Chapter 1438
How could it be possible to hide the tricks between women from Dahai, let alone the brothers behind him. After hearing what the girl said, the brothers turned to look at Linger.

Ling'er was even more furious when she realized that, would she knock down an ordinary girl?It really depends on who doesn't like to be beaten up. Do you need to use this shady method?

"Ling'er, don't sit here anymore, follow me." Da Da defended himself, thinking that Ling'er sitting here would taint his identity, so stay away from these people, a bunch of vulgar fans.

The girl sitting on the ground was dumbfounded, how come no one cares about her, is she not good-looking?They watched as Hai Hai and the others escorted Guan Ling'er away.

Dahai walked and said: "Ling'er, why are you sitting here? You should not come to this kind of place in the future. It doesn't match your status."

Linger pouted her mouth, she just thought that she was a princess after all, sitting in the crowd and looking approachable, how could she know that she would be a target for others to take advantage of, but that girl is really stupid, wouldn't it be easier for her to make friends with herself?
Changjiang looked at Huangshan behind him, tugged at Huangshan and said, "Fourth, it's easy for girls to intrigue when they are together. Don't be fooled by appearances. You are the emperor. There must be many women around you in the future. Don't mess with the harem." chaos."

Huang Shan nodded. He felt that what Jiang Jiang said was too reasonable. Just now it was obviously a small trick used by the other party. If they were ordinary men, they would definitely be deceived. Fortunately, none of them were ordinary men.

Huashan shouted that the real woman is terrible, and Changjiang turned his head and said, "I will pass this sentence on to my mother, hehe, what do you think they will do?"

Huashan immediately ran over to help the Yangtze River hang his back. Is this still a guess?Definitely beat him up.Tai Shan booed next to him, yelling for his mother to give Hua Shan a hard time, so that the boy could not speak.

The brothers fought and came to the inner courtyard. The guests here were not the female relatives of the ministers, but the female relatives of the hidden family such as the Gongliang family. It is better for these people to gather together than outside.

All of them are Lianjiazi, and they start fighting when they disagree. After the fight, they laughed and laughed and nothing happened.

Wu Ying was also sitting among them, and she blushed pretty when she saw Dahai approaching. The closer the wedding was, the more shy she became, looking forward and at the same time a little scared.

Li Han had already drank here from outside, and at this moment he was pulling Gu Yueru's mother to blow at the jar. Compared to Gu Yueru's big body, her mother was petite and small.

Dahai brought Ling'er to Wu Ying's side, and asked Ling'er to sit here and not go out. The people outside didn't need her to entertain, and Princess Xian was in charge.

Ling'er was happy and leisurely, she went out with good intentions to accompany them, but was taken advantage of, Ling'er is also unwilling to go out to entertain those young ladies now, so it can only be said that it's not like everyone along the way can't pee in a pot.

After Ling'er settled down, Dahai greeted everyone with his brothers and prepared to leave. Dahai is busy today, and there are still a group of warriors waiting for him to take care of him.

Concubine Xian was sitting on the outskirts, accompanied by a group of noble ladies. She also saw what happened on Linger's side. Concubine Xian silently wrote down the girl's name.

She actually wanted to step on Ling'er to take over the position. Didn't she know that Ling'er was the little overlord of Prince Cheng's mansion?It was an existence that no one would provoke, and it was Qin Zixuan's darling.

It was the princess who grew up under the protection of several brothers. Concubine Xian dared to bet that even if the brothers did not marry a wife, she would not let Ling'er be stepped on by others. I really don't know what they think about this.

"Whose family's daughter is that?" Zhao Wangfei asked, she was a newly crowned princess, and she was not very familiar with the daughters of these ministers' families.

Mrs. Liu said with a smile, "That's General Wei's concubine. I guess she brought her here because she wanted to look good."

As Madam Liu spoke, she glanced at Madam Wei who was sitting not far away from the corner of her eyes, her eyes were full of contempt, this was a dispute between civil servants and military generals, their backyard wives naturally carried forward this dispute, and would never let it go if they could step on it.

Concubine Xian said oh, General Wei was a general when he was the queen, but King Cheng led people into Yujing, and General Wei led the army to surrender when he saw the opportunity was not good, so he kept his glory. It seems that he wants to seize this glory a little stronger.

Several wives were sitting there chatting, but Mrs. Wei's face was ashen. She hated that concubine to death. If she had known, she would not have taken her out. She was a vixen just like her mother.

Qin Zixuan didn't know what happened here, at this time he drank all the officials down, and then carried the wine jar to go to the new house, but was stopped by the virtuous king, who told Qin Zixuan that there were more noble guests waiting.

Qin Zixuan slapped his head and then remembered the events of several big families. They didn't sit outside, but sat in the backyard.

"Wait, I'm going to drink them down." Qin Zixuan pointed to the backyard and ran over cheerfully. The Xian Wang shook his head, knowing that Qin Zixuan would not go back to the front yard again, and the rest of the matter was on his shoulders. , hurry to arrange.

Concubine Cheng returned to the backyard after dealing with the guests, and she didn't care about the previous things. Now Concubine Cheng has the right to leave the guests alone, because after all, she is now the Empress Dowager, and she doesn't need to consider other people's face.

Concubine Cheng returned to the backyard and came to Princess Ren's table. The main reason was that Hai Hai's wedding was approaching. Concubine Cheng wanted to ask her in-laws if they had any other requests?What does Prince Cheng need to do?
Princess Ren's table was full of in-laws, the old lady was also at this table, and Xiaoqi's mother and Mrs. Jiang were also taking this into consideration when making the arrangements. know.

Concubine Cheng came here and took a look, and found that Li Han was sitting on the table punching a lady she didn't know. Concubine Cheng had a black line on her forehead, what a big daughter-in-law!
Concubine Cheng grinds her teeth and decides to ignore Li Han. It's not the first day that Li Han is unreliable.

Seeing Concubine Cheng coming, the old lady hurriedly stood up to welcome her. Concubine Cheng smiled and asked everyone to sit down beside the old lady. The old lady whispered: "I'm sorry, my family."

Concubine Cheng smiled and patted the old lady's hand, sympathizing with the old lady in her heart, there is such a granddaughter whose hair is not less gray, it is an endless worry, she is almost making her daughter-in-law, the old lady is still worrying about Li Han worry.

Concubine Ren and the others chuckled, they knew Li Han well, that guy was very nice and straightforward, and getting along with this kind of person was not tiring, and her daughter didn't have to worry about being angry with her mother-in-law under Li Han's command.

While the few people were talking, Lin Xi ran over and shouted: "General, my lord calls you to punch me!"

(End of this chapter)

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