Chapter 1430
Qin Zixuan and Li Han led people into the palace and came to Fenghou Palace. Qin Zixuan looked at the corpses on the ground in a daze, his eyes were full of confusion. Who can tell him what happened here?
The soldiers who rushed in with great enthusiasm to take the man were also dumbfounded. Why did the queen die in the hands of the prince, and the prince's head was chopped off again? What's the matter with these two maids?
Li Han reacted the fastest, pointing at the court lady and eunuch kneeling in the distance, he shouted: "Who will tell me what's going on?"

The maids and eunuchs glanced at each other, each with their own concerns, and finally pointed to the maid of the Fenghou Palace. The maid was about to cry, unable to bear the pressure, so she had to explain. Qin Zixuan felt a headache after hearing this, what is it all about.

"What's going on in Beishui Town?" Qin Zixuan looked at the general An Xiao who surrendered, and An Xiao bit the bullet and explained.The matter in Beishui Town can be said to have nothing to do with the royal family, it was all done by the Ren family.

Master Ren confiscated all the land in Beishui Town in order to build a screen of the living dead for himself. The villagers in the town would naturally give up if they lost their land, so they went to Beijing to ask for their lives.

This is not over yet, Grand Master Ren was angry about this and ordered soldiers to encircle and suppress the villagers of Beishui Town. The crime was bandits. It has become a common practice to kill people these days, either bandits or robbers.

Tens of thousands of people in a town were killed, and no one collected the corpses. The corpses were exposed to the sun and bitten by birds and insects, which was terrible.The one who killed the prince was the daughter of the people in Beishui Town, not for anything else but for revenge.

Qin Zixuan gritted his teeth after hearing this, the evil done by the Ren family has taken revenge on the royal family, no matter how angry he was, he finally ordered someone to help the maid to collect the body, there is nothing wrong with avenging the family.

Qin Zixuan ordered people to clean the palace, counted the number of people, and then checked whether Qin Zihe had any children. After this investigation, Qin Zixuan was dumbfounded, Qin Zihe didn't have any children.

Empress Ren was more ruthless than Empress Lu, Qin Zihe's children were killed except the prince, even the princess was not spared, Qin Zixuan was so angry that he scolded Empress Ren as a pervert.

King Xian shook his head as he watched from the side, regretting that he was blind back then, Qin Zihe pretended to be harming not only himself but also the people of Daqin, and the foundation of Daqin was almost destroyed by Qin Zihe.

Li Han ordered people to arrest Queen Ren's party, and the Ren family must not let any of them go. Great Qin's country has been in such a disaster, and letting the Ren family go would not be a disservice to the ancestors of the Qin family.

The ministers went to the palace to meet King Cheng. After discussing with the virtuous king, Taifu Lin, Qin Zixuan decided to meet the ministers in the main hall, punish the ministers who had committed crimes, and continue to appoint ministers who had no faults.

As for killing all the ministers, it was too crazy, Qin Zixuan couldn't do it, even if it was done, Taifu Lin would not agree, so Qin Zixuan led Li Han and his son to appear in the hall.

After the ministers came in, they bowed their heads and were willing to invite Qin Zixuan to ascend the throne. Qin Zixuan immediately turned black when he said this, while Huang Shan stared at Qin Zixuan with hopeful eyes, hoping that Qin Zixuan would accept.

Dahai stood beside him, picking his nose. Dahai knew very well what kind of virtue he was, and all his brothers could be forced to sit on the throne, except Qin Zixuan.

Li Han folded his hips and shouted: "Okay, okay, don't beg, my husband won't be the emperor."

After hearing this, the ministers collectively looked at Li Han, and saw Li Han's distasteful face, and suddenly panicked. Others would fight to death for the throne, so who is Li Han's distasteful expression for?

Li Han ignored the officials, pointed at Huangshan and said, "Huangshan, why don't you hurry up and sit on the dragon chair, what are you waiting for?"

Huang Shan suddenly had a bitter expression on his face, Qin Zixuan bared his teeth at Huang Shan, Hua Shan and Tai Shan even showed their fists, and told Huang Shan with their strength that you dare to beat you disobediently.

King Xian and the others already knew that Huangshan would ascend the throne in the future, and they didn't have much surprise on their faces, but the officials were stunned. Even if Huangshan was raised under Li Han's name, he was still a bastard.

It's not that Li Han doesn't have a son, he has three sons, how could it not be Huangshan's turn?Someone asked Qin Zixuan to ascend the throne again, and Huang Shan lifted up his robe to join the pleading team, when Hua Shan and Tai Shan rolled up their sleeves and prepared to fight.

Huang Shan's movements froze there. Thinking about his father's character, let's forget it. Rather than pleading for his life and being beaten up, he should be obedient and be a good boy. His two younger brothers are bastards.

Qin Zixuan ignored the officials, shouted and did so, the throne is Huangshandi, stop kneeling, kneeling is useless, it is good for me to be an idle prince.

Someone looked at the sea, and saw that the sea was smiling without any sign of displeasure, and then looked at the Yangtze River. The Yangtze River squinted his eyes and didn't know what he was planning, and he didn't care about what happened in front of him.

Look at the Yellow River again, the magic stick is spanking Qin Ziming with his fingers curled up, Qin Ziming is begging for mercy with his wallet, a hexagram of [-] gold, Qin Ziming said that it is too expensive, he doesn't want to know the past and the future at all.

As for the Huashan and Taishan officials, they didn't look at it, even if it was Huangshan's turn, because none of them were sons, the difference between the ministers and concubines was really big.

This is also the reason why Qin Zixuan is unwilling to have a concubine, because some of his own flesh and blood are half shorter than others at birth. This is a scene that Qin Zixuan does not want to see.

Taifu Lin, Lin Yucheng and King Xian came out from the side and knelt down in front of Huangshan, acknowledging Huangshan's position. They were not as stupid as the officials who wanted to ask Qin Zixuan to ascend the throne.

Huang Shan ascended to the throne under Hai Hai's signal, officially announcing that Daqin has entered the era of the rule of law. Qin Zixuan threw the mess to Huangshan and took Li Han back to the palace.

Huangshan sent it off, Dahai and his brothers stayed to help Huangshan handle some affairs, and then posted notices all over Yujing, Daqin changed hands, the emperor Anmin, this year's tax will be exempted, and at the same time, Ziming Bank will also open for business.

This is really great news for the people who have been living in dire straits, like a timely rain that burns out the restlessness of the people, and they are full of expectations for the new emperor.

Huangshan is also unambiguous. It already has the experience of the Southern Continent. Various government orders are issued one by one, illegal businessmen are arrested according to law, illegal officials collect debts one by one, over-occupied land is confiscated, and landless people are granted land.

Taking Yujing as the center to shoot blessings to the whole country, the government orders won the hearts of the people. At the same time, the forces of reincarnation religion began to exert their strength. Information from Qi and Chu countries poured into Daqin. Dahai and Jiang Yunji began to discuss the deployment of Qichu.

In Prince Cheng's mansion, everything was as usual, the erected sign had been removed, and although Queen Ren was crazy, she didn't dare to attack Prince Cheng's mansion, and then chose a way of deception to confiscate the properties outside of Prince Cheng's mansion.

Concubine Cheng returned to the familiar courtyard, feeling comfortable all over, and was really satisfied to see Gongliangyan and his daughters.

(End of this chapter)

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