Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1456 Ready to leave

Chapter 1456 Ready to leave
Chen Yu's suggestion was not approved. If Chen Liang and Chen Liang were not caught, this strategy would still have a chance to succeed. Now there is no hope at all. It doesn't matter that Feng Qingluan is a fool. Qin Zixuan is smart, and he will definitely not be fooled.

The Great Elder sat there scratching his hair, regretting his recklessness this time. If he had known, he would have hidden in the dark and stared at them. Why did he jump into the courtyard to check? He thought it was a blank area for defense, but he didn’t expect that there were dinosaurs living in it. big killer.

"Wait a little longer. If Chen Liang and Liang Qing don't come back, we'll have to hide in another place." The Great Elder sighed, worried that the two would betray him. In fact, his worries were superfluous. The two really didn't betray him. this place.

Three days passed quickly, and Chen Liang and Liang Qing also died in the secret room. On the day of returning home, Concubine Cheng prepared a lot of ceremonies for returning home, and the accompanying cars were loaded with more than a dozen vehicles. Eye-opening, this is a big family, and it's a big shot.

Just when Huang He and Ying Xiaoqi returned to the door, Qin Zixuan and his party began to pack up and salute. They will leave Yujing tomorrow, and they will see if that old bastard, the Great Elder, chases after them.

Concubine Cheng was extremely reluctant when she heard that everyone was going out, Qin Zixuan asked to go with her, but Concubine Cheng refused because Wu Ying was pregnant and she wanted to watch the birth of her great-grandson, Qin Zixuan grinned as if he didn't want to watch of.

Wu Ying snickered watching Qin Zixuan's movements, and touched her belly with a gentle smile on her face. The little things in her stomach made her feel extremely happy. As a first-time mother, although she was uneasy, she was more happy.

Qin Zixuan persuaded Wu Ying to take the old concubine over. It was too lonely to live alone. Anyway, Cheng Wang's mansion has a large yard, so it is safe to live here, and there is someone to talk with his mother.

Wu Ying responded with a smile, and listened to Qin Zixuan's words, knowing that Qin Zixuan was doing it for her own good. They chatted and Qin Zixuan said that he must take his mother out next time, and Concubine Cheng cheerfully agreed.

In contrast, Concubine Cheng feels that she is much luckier. At least she has seen the vastness of the sea, seen the night scene of waves flying, and traveled thousands of miles in a boat, and more people have never left their lives. place.

Just as they were packing up, the old lady also came over. Qin Zixuan saw that the old lady wanted to take her with her, but she was rejected. Concubine Cheng had nothing to do with her idiot.

The old lady is over 90 years old, this is Renrui, not to mention going to the Western Continent, even Azure Dragon City has to be weighed, in case something happens, who will bear the responsibility, it is better to guard the hometown honestly.

The old lady agrees with this point of view, as long as she can see the two of them living happily in the Yangtze River, the West Continent is the fiefdom of the Yangtze River. It's not that the old lady doesn't want to see it, but this old bone can't stand the toss, and she still wants to see the birth of her great-grandson Woolen cloth.

Changjiang and Jiang Qinglian stood on one side to support the old lady, and watched Qin Zixuan and his party pack their things with smiles. Qin Zixuan talked with everyone for a while and looked back and was surprised, there were so many more boxes.

So Qin Zixuan couldn't help shouting: "Don't bring too many things, we're just going for fun, not moving."

Li Han picked up the teacup and stuffed it in Qin Zixuan's hand to agree, it's true that they were playing and not moving, Gong Liangyan gave Li Han a sideways look, and ignored Li Han's sarcastic remarks.

Knowing that Li Han was from a military background, the most frequent salutes are two pieces of clothes, and every time he walks and buys another, Li Han salutes more than them in the end.

Thinking of this, she looked at Qin Zixuan again, and felt that Li Han was the one Qin Zixuan loved the most. Li Han bought the most things every time, and her heart began to feel sour. She was so angry that she didn't clean up anymore.

Hua Yan is the most obedient, and when she saw Gong Liangyan stop, she also stopped, but Feng Qingluan couldn't bear to let go of any of her clothes, and wanted to take them all with her.

Gu Yueru walked in from the door, looked at the pile of big boxes and exclaimed, calling out to these people who hadn't traveled far, what are they doing with these things, it's saving money for Lao Qin.

The old Qin in her mouth is Qin Zixuan, Gu Yue goes out like Li Han, buys it wherever she goes, and throws away the ones she doesn't like.

Busily packing up his things, Qin Ziming learned that Qin Zixuan was going out again, so he ran over to ask to go with him. The distance between Qin Ziming and Qin Zixuan was getting longer and longer, but he couldn't stop the two people's feelings.

Qin Zixuan complied with Qin Ziming's request. In fact, not only Qin Ziming asked to go with him, but also Tang Shiqiang. Tang Shiqiang wanted to take a force of the Tang family to develop in the western continent.

Qin Ziming asked to go to the Western Continent to develop his own business. Qin Zixuan had no objection. Now that the exchange of materials between all parties has been opened, the waterway is in the hands of his son. This is a profitable business.

Changjiang also expressed that he welcomes businessmen from other places to settle in the Western Continent, which can drive the development of the Western Continent. This is a good thing. From the perspective of a leader, Changjiang knows what is beneficial to the Western Continent.

Although the Western Continent is now under the name of Daqin, the real management of the Western Continent is still the Yangtze River, but the communication between all parties is more convenient and conducive to development.

While talking, the guard came in and reported that Shang Biefeng asked to see him. Hearing the name Qin Zixuan, he was fascinated for a long time, and then remembered that this person was a famous general of Da Chu, who later surrendered to Da Qin, and he had molested him back then.

Qin Zixuan asked everyone to keep packing. He and Li Han just had to meet this person. After all, it was an old opponent, so it was okay to meet him. What surprised Qin Zixuan was that the old opponent was almost dead, and Shang Biefeng was still alive.

"This time when the Great Chu was rebuilt, the sisters of Shangbiefeng and Hua didn't join, but they made themselves kings on the way to the west. Most of them went back to Yujing to plead guilty."

While walking, Li Han introduced the current situation to Qin Zixuan. Many self-proclaimed kings voluntarily surrendered, and some resolutely self-reliant. These people are in the process of being conquered.

Qin Zixuan raised the corners of his mouth, thinking back to the icy and snowy battles, he still admired the pair of sisters. There were several heroines in this land, Li Han from Daqin, Qi Yan from Daqi, and then from Dachu. Shang Biefeng and Shang Biehuang.

Qi Yan has long been turned into a dead bone, and the second daughter of Shangbiefeng surrendered to Daqin, only his eldest daughter-in-law Li Han is living better and better, and is more and more able to fight.

Shang Biefeng was sitting in the hall, holding a cup in her hand, but she had no intention of drinking it. She was still thinking about the fate of the merchant, wondering if she would have a chance to leave this time when she entered Beijing.

Back then when Qin Zixuan led troops to attack the Suzaku Empire, there was really no hope of winning. Coupled with Qin Zihe's stupidity, Shang Biefeng couldn't find a reason to continue to protect Da Qin. Fortunately, she led troops outside and could do what she wanted .

As long as she doesn't betray in name, it's fine. How did she know that Qin Zihe actually forced her to hand over the military power? Shang Biefeng resolutely refused to do this. Is a business without military power still a business?
(End of this chapter)

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