Chapter 1442
Wu Ying hurriedly thanked her, and Princess Ren also thanked Concubine Xiang Cheng and Qin Zixuan.

The old lady sat by the side to watch the ceremony, and couldn't help crying. She could empathize with it, and also thanked Cheng Wang's family for being so wise and righteous that they could even agree to such a thing.

Not to mention ordinary families, even poor families may not agree to this kind of thing. Everyone attaches great importance to the matter of incense. No one wants their children to take his surname. Cheng Wangfu is just a special case.

Li Han accepted the gift cheerfully. She had no objection to this matter, because she was the beneficiary. Dahai and Wu Ying got up, and Dahai personally sent Wu Ying back to the room before returning to drink.

Ying Xiaoqi sat in the auditorium and said to her mother: "Mother, look, I just said that Prince Cheng is really enlightened, you can rest assured that I will not be offended when I marry here."

"That's good, that's good, but you have to go back to your mother's house often, and mother is worried about you." Mrs. Ying held Xiao Qi's hand. She was really worried about her daughter marrying far away. It would take three or four months to travel by boat. Come on, I won't be able to see each other for several years.

"Don't worry, I will go home often. I heard from Huang He that I will develop a big bird that can fly in the future. It will take at most two or three days to travel from the Southern Continent to Daqin. I will definitely be able to go home often." Xiao Qi comforted her mother. , full of confidence in the future.

That night, Dahai was preparing to enter the bridal chamber, when footsteps came from outside, Dahai grinned, and looked up at the sky. There were a lot of nets prepared there, which should be enough for them to struggle until midnight.

Thinking of his bridal chamber, there were still a group of people covered by fishing nets, Dahai was in a good mood, if he wanted to make trouble in his bridal chamber, he had to see if they were capable.

Wu Ying looked at the sea in a daze, the candles were flickering, and the room was warm and intoxicated by spring.
Outside the courtyard wall, Gong Liangyan and Hua Yan looked at the people in the net silently. There were actually three people, Qin Zixuan, Li Han, and Gu Yueru. Does it fit?

"Little daughter-in-law, let me out quickly." Qin Zixuan was overjoyed seeing the two of them, that baby Da Hai was too unkind, he just dug a hole, this bear boy actually caught fish.

Pfft, Gong Liangyan couldn't help being happy seeing Qin Zixuan's appearance, and partnered with Hua Yan to rescue the three of Qin Zixuan. As for the others, Gong Liangyan was not so kind, and she didn't want to spoil Dahai's good deed.

So Huang He and others had a tragedy, why is it so difficult to make a bridal chamber?

On the second day of Dahai's wedding, outside Yujing City, Qu Chang and Gong Xu had a big fight, the reason was not revealed, anyway, the two guys fought very well, because Dahai led the battle, but no one was killed.

Facts have proved that Qu Chang is just a genius in the extreme north. He is destined to be hit when he leaves the extreme north. Gong Xu is quite happy with his victory.

Gong Xu wanted to ask Hai Hai for credit, but was beaten mercilessly by Hai Hai. Hai Da used three tricks to bring Gong Xu down. Qu Chang was surprised when this scene fell.

Qu Chang made some calculations silently, and felt that Dahai could single out their Aurora Sect. No wonder Dahai looked down on the young master. It was really incomparable. It was too difficult for the young master to marry Princess Ling'er.

After tidying up Gong Xu, Hai Hai went back to the city with his hands behind his back, dared to be embarrassed in front of him, and didn't look at his own weight, Gong Xu was hit hard, clenched his fists and called him still young, Hai Hai squinted at Gong Xu , when who is old?

Just as the wedding ceremony was going on in Prince Cheng's mansion, in the Suzaku Mountains in the Southern Continent, the Great Elder of the Holy Fire Palace climbed up from the cliff, his clothes were like strips of cloth.

His hair was matted and greasy, his face was black and white, his body was still wounded, and the bones of his fingers were exposed. The crawling took half his life.

Fortunately, I finally climbed up. The Great Elder's will to survive is really not covered. Ordinary people can't bear it. Looking at the dazzling sunlight, the Great Elder grinds his teeth for a while. I didn't expect that idiot Feng Qingluan to be so cruel that he wanted to die with him .

Thinking of his many years of hard work going to waste, the Great Elder felt a pain in his flesh. It was the secret recipe for longevity. Although it was only a legend, it was a glimmer of hope after all, but it was a pity that it was all ruined now.

After resting for a while, the Great Elder sat up slowly, took out a piece of raw meat from his arms and stuffed it into his mouth. The meat had already stink due to the weather, even so the Great Elder was not willing to throw it away.

After filling his stomach, the Great Elder tidied up his injuries, and then walked slowly down the mountain, looking for medicinal materials while walking, he had to heal himself.

Just halfway up the mountain, the Great Elder met Chen Yu who was looking for someone in the mountain. Chen Yu quietly returned to the Suzaku Mountains after Qin Zixuan and his group evacuated. They thought that the Great Elder would not die.

In line with the principle of seeing people in life and dead bodies in death, Chen Yu led others to search slowly in the mountains, and he really found them. Seeing the Great Elder Chen Yu, he couldn't recognize each other. This is too miserable. Bar.

Of course, it was more of a surprise. Chen Yu felt that as long as the Great Elder was still there, the Holy Fire Palace would be able to take over, and the former glory and wealth would come back.

Chen Yu hurried back to their residence with the Great Elder on his back, afraid of being discovered, and even more afraid of being discovered and taking advantage of his illness to kill him, and their hopes would be dashed if the Great Elder died.

On the way, Chen Yu told the story of the Holy Fire Palace. The First Elder was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that the biggest oriole was neither him nor the Second Elder, but an outsider.

The Great Elder never thought about this result, the enemy of the Great Elder has always been the Second Elder, these two people are thoughtful guys, and they have been cultivating their own power.

Fighting back and forth to take advantage of outsiders, when he heard that Feng Qingluan was still alive, hatred burst out in the eyes of the First Elder, that idiot was lucky to be rescued.

What's more, she didn't expect that Feng Qingluan would risk her life for the Holy Fire Palace. Unfortunately, she didn't know that there were very few people in the Holy Fire Palace who were loyal to their father and daughter.

Who made the members of the Feng family too arrogant, always looked down on them, and thought they were slaves, slaves serving the Feng family, but slaves can grow up and want to be masters.

Thinking of the thousands of years of collections in the Holy Fire Palace being emptied, the elders vomited blood angrily, it was their fate!The First Elder really wanted to rush over and kill Qin Zixuan and his group right now, but unfortunately they left.

Chen Yu and the others really hadn't been idle during this time. Some of them went out to inquire about the situation, and some of them were looking for the Great Elder here, and they got some information about the origins of Qin Zixuan and his group.

Unexpectedly, the mighty Suzaku Empire was defeated by foreign enemies. The Great Elder was a little puzzled. Of course, the Grand Elder's vision also expanded with Chen Yu's narration.

That is, the world is really big, and the Southern Continent is only a part of this continent. Now that the Sifang Continent has been opened up, the merchants of the Southern Continent began to develop outward by boat.

(End of this chapter)

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