang let the soldiers get out of the way, watching the falling roc with anticipation on its face.

When the roc landed, Ling'er's pretty face appeared in front of the Yangtze River, and the Yangtze River suddenly burst into laughter, thinking that God was against him, but it turned out that his sister had arrived.

"Linger!" Changjiang opened his arms, and Linger rushed into Changjiang's arms. The brother and sister were having fun, and they hadn't seen each other for many years, and there was no separation because of time.

Jiang Qinglian looked at the two hugging each other, sour water gushed up, and at the same time, she was full of envy. Isn't the relationship between the siblings so good that she, a bystander, is jealous.

The two hugged for a while, and then Ling'er asked, "Second brother, what's going on?"

"Oh, don't talk about it. I'm unlucky. I encountered sea monsters on the return journey. This is the first time I have encountered such a large group of sea monsters." Changjiang couldn't help but feel a headache when he saw the big ship began to leak.

It would not be a good thing if so many of them lost the big ship, and the group of people who followed him to Suzaku would probably lose most of them.

Oh, Ling'er patted his chest, I'm not afraid of this matter, with her, no matter what happens, I can't let the second brother suffer, Linger blew a whistle, and the sound of rocs was heard in the sky, and they lined up in a neat team and started to attack the sea monster .

Wow, looking at the attack in mid-air, Changjiang can only say that it is too powerful. It seems that the Fengwu family really made a lot of money by going to the extreme north.

Now that the crisis of the sea monster was resolved, Changjiang was not in a hurry or angry, and pulled Linger to introduce Jiang Qinglian. Linger tilted his head to look at Jiang Qinglian, and had to admit that the second brother's vision was still very good.

"Hi sister Linger, I have heard about you from the king a long time ago, and I am very happy to meet you." Jiang Qinglian blushed at the sight, she was not as thick-skinned as Linger, let alone as naughty as Linger.

Seeing Jiang Qinglian's blushing face, Ling'er stretched out her hand to touch Jiang Qinglian's face, and smiled like a thief, then let go of Jiang Qinglian and hugged Jiang Qinglian, Jiang Jiang rolled her eyes, and her sister started to tease her again.

Sure enough, Jiang Qinglian was moved, looked carefully at her wrist and screamed in fright, oh my god, those are gold bracelets, are those two little golden snakes!
Hearing Jiang Qinglian's screams, the two little golden snakes spit out their pistils very cooperatively. Jiang Qinglian was so frightened that she froze there and did not dare to move. Changjiang knocked Ling'er on the head to signal her to put it away quickly.

"Oh, I'm sorry I took it wrong, this is for you." Ling'er put away the little golden snake, and there was a pair of fiery red bracelets in her hand. Jiang Qinglian's soul has not yet possessed her body, so she would want to refuse and be speechless. He could only suck his breath and giggle.

Jiang Hanzhong, who was fighting, looked at his daughter's direction for a moment of worry. He didn't know who that little girl was from Jiang Han, and why he frightened his daughter like that. He wanted to ask, but was stopped by his wife.

Mrs. Jiang is not deaf. If she heard correctly, it was Ling'er that Jiang called. It's not difficult to guess who Ling'er is. Prince Cheng is just such a precious daughter, she is the one who beats her to the palm of her hand.

If they interrupted the communication between the two parties in the past, it would not be conducive for the daughter to join Cheng Wangfu in the future. After all, it is not a good thing to have an enemy at the first meeting. Anyway, with Changjiang around, Linger will not hurt Qinglian, Mrs. Jiang and so on.

Jiang Han scratched his head anxiously, that was also the daughter he held in his palm and spoiled him!Fortunately, Changjiang was quite strong, so he took the initiative to walk between the two of them, took the bracelet from Linger and helped Qinglian put it on, this time it was a real bracelet.

"Ling'er, Qinglian is timid, don't punish her." Changjiang patted Ling'er on the head, Ling'er bared her teeth, she had a wife and forgot her sister, and she turned around to complain to her father, and see how her father taught her a lesson Partial-eyed guy.

The sea monster came suddenly, but even faster. Seeing that it was invincible, it immediately dived into the deep sea with its tail between its legs, and never dared to show its head again. The roc's cry sounded in the air, probably a cry of pride.

Linger looked at the sky and then at the boat, what a shrewd master the Yangtze River is, he immediately ordered the soldiers to clean up and enter the cabin to empty the deck.

The rocs landed one by one, and there were people on each of them. Some of them had been seen by Changjiang, and most of them had never been seen. Changjiang brought Jiang Qinglian to greet the crowd, and Linger introduced it to the side.

This group of people are all members of the Fengwu family. This time, accompanying Ling'er to the extreme north, although they have endured a lot of hardship, they have also gained a lot. Just look at the smiles on their faces and you will know how rich the harvest is.

Changjiang was not hostile to others, only when a young man appeared in front of him, he instinctively released hostility, which made Jiang Qinglian, who had been with him all the time, not quite understand, where did the hostility come from when they met for the first time.

Feng Wu Qinglan raised her eyebrows watching from the side, Cheng Wang's son was really a bully, he knew who the thief was without an introduction, Qu Chang greeted Changjiang with a smile that he thought was handsome, and Changjiang made a bad face treat.

"Where did it come from?"

Changjiang squinted his long and narrow eyes, Jiang Qinglian looked sideways at Linger, and Linger looked up at the sky, all the rocs in the sky fell down, just enough for the rocs to rest for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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