Chapter 1432
The old lady took the Yangtze River to the ancestors of the Li family and told the ancestors of the Li family that the Li family has also become a king. Although the territory is not in Daqin, the entire western continent is the territory of the Li family.

Changjiang knelt there smilingly looking at the tablets of his ancestors, and quietly listening to the old lady's babbling, listening to the old lady's babbling from Li Han to the present, to Changjiang's daughter-in-law.

There is happiness between the lines. The old lady is very satisfied with Jiang Qinglian. The Li family does not look at the family background when marrying a daughter-in-law, but only the relationship. If the family background is good, it is naturally the icing on the cake, and Jiang Qinglian belongs to the latter.

In the past, the old lady was worried that Changjiang would miss the age of marrying a wife, and that she could not find a wife. Now all these worries have disappeared, and she brought one back by herself, which is very beautiful and capable.

After the old lady finished talking to her ancestors, she took Changjiang back to the hall and began to discuss the matter of the wedding. Changjiang told the old lady not to worry, and his mother would follow up on this matter.

When she heard that Li Han was in charge, the old lady curled her lips and said bluntly that Li Han couldn't even manage her own wedding. What did she know? My mother didn't know much about Changjiang Zhile, but with the officials from the Ministry of Etiquette following along, she couldn't make mistakes.

The old lady was still worried, so Changjiang ordered someone to invite the officials of the Ministry of Rites who were in charge of his wedding, and his subordinates led away. While talking, Tang Shiqiang ran over with a group of brothers.

The Tang family was not favored, but Tang Shiqiang and his brothers didn't lose a few. They ran to the Li Mansion excitedly to report that they had to help with the Yangtze River wedding.

When the old lady saw the brothers of the Tang family, she thought about her natal family again. She had to say that she didn’t know anything about it. The comparison was all disappointment. Her natal brothers were just short-sighted. If they didn’t do so many sad things, they would definitely be ashamed now. Able to grow into a big family.

The Yangtze River came out to welcome a few people in. Tang Shiqiang looked at the Yangtze River and said, "My old man has spoken, let me and Shi Fei follow you to develop in the Western Continent. When they are old, they will stay in Yujing to guard the ancestral grave for the rest of their lives."

"Okay, your benefits are indispensable when you arrive in the Western Continent." Changjiang said with a smile. Tang Shiqiang expressed his desire to develop in the Western Continent before he came back, but his parents are not traveling far.

When the old lady heard that she was going to the Western Continent, her heart ached. Tang Shiqiang could understand this kind of thinking, but Changjiang didn't understand it because he had a different education since he was a child.

Qin Zixuan is not a decent person, how many decent children can be educated, in Qin Zixuan's words, if you haven't traveled all over the Xuanhuang Continent and seen all the scenery in your life, then your life is really useless.

This part is in the genes of the Yangtze River. Like Dahai, he never thought of living in a certain place for the rest of his life. The Western Continent was also won in order to cooperate with Dahai. He has a bigger goal in his heart.

Soon Song Quan, an official from the Ministry of Rituals, came to report. When Song Quan opened the notebook and explained the wedding process, Changjiang was so dizzy that he almost fell asleep.

Tang Shiqiang shook his head to wake himself up, and always reminded himself that he was here to help, not to sleep. The old lady rubbed her temples. Can such a complicated process be completed smoothly?

Changjiang pointed to Song Quan and said, "There are so many procedures, is it the same with elder brother? How did my father prepare?"

"It's the same with the leader. The rituals in the Southern Continent are more complicated than those in the Western Continent. As for the Prince, it should be similar." Song Quan thought that Qin Zixuan didn't marry anyone who was an ordinary person this time, so the etiquette must be more complicated.

Changjiang touched his chin and thought for a while, then asked: "Does my father know it's so complicated?"

Song Quan shook his head. This kind of thing is the general's concern. The prince just waits to be the groom. Changjiang pointed to the book and said, "Give me this book, and I will go to Prince Cheng's Mansion to ask."

"Yes, I ask the Holy Master to return it to the villain after reading it. The villain still has to prepare according to the rules." Song Quan did not hesitate to hand over the book. Hearing that Song Quan had to prepare according to the rules, Changjiang felt a tear The impulse to write a small book.

If you don't ask, you don't know. If you ask, you will be shocked. If the organization is completed according to the regulations, Changjiang will be worried that he will be tired. If he wants to ask his father for this kind of thing, his father would not want to be so tired.

The Yangtze River is gone, but Song Quan is left behind by the old lady. The old lady is very concerned about the ceremony and is worried about making mistakes. It will affect the face of the Duke's House, and the grandson is still the Holy Master of the Western Continent, so this face cannot be lost.

Tang Shiqiang secretly rejoiced that it wasn't him who got married, oh my god, getting married like this would really tire people out.

Changjiang came to Prince Cheng’s mansion with a small book and a horse. The gatekeeper saw Changjiang and hurried forward to lead the horse, and respectfully invited him to enter. Changjiang drove all the way to Fenglin Courtyard, but he didn’t find Qin Zixuan. He only found out that he was drinking at the dinosaur’s place after asking. .

Changjiang asked where Dahai and Huanghe had gone, and the housekeeper told Changjiang that Dahai was still busy in the barracks, and Huanghe took Xiao Qi out, so there was no need to ask which unlucky guy was going to tell the fortune.

As for the hobbies of the Yellow River, everyone in Prince Cheng's mansion knew about it. The old man was not serious when he was a child, and he was also a money fanatic, especially good at making money. The treasures in the prince's hands were often blown away by the Yellow River.

The Yangtze River no longer cares about the sea and the Yellow River, and walked quickly to the yard of the dinosaur. Before entering, he heard the singing of the dinosaur killing a pig, but the dinosaur didn't know it, thinking that he sang very well.

Qin Zixuan clapped his hands and applauded, and Li Han applauded for Qin Zixuan's applause. The bandit sage, who has no integrity, is just a fool. Even if the dinosaur's singing kills people, the bandit sage can applaud with conscience.

Seeing Changjiang coming in, Qin Zixuan yelled to come over for a few drinks, Changjiang sat down beside Qin Zixuan, hugged the jar and took a drink, Dinosaur saw Changjiang holding a small book, flipped it over, read a few pages and couldn't help complaining , What is this? It's too troublesome.

Look at the small book, which is still half a finger thick. Dinosaur asked that there are all procedures to be done on it. Changjiang nodded. Thinking of this is a big headache. Dinosaur laments that it is not easy to be a groom these days. After so many procedures are held, there will be more at night Strength bridal chamber?

Changjiang who asked this question didn't know how to answer, it seemed that none of the answers were right, Qin Zixuan said that a moment in a bridal chamber is worth a thousand gold, and he is fighting for gold!

Dinosaur pouted at Qin Zixuan, this coward was just a good talker, he would probably already be lying in Li Han's arms by the end of the ceremony, and he didn't even have the strength to walk.

Li Han looked at the little book, and wondered what Changjiang meant by bringing the book here. The book seemed to belong to Song Quan, so he asked what Changjiang meant.

Changjiang immediately vomited bitterness, how could such a wedding be held, is that something that people really do?Changjiang seriously suspects that the officials of the Ministry of Rites will take private revenge.

Li Han had no choice but to explain that it was a combination of the customs of the two places, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with it.

(End of this chapter)

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