Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1417 Fight Again

Chapter 1417 Fight Again
Jiang Yunji commanded the army to encircle the Suzaku Mountains. It was surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside. The spears and cannons were aimed at the Suzaku Mountains. The soldiers kept a close eye on the mountains and would kill any enemy who escaped.

It goes without saying who is the oriole at this time. During the entire battle, although Qin Zixuan did not show up, he dominated the entire marching plan. It was really interlocking and interlocking.

Up to this moment, Jiang Yunji had to admire Qin Zixuan's boldness. He actually put the final battlefield in the Suzaku Mountains. As long as the members of the Suzaku royal family are wiped out here, the Suzaku Empire will never have a chance to turn around.

Huang He brought Xiao Qi to appear next to Jiang Yunji, Jiang Yunji felt helpless seeing this kid coming, worried that Huang He would curl his fingers and call out a hexagram, but in fact Huang He really called it that way.

Jiang Yunji looked at Huang He's dishonest appearance, and really wanted to slap him a few times.Dai Chun hurriedly saluted to Huang He, Huang He waved his hands and told Dai Chun not to be polite, what are you doing so politely, it's better to have a good fortune.

So Dai Chun happily shut up, he is not as rich as Jiang Yunji, Jiang Yunji is afraid of a divination, Dai Chun is even more afraid.

"You didn't guard the mountain range to the east, so why did you come here?" Jiang Yunji was puzzled. In order to stay away from the Yellow River, he had already arranged him on the opposite side, but he still let this kid touch him.

"I miss you, let's come and see you." Huang He hugged Jiang Yunji's shoulders, saying that Jiang Yunji had no temper, with a smile on his old face.

Huang He hugged Jiang Yunji's shoulder and continued, "Grandpa Jiang, you also know that when we return to Daqin this time, we are going to get married. What do you think should be written in my invitation card? I am worried!"

"What is there to worry about? You still have the leader and the holy master above you. You can do whatever they want." Dai Chun said, clutching his purse, he will definitely bleed heavily when he returns to Daqin this time.

"That's right, but I'm worried. They are before me. If you give all the good things to the sea and the Yangtze River, what else can I leave behind?" Huang He continued to worry, and the worried Dai Chun and Jiang Yunji wanted to beat them up. He, can you say that he thinks too much!

Xiao Qi happily looked at Huang He's nonsense, and didn't see why Huang He was in a hurry, but he could get married when he returned to Daqin, which moved Xiao Qi's heart, and it made Huang He more pleasing to the eye.

Jiang Yunji heaved a long sigh, and promised Huang He that he would leave him a precious treasure, and that he would never deal with it, so Huang He didn't continue to dwell on this topic, but proposed to enter the interior of the mountain range.

Regarding this point, Jiang Yunji is opposed to it. Huang He is the one who will stay to protect the general. How can he abandon the general? He disagrees with anything, and urges Huang He to go to the eastern mountain range quickly, otherwise he will be rewarded for his meritorious deeds. Deduction of military merit.

Jiang Yunji knew how to hit the Qicun of the Yellow River, this kid was greedy for money, so he started with money, as soon as he heard that his military merits would be deducted, he immediately dragged Xiaoqi away, he just came here to spank the farts when he was bored.

Watching Huang He leave, Jiang Yunji heaved a sigh of relief, fearing that the boy would come back to pester him again, while Dai Chun watched Huang He leave cheerfully, his eyes were full of envy, he couldn't accept it.

Qin Zixuan finally found a chance to use the sword, but the sword was too obscene, the enemy screamed and made Gong Liangyan and his daughters blush at the same time, Qin Zixuan didn't care about it, and he succeeded.

But Qin Zixuan only laughed a few times before realizing something was wrong, pointing in Feng Qingluan's direction and shouting: "Why is her flame getting weaker and weaker, is there still a time limit for setting fire?"

"It's possible, go and protect her." Li Han shouted, Gong Liangyan and the three of them responded, and quickly moved towards Feng Qingluan. In fact, Feng Qingluan was already at the point of exhaustion.

Hua Qing attacked Feng Qingluan from behind, and smashed Feng Qingluan's vest with the mace in his hand, touch!Feng Qingluan flew out in response, bleeding all the way, and she, who was already injured, smashed to the ground like a piece of broken flesh.

When Li Han saw that it was not good, he moved quickly to Feng Qingluan, reached out to catch Feng Qingluan and flew out, then Qin Zixuan and others arrived, Hua Qing wanted to continue to attack, but was blocked by Gong Liangyan.

Feng Qingluan watched as Qin Zixuan opened his mouth to speak, but he didn't say anything, and blood spurted out. Li Han patted Feng Qingluan's body, and then took out a life-saving pill for Feng Qingluan to take.

After taking the pill, Feng Qingluan felt a little better, but only a little, and it was difficult to get up, let alone fight.

"Well, don't say anything, just rest." Qin Zixuan couldn't stand it anymore, let Feng Qingluan rest, and looked at Hua Qing with his sword in his hand. Anyone who dared to hurt him is a coward.

Qin Zixuan was about to charge forward, but was held back by Li Han. Li Han's original intention was to let Qin Zixuan take care of Feng Qingluan, and she would fight, but Qin Zixuan refused.

This guy rushed out again with a sword in his hand, Li Han didn't dare to let Qin Zixuan rush in, so he had to follow. In the end, Donghuang Taiye couldn't see it, and ran over with a few clansmen to protect Feng Qingluan.

Dahai was teasing the Second Elder, so he stopped being funny when he saw this, he had better resolve the battle quickly, so the Second Elder, who had become mad to the late stage, was killed by Dahai with a sword.

The patriarch of the Hua family saw the second elder's death, and he was shocked. He knew that he had encountered a hard stubble today, and the situation was not good. Looking at the battlefield again, it was really a battle of soldiers. .

However, why are most of the members of his Hua family who fell?Looking at it so carefully, the patriarch of the Hua family felt chills in his heart, and was thinking about whether to retreat, when Qin Zixuan charged forward with his sword in hand.

This guy is very good at picking opponents, he doesn't provoke anyone who is not strong, just a face to face, Qin Zixuan was sent flying by the patriarch of the Hua family.

Dahai grinned when he saw this scene, father is really good, he is too good at picking opponents in fights, so many weak people can't get into his father's eyes, but can father weigh his own strength?
Dahai doubted whether it was right or wrong to improve Qin Zixuan's strength, whether it would cause blind arrogance, regardless of whether he rushed upwards, what if he hurt his life, Dahai looked worried.

Fortunately, Li Han rushed up to block the way of the Hua family patriarch, daring to hurt his little husband, Li Han was angry, and he played desperately when he entered the field, Hai Hai covered his eyes, everyone was worried.

Gong Liangyan got rid of Hua Qing, saw Qin Zixuan being split into the air, and at the end, there was an evil fire erupting from nowhere, and he raised his sword to attack the Hua family patriarch.

Qin Zixuan got up from the ground, rubbed his chest, and gritted his teeth angrily. He hasn't felt pain for a long time. This old boy is good and has some strength. Qin Zixuan decided to fight again.

This guy took a sword and rushed into the battlefield again with big strides. The patriarch of the Hua family was surrounded and beaten by Li Han's four daughters.

(End of this chapter)

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