Chapter 1448
Qin Zixuan is a reasonable person and also a person who protects his weaknesses. After hearing the grievances of Zhong Dashi, Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows and asked: "What is a king? Are they parents?"

Master Zhong nodded, the king is his parents, he has been serving the king faithfully and dare not slack off, and worked hard to write books to repay the king's favor, Qin Zixuan listened to the nonsense of Master Zhong to show his loyalty.

After Master Zhong finished expressing his loyalty, Qin Zixuan slapped the table and shouted: "Since the king is the parents, the parents ordered the matchmaker to say, is it wrong for the father to give you a woman? Why are you wronged?"

Master Zhong was dumbfounded, he didn't expect Qin Zixuan to say that, suddenly he felt that he had asked the wrong person, Qin Zixuan was not a good bird, he actually went to Qin Zixuan to uphold justice, his mind was flooded.

Prime Minister Zuo blinked his eyes. They were indeed wrong on this point. After thinking about it, Prime Minister Zuo said, "The Supreme Emperor sees it clearly. The old minister dare not criticize the king in vain. It's just that the old minister is too old to be able to conduct human affairs."

Zuo Xiang knew that Qin Zixuan was protecting his weaknesses, he didn't ask for anything else, just don't let him lie on top of that ugly woman, he really couldn't eat after just looking at it, Zuo Xiang never knew that there were such ugly women in the harem.

I really don't know how the other party got into the palace. The first requirement in the annual draft is appearance. Prime Minister Zuo secretly slandered his request, and Qin Zixuan laughed after hearing it.

Why did Huangshan do this?It's not because of these people. If they don't let them suffer, they will continue to force Huangshan to marry a wife. Since they like to force others to marry so much, it's unreasonable to feel wronged when it falls on themselves.

Qin Zixuan, a bad boy, is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He took out a bottle from his arms, and said with a smile: "I know it's useless for you to drink a hundred catties, but I have medicine here, which is guaranteed to be effective."

"Of course, my medicine is quite precious. In order not to let you waste it, I decided to send a few eunuchs to follow you, give you one when you have sex, and then watch you make people. It will definitely work."

The Zuo Xiang and the others were stunned. This was not the result he wanted. He only needs to leave a sentence from Prince Cheng, you don't have to have sex, and he doesn't need to make a villain again, really!

Qin Zixuan couldn't hear the cries of the old men. Qin Zixuan only knew that he couldn't let his son be angry. Since it was his son's confession, he had to help his son achieve it anyway. I heard that his son gave a lot of old and ugly maids to go out, hehe , Qin Zixuan is happy, that kid has finally failed in his studies.

Master Zhong stared at Qin Zixuan in a daze. He didn't expect that his request was not met, and he still had to send someone to monitor his sexual intercourse. Is there any human right?
"Okay, I understand your request. I'll send the medicine to the palace and let the emperor send eunuchs to take care of you one by one." Qin Zixuan got up to see off the guests with his arms crossed, and the villain in his heart laughed arrogantly.

Master Zhong looked at Prime Minister Zuo, Prime Minister Zuo looked at Master Du, Master Du looked at Master Wei, you looked at me and I looked at you, everyone was dumbfounded, I didn't expect Qin Zixuan to be such a bastard, there is actually a better medicine, why not let it go Come out.

The housekeeper came in to deliver it, Qin Zixuan took the medicine and shook it a few times, and asked Lin Xi to arrange for someone to send it to the palace, Lin Xi happily took it.

"Brother, you are awesome!" Qin Ziming turned around from behind and gave Qin Liaoxuan a thumbs up. This buddy is so good at breaking the situation, he actually pretended to be confused while pretending to understand.

"It's easy to say, I heard that Zuo Xiang's concubine is old and ugly, why don't we go to the theater tonight." Qin Zixuan said, Tang Shiqiang said that it is possible, these guys are quite naive when they are young.

Li Han yelled to have a good meal first, and wait until he was full before acting. Anyway, this group of people would not do anything until dark, Qin Ziming looked at Li Han, he is awesome, it seems that the general will also accompany him.

A group of people happily went to eat a whole meal, Qin Zixuan ordered people to watch those ministers, whoever has a different intention to kill, whoever refuses to obey the king's order, write it down, and kill him if he commits another crime!

The spies of Prince Cheng’s Mansion started working all of a sudden, Dahai was playing with Wu Ying, he couldn’t help laughing when he heard the news from the people around him, it seems that honest people sometimes play tricks, but Dahai thinks this trick has the shadow of his father .

Huang He and Huang Shan were good at punching and drinking. Huang He gained a lot from this trip, and he laughed very happily. Huang Shan didn't feel bad about those things at all. If he wanted good things, he would ask his father for them. He didn't take those things from the country. They are all ready to give away.

The two brothers were drinking, and someone from Cheng Wang's mansion came to tell the story. Huang Shan became angry when he heard it. He was reprimanded by his father last time. Unexpectedly, those ministers who are ignorant and looking for his father are really disgusting.

Being inhumane is a good excuse, but this excuse is a trivial matter for Cheng Wangfu, Huang He took the medicine and said cheerfully: "Such a good medicine is not cheap, a medicine is a hundred taels of silver, remember to collect the money, we can give it to you." You can’t do business at a loss.”

Huangshan's eyes are shining brightly, which can make Huangshan, who is stymied by old people, want to do it. I am really annoyed by those guys. Many government orders can be promoted smoothly in other places, but they cannot be carried out in Daqin. Credit to those guys.

What is good for the common people and what is bad for the common people? Huangshan knows very well that if it is good for the common people, it will naturally harm the interests of some people.

But people would die in a war, and the people of Daqin, Huangshan, were reluctant to kill them, so there was a contradiction in their hearts, and this anger was naturally vented on the officials.

Huang He threw the medicine to Tong Chuan. Tong Chuan took the medicine and turned around to make arrangements. This time things were done well. The emperor praised him just now. Tong Chuan felt that he had really touched the emperor's mind. The emperor didn't like it. Help the minister.

The action of the royal family was very fast, Master Zhong returned to the mansion, and the eunuchs in the palace also came back with medicine. They all said that a moment of Spring Festival is worth a thousand gold, and these eunuchs came to supervise them.

Of course, not every family sent people to supervise, Xian Wang Mansion and Lin Mansion did not send people, and the concubines they sent were also young women who were juicy and beautiful. As for the bridal chamber, you don't care.

Seeing the eunuch sitting on a chair waiting to watch the play in the room, Master Zhong wanted to die. He really didn't expect the people in Prince Cheng's Mansion to be so shameless, this is too much deception.

"Lord Zhong, go ahead and pretend I don't exist." The shrill voice of the little eunuch resounded in the room, and the old court lady lying on the bed got into the quilt in embarrassment.

"You kill me, I will resist the decree!" Zhong Dashi still had a bit of character, and suddenly felt very tired, didn't he just want to marry his grandson to the emperor, as for revenge against him so cruelly?
If he really wants to fuck the old woman in front of him, does he still have any integrity!Do you still have a face to meet people!Zhong Daxue's chest heaved up and down in morale, and his arrogance as a scholar made him unable to speak.

The little eunuch laughed a few times, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, it's not respectful to resist the decree and destroy the family!"

(End of this chapter)

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