Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1383 Enjoy

Chapter 1383 Enjoy
After Qin Zixuan finished writing, he sat there enjoying the services of a few girls, Li Han helped him squeeze his shoulders, Gu Yueru served tea like a little daughter-in-law, and Gong Liangyan ran over cheekily to help Qin Zixuan squeeze his arms.

Hua Yan's thin skin actually pulled out a jade fan and fanned the flames silently.Qin Zixuan squinted his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth, evoking a naughty smile, enjoying it very much.

Jiang Yunji collected his pen, looked up and saw this scene, he was beaten hard, and then looked at his own soldiers, Jiang Yunji felt that he had to learn from Qin Zixuan, that is the life of a man.

Of course, this idea just flashed by. A pretty face flashed in Jiang Yunji's mind, and Jiang Yunji's eyes flashed with pain. Even after most of his life, that face not only did not become blurred, but became clearer.

In this life, except for the girl who made him feel distressed, Jiang Yunji's heart could no longer hold other women. With a soft sigh, Jiang Yunji sat down on the chair silently, took a cup of tea and tasted it alone.

Lin Xi looked at Qin Zixuan, then at Jiang Yunji, feeling inexplicably distressed about Jiang Yunji, and then at the soldiers around Jiang Yunji, rough old men, how could they serve others.

So Lin Xi kindly ran over to give Jiang Yunji a massage. This old man has worked so hard, so he can't be exhausted.

Jiang Yunji opened his eyes and found that it was Lin Xi, who closed his eyes to enjoy without making a sound. He had to admit that Lin Xi's massage skills were really good, and the massage was very comfortable.

After the two had rested, Qin Zixuan and Jiang Yunji looked at each other, and then happily exchanged information, both wanting to see who was better at chess.

A group of people on Qin Zixuan watched and discussed while Jiang Yunji watched silently. The more Jiang Yunji watched, the more he admired Qin Zixuan.

If Qin Zixuan was the emperor of Suzaku, Jiang Yunji could guarantee that even if Suzaku did not have spears and cannons, he would still be able to defend the imperial city. The small pits dug were hard to guard against, and there were big pits waiting in unexpected places.

My darling, Lord Cheng, don't look at the bad and the bad, this military method is really top-notch, Jiang Yunji expressed his admiration, it's too good.

After reading Jiang Yunji's information, Qin Zixuan came to the conclusion that he was a villain. Is that guy's move too damaging? However, Qin Zixuan liked this kind of damaging move very much. It doesn't cost too much to make the enemy lose combat power. That's a real skill .

Afterwards, Li Han took Qin Zixuan's information and sat there to study it. As a general leading troops, Li Han's military ability is not inferior to the two, but Li Han who fell in love seems to have a low IQ.

After reading the two documents, Gu Yueru came to the conclusion that these two guys in front of him are not good guys, no matter which one is the Suzaku Emperor, he can protect the Suzaku Imperial City tightly.

In the palace of the Suzaku Empire, the Emperor Suzaku was pointing to the memorial in front of him. In front of him sat several generals in battle armor. These people were all generals of the Hua family.

Now Emperor Suzaku does not believe in generals with different surnames except for his own family members. In the face of the disaster of the Suzaku Empire, the facts forcefully tell Emperor Suzaku a reality: People who are not of my race must have different hearts.

The generals who were fighting abroad betrayed one after another. Even if some people did not betray, they did not work hard and secretly preserved their own strength. Among the soldiers sent to stop Qin Zixuan's army, twelve out of ten died in the battle, and more surrendered or were captured.

It is an honor to die as a general, but in reality, few people are willing to die in battle, and no one wants to die if they can live. Emperor Suzaku is very disappointed in the general with a different surname.

But he didn't want the Suzaku Empire to give these generals with different surnames anything. If the families of the generals with different surnames who died in battle would be well settled, and the glory they fought so hard for would be inherited.

When a person's military exploits in exchange for his life can't bless his own children and grandchildren, why should they work hard?It can be said that the Suzaku Empire system has its own shortcomings, and it is a fatal flaw.

They may not be able to show it at ordinary times, but when life and death emerge, these shortcomings will be infinitely magnified, and in the ferment of selfishness of human nature, few people are willing to fight to the death for the Suzaku Empire.

Time seemed to stand still, Suzaku Emperor finally put down the pen in his hand, raised his head and asked in a blunt tone: "Is everything arranged?"

"Go back to the emperor, the arrangements are made." Hua Liangchen stood up and clapped his hands back.The tall body exudes a powerful fighting spirit.

"Well, this time I will let them come and go, and spit out all the land they eat from me." Suzaku Emperor had a gloomy expression on his face, as if he had a plan in mind.

"The ministers respect the decree." Hua Liangchen and other generals stood up and saluted, with fanaticism on their faces. This was a plan they had prepared for many days, and it was also a plan to defeat the enemy. This battle was related to the life and death of the Suzaku Empire.

"Everyone likes to talk about courtesy, Suzaku's life or death depends entirely on you." The emperor stood up and invited a few people to sit down, his attitude was much gentler than before.

"According to the information sent by the insider who surrendered, the enemy's think tank is not Qin Zixuan. That guy rarely appears in the army, but Jiang Yunji is full of tricks. I suggest killing him first."

As Hua Tianfeng said, he turned his eyes to the Emperor Suzaku, hoping that the Emperor Suzaku could send elites to kill Jiang Yunji. That person's scheme is so unique that it is impossible to guard against, and it is best to kill him with one blow.

"Your majesty, I second my proposal. This Jiang Yunji is not Qin Zixuan, and his protection must be weak. I suggest that the emperor send out one or two holy masters to quietly kill this person."

Hua Liangchen followed suit. Jiang Yunji's name had long been known in the Suzaku Empire, and the three of them were second only to Qin Ziche and Dahai. As for Li Han, he was really not famous, mainly because Li Han played too few games and basically didn't make any moves.

Emperor Suzaku grinds his teeth, thinking he doesn't want to kill Jiang Yunji?He had already sent the best assassin to kill Jiang Yunji, but he couldn't find a chance. Jiang Yunji is a guy who cherishes his life very much.

"Holy Master, the ancestors are not willing to be dispatched at present." The Emperor Suzaku rubbed his head, sincerely disliked these ancestors, that is, a group of pissing and defecing existences riding on his neck, specifically against him.

"If there is no holy master to do the township, our arrangement may be in vain." Hua Liangchen meant something, the emperor did not deny it, and sighed.

After a long time, Emperor Suzaku said leisurely: "I have discussed with the ancestors for a long time, and finally they made a concession. They will send some experts to dispatch in the decisive battle in the imperial city. In short, they will not let the opponent's saint master take advantage of it."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the hall eased up a lot. It was not as dull as before. The saint master did not know that they really lacked confidence. The final decision was a battle of life and death. die.

The eyes of Emperor Suzaku fell on Baocheng through the void. I heard that Qin Zixuan and Jiang Yunji were both in Baocheng. It was a rare opportunity, what a pity!

(End of this chapter)

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