Chapter 1380
The promotion secret that City Master Ou said was also revealed, not by City Master Ou, but by Wang Yinhua, a master who couldn't stand the shock, which made City Master Ou want to die.

Originally, he wanted to use this secret to exchange the chance of the Ou family's life, but he never thought that he had a mother who cheated the baby, who cheated him from beginning to end, leaving no hope of survival for him.

City Lord Ou was cheated to death by his mother, even if he was reborn, he would not be able to forgive his mother, if not for his mother, he would not have provoked Qin Zixuan, maybe he would have surrendered and is enjoying good treatment.

The dinosaur slapped Wang Yinhua to death, and glanced around for a week. Those men who were about to die fell to their knees, holding their heads and begging for mercy. The dinosaur grinned, showing a mouthful of sharp teeth.

"This group of people really don't need to be scared. Brother Dinosaur doesn't even eat raw meat, so how could he eat them?" Qin Zixuan got cheap and behaved, shaking his cup and making sarcastic remarks.

Li Han shouted to hurry up and clean up the battlefield, pack the good things of the city lord's mansion, and wait for the army to arrive to give the things to the eldest son, it's not a real treasure, Li Han doesn't even want to put it in a chest, it takes up too much space .

Qin Zixuan has no objection to this point, there are servants who do things, Qin Zixuan continues to enjoy the food, Li Han sits at the bottom and waits for this kid to enjoy, Dinosaur sighs that this kid was born to enjoy his life.

A few people stopped in Baocheng and they wandered around every day. Besides, Gu Yueru sent money and food to the front line, met Jiang Yunji, who was in command of the battle, and told Jiang Yunji that Qin Zixuan was in Baocheng, and probably grabbed another pile of food and grass. .

After Jiang Yunji heard this, he continued to laugh, "My lord is so kind, they are worrying about money and food, and my lord thought of a way to solve it. As the army marched in, there were really fewer and fewer objects to grab.

Jiang Yunji told Gu Yueru that the people from the four major families had arrived from Daqin, Gu Yueru let out an ooh, then inquired about Daqin's situation, and curled her lips after hearing Daqin's current chaos.

Gu Yueru had no idea when she heard that other masters were practicing formations in Shishui City. It is impossible for her to give up Qin Zixuan to practice formations. Qin Zixuan's family law is that no concubines are allowed after the age of 40. it's too late.

Gu Yueru is really in a hurry now, as the days go by, Qin Zixuan is getting closer and closer to turning 40, if he doesn't seize the opportunity, his life will be over.

Jiang Yunji knew that Qin Zixuan was waiting in Baocheng, so he immediately ordered his subordinates to move out. I'm sorry to keep Qin Zixuan waiting for too long, so he should hurry up.

Qin Zixuan didn't wait honestly. After wandering around for a day, he didn't find any hidden masters. Knowing that the Suzaku Empire had completely given up on assassinating him, Qin Zixuan fixed his eyes on the fruit of being promoted to a saint.

It was a colorless and odorless fruit, transparent in body, as if made of glass, but exuding a precious aura. It was this abnormality that attracted the attention of the ancestors of the Ou family, and they took it as their own.

Up to now, the Ou family has guarded for two generations, and Wang Yinhua will take a fancy to Oucheng's Lao Tzu, among them is the credit of the colorless fruit. The Ou family only has three colorless fruits, and they have taken all of them.

The fruit on the tree was not yet ripe, so City Lord Ou waited for the fruit to ripen and then picked it to break through. Unfortunately, his luck was not good, he died before the fruit ripened.

A group of people came to the forbidden place in Wang Yinhua's mouth. The address is in the back hill of the city lord's mansion. The Ou family is also a bold and careful owner. Who would have thought that the city lord's mansion exposed in front of everyone would have such a big secret.

This mountain is very ordinary, the Suzaku Empire has eight mountains without ten thousand, but there is a cave in the mountain.The inside is where the colorless fruit grows. Qin Zixuan and his party entered the cave and looked around. The air here is a hundred times better than outside, and it feels refreshing after taking a breath.

Even a fool would know that this is a blessed place with flowing water, fat fish, and flowers in the cave.Qin Zixuan lamented the magic of nature while walking, this is simply a peach garden outside the world.

After walking for a long time, he finally came to the colorless fruit. Looking at the precious fruit, Qin Zixuan sucked in his saliva, really wanting to eat one.

Tilting his head and counting three times, there are only three fruits on it, which means that three people can be successfully promoted from master to saint. Qin Zixuan swallowed his saliva and picked his fingers. Who should take these three fruits?

After thinking about it for a long time, he still couldn't make up his mind, and he slapped his head for fun at the last moment. This kind of troublesome thing should give Dahai a headache. He was thinking about it here.

Gong Liangyan stepped forward to look carefully for a while, and then said: "It will take seven days for the colorless fruit to ripen, but it ripened very timely."

Oh, Qin Zixuan also leaned over to look, that face was very close to Gong Liangyan, almost bumping into each other, Gong Liangyan's cheeks were slightly red, but he didn't move.

Li Han's teeth were gritty looking at it, and he couldn't help but slap Gong Liangyan's ass, if she dared to make a move on the little Xianggong, then she would take advantage of it first.

Wow, Qin Zixuan sighed, looked at Li Han's eyes, and asked, "Does it feel good?"

Gong Liangyan really blushed this time. This shameless couple is really disrespectful in discussing the plot. Can't they have some face?Hua Yan's eyes fell on Li Han's face.

Li Han rubbed his fingers and yelled that it feels great, Mr. Xiang, do you want to try it?Qin Zixuan looked at Gong Liangyan's blushing cheeks and shook his head decisively. Qin Zixuan was worried that Gong Liangyan would beat him up.

If dinosaurs were here, they would definitely question Qin Zixuan. Is there a more cowardly traverser than you in this world?Don't even dare to tease a beautiful woman, are your little fists used for massage!

Li Han raised his eyebrows and smirked badly. The young man still needs to practice his courage. He is too timid to dare to do anything, so he is not as good as her!Snapped!Li Han slapped Gong Liangyan's butt again, and then sent the slap to Qin Zixuan's nose to smell the fragrance.

Is this cheap to take or not to take?Qin Zixuan glanced at Gong Liangyan and found that Gong Liangyan was staring at him, so he immediately put on a dignified appearance, and Gong Liangyan was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

"It smells so good!" Li Han is really not a good thing, Qin Zixuan didn't dare to tease her, Lin Xi took a few steps back, away from Li Han and Gong Liangyan, he was worried that Gong Liangyan would explode and hurt others.

In terms of flirting skills, Qin Zixuan really can't compare to Li Han, that guy beats up gangsters on the street and has never done anything bad. Although he has done less after following Qin Zixuan, he is skilled in his techniques and has a high rank.

Gong Liangyan turned around angrily and went out, not wanting to see Qin Zixuan again, why did she fall in love with such a coward, his eyes were so energetic when peeking at him normally, but he dared not make fun of him in a fair way!

Hehe, Li Han watched Gong Liangyan leave, and let out a smirk, feeling sorry for Gong Liangyan in his heart, the young man's EQ is really not high, if he doesn't take the initiative to express his feelings, and wants the young man to guess, maybe some will wait Yes, the year of the monkey should be able to wait.

(End of this chapter)

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