Chapter 1467 Play
Gong Xu and Qu Chang were abused as a couple, and the two brothers finally stopped looking at each other with red eyes, and instead felt like brothers and sisters. The two of them sat together and watched Ling'er having fun beside Qin Zixuan, and they were taken lightly by Lei.

The two really envied Qin Zixuan, they sat there foolishly staring at Ling'er, Qin Zixuan snorted at those two guys, he couldn't even beat his own baby, yet he still wanted to marry his baby, what a beautiful idea.

Sitting next to him, Li Han pointed out that the chef must choose the middle one for the fish to be eaten by the cook. Ling'er looked around to see if he saw Qin Ziming and Tang Shijie, and asked why they didn't come over.

Only then did Qin Zixuan remember to ask about Weijixuan, and asked Linger if he wanted to drive Weijixuan over, Linger nodded, the second elder brother mentioned it to her, but Linger didn't care about business matters, and left it to the shopkeeper , it is estimated that the shopkeeper will appear on the next ship.

Qin Zixuan is very satisfied with this answer. His family has money and power. Of course, it is someone else who has broken his leg. They can just say something. They don't need to go to the market to check the environment to choose a shop, just let the shopkeeper do things. Otherwise, it would be a waste of time. more wages.

The dinosaur lay beside the fire and watched the cook busy. Today, he was lucky enough to drink bastard soup. He didn’t expect that there were so many golden bastards in this lake. It’s a pity that it wasn’t in the previous life, otherwise it would definitely be sold at a good price.

But it’s also good for drinking soup. The dinosaur’s saliva is about to come out when it smells fragrant. Qin Zixuan suddenly remembered the matter of Jin Baba, and asked the dinosaur: “Brother Dinosaur, did you find anything unusual down there? Why is the bastard in the lake? Golden?"

"Hey, what's so strange about this, you have become a spirit." The dinosaur replied, and the people next to him lowered their heads and laughed when they heard the dinosaur's reply. If you want to say that the biggest monster is a dinosaur, it is not only powerful in combat, but also can talk about people. talk.

"Can I become a beautiful woman?" Qin Zixuan answered, and Gong Liangyan pinched his waist. Ever since they got married, Gong Liangyan had developed the habit of pinching Qin Zixuan's soft waist.

Qin Zixuan groaned twice, and Gong Liangyan pinched Qin Zixuan to relieve his pain. A fairy tale appeared in Qin Zixuan's mind. Hearing that the fairy turned into a handsome man, he didn't know if it was true.

The answer was the ruthless ridicule of the dinosaur. If he could transform into a dinosaur, he would have changed a long time ago. It would be more than just hunched over with his current big body.

Dinosaur also thought of fairy tales. Stories are just stories after all. Reality is ruthless and embarrassing. He has long since despaired. Even someone as powerful as Dahai can't think of a way out, let alone him and Qin Zixuan.

When Ling'er heard the goblin's transformation, she immediately pestered Qin Zixuan to tell stories about goblins. When she was very young, she left her father's side and failed to pamper her. It sounds like no one can beat it.

Qin Zixuan, a daughter slave, has no combat power. If Linger wants to hear the story, what are you waiting for? She took out the jade fan and slapped it on her hand. The alarm was raised, and Qin Zixuan began to tell the story, so many people raised their ears, but they knew The prince's storytelling skills are absolutely top-notch.

Gong Liangyan looked left and right, all of them only had their ears out, and looked at Li Han, Li Han was holding the wine jar with a fanciful face, ready to listen to the story, then look at Gu Yueru, Gu Yueru is Find a good posture to act like you are listening.

Feng Qingluan hugged Gu Yueru's head and looked back with a smile on her chin. Gong Liangyan looked at Huayan beside her. This one was drinking fish soup happily. Huayan's appetite was getting better every day since she was pregnant. super edible.

Well, Gong Liangyan resigned to her fate and ordered Lin Xi to send her pen and ink. She should be the one to record Qin Zixuan's story. If the Song family was here, this kind of work would be done by the Song family. It's a pity that the Song family's daughters stayed in Daqin to serve Qin Zixuan as a filial piety Woolen cloth.

After thinking about it, Qin Zixuan decided to tell the story of the gourd baby. The dinosaur burst into laughter after hearing it. He was trying to coax Linger into thinking how old he was, but Linger listened with gusto.

At the end of the story, the delicious food was also made. The guard came forward and reported that someone was staring at us from a distance. Qin Zixuan didn't care when he heard it.

I don't know how his son's status is in the Western Continent, if there are any potential enemies, if he is found out, he will be beaten up, or else he will be wiped out. Qin Zixuan is very good at ransacking his home.

I don’t know if the old Qin’s family has copycats in their genes. Anyway, everyone with the surname Qin knows how to play this trick. From the first emperor to Qin Zixuan, they get excited when they hear about the copycats, which means that the money is not clear. start with wealth.

Li Han picks his nose and screams to kill them, dare to spy on them, this girl still can't change her temperament of fighting and killing, but Gong Liangyan slowly put away her pen and ink, counting with her fingers.

Qin Zixuan looked at Gong Liangyan's movements and felt pain. No matter how he looked, he looked like a god stick, but also a beautiful goddess stick. Gong Liangyan thought about it for a while and said, "It's okay, a bunch of little fish."

"Hey, group of people, does my son have so many political enemies? I think those people are quite obedient." Qin Zixuan shouted, causing Gong Liangyan to look down on him. Who doesn't have many enemies these days?What's more, he is still the king of the Western Continent.

There are many enemies in the Yangtze River, but those enemies dare not act rashly, and they don't know what good things the Yangtze River did back then. The enemy dared not do anything after being away for two years. This deterrent is not generally strong.

What Qin Zixuan can't see is not called an enemy, and Gong Liangyan doesn't explain it. Li Han is next to him and says don't worry about things, come and kill one, come and kill two and one pair. , Called to raid the house.

Dinosaur watched from the side and shook his head, expressing his incomprehension of Qin Zixuan's beauty, these women can take out any one of them and stand alone, why are they all around Qin Zixuan, the protagonist's aura is too awesome.

Seeing that Huayan was still eating, Qin Zixuan yelled not to eat, let's go, otherwise the fetus will be too big to give birth, Huayan blushed at what she said, and at the same time secretly worried, Qin Zixuan stood up and supported Huayan to let her Go for a walk and have a good digestion.

The servants began to set the table. There was a big plate in front of the dinosaur, and there was wine next to it. He wanted to eat and drink. Although it was a monster, no one else could compare to it when it was young.

Linger jumped next to the dinosaur and held his chin to let the dinosaur tell a story. He wanted to tell a story about a lynx ghost, and the dinosaur grinned and let out a rattling laugh.

Qin Zixuan is a coward and never watches horror movies, but dinosaurs are different. This guy likes to watch horror movies with his girls the most. Speaking of it, he can really scare people to death.

The story about dinosaurs is really love-hate. When Qin Zixuan saw the dinosaur talking, he walked far away with the help of Hua Yan. That brother likes to scare people the most. .

On the mountain peak in the distance, a pair of eyes stared at Qin Zixuan's every move.

(End of this chapter)

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