Chapter 1470
Huang Qing looked at Qin Zixuan below, and looked at the old ghost of Huangquan, not to mention how aggrieved they wanted to investigate the details of the reincarnation religion and the Yangtze River, but the lack of channels was a big problem, and they could only get what others were willing to say information.

The old ghost of Huangquan gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do. It wasn't that he hadn't thought about going to sea privately. The problem was that all the ships he sent out had died, and it was too difficult to get through safely without a chart.

And even if there is a sea chart, it is useless without an experienced captain. Various conditions limit their dream of going to sea to be just a dream.

The dinosaur suddenly looked up at the mountain, and felt that someone was peeping there. It was so good to be able to see it from such a distance!
Li Han looked at the dinosaur and said, "You also feel that there is someone over there, right?"

"Hey, you also feel this way?" The dinosaur screamed. It seems that there is really someone up there. Who could it be?The dinosaur twisted its body and planned to go up to have a look.

Qin Zixuan looked at those trees and strange rocks, and mourned for those poor flowers and plants. Li Han called out: "Brother Dinosaur, don't be too busy. When you get to the top, they will run away and disappear."

"Big daughter-in-law, you are too offensive, how can you say that, Brother Dinosaur has a kind heart, we have to accept this kindness." Qin Zixuan shouted, Dinosaur rolled his eyes, and knew that his work was useless, this big body really Not easy to hide.

On the contrary, Gu Yueru let out a strange smile and ran away with a sword in hand. Qin Zixuan saw the excitement when he looked at the back. This guy is really restless. He likes to fight the most. He used to challenge heroes everywhere, but now he is looking for a saint. What about the moldy head?

Huang Qing saw Gu Yueru running up the mountain, so he quickly reminded the old ghost of Huang Quan, whether he was fighting or running away, he could tell. The old ghost of Huang Quan cursed, "Fight!"He doesn't even know the strength of the enemy now, so how to fight, he should run away.

The old ghost of Huang Quan turned around and ran towards the other side of the mountain, Huang Qing cursed and hurriedly followed, there was no way to monitor here, those people were too sensitive.

Seeing the disappearing sun, Qin Zixuan knew that today’s beautiful scenery was not there, so he asked if he should stay here or go back. Li Han looked at Huayan. She wanted to stay overnight, but Huayan’s body needed to be taken care of. Bar.

Hua Yan looked at Gong Liangyan, and habitually let Gong Liangyan make up her mind. Ever since she left Yunmengze, Hua Yan was used to obeying Gong Liangyan's arrangements. girl.

"We have all the guys with us. It doesn't matter if we live outside. Besides, there is a manor house built here on the Yangtze River. I hope that we can dance a few more monsters and ghosts during our overnight stay."

"Little Yanzi's words are right. Although we haven't been here for long, I feel that there are a lot of ghosts and monsters. I don't know how Changjiang manages his territory. It seems that there are many people who disagree with him."

As soon as Qin Zixuan answered the call, he finalized the itinerary for today, that is to spend the night at Sunset Lake, and the team set off to pack up their things and prepare to rush to the manor, where Gu Yueru had already reached the middle of the mountain.

This guy is smart, he didn't go straight up the mountain, but turned around the mountainside, just in time to see the old monster Huang Quan and Huang Qing going into the forest in the distance, seeing that the distance is a bit far, the possibility of catching up is not high, Gu Yueru could only stamp her feet.

Holding up the binoculars to look around, she saw Qin Zixuan waving at her, Gu Yueru looked around and saw someone packing up, she didn't know what it meant, so she could only return disappointed.

The team entered the courtyard in the dark. The courtyard is a bit like a pavilion in a water town in the south of the Yangtze River. It is elegant and delicate, like a girl next door located between mountains and rivers.

Qin Zixuan came in and walked around, and immediately fell in love with the yard, and told the second boy that he was interested. Li Han nodded when he saw that Qin Zixuan was satisfied, his son really cared.

The second son, who was quiet when he was young, was indeed the most caring one, and he knew how to take care of others better than Hai Hai.

The maids quickly started working under the guidance of the housekeeper. Qin Zixuan took a few beautiful daughters-in-law to take a bath. The dinosaur was envious, and he left the manor in envy and jealousy.

After receiving the news of the dinosaur's departure, Qin Zixuan knew that someone was going to be unlucky, or even a beast would be unlucky. Tomorrow will be a lucky day. I don't know what kind of beasts the dinosaur will bring back to satisfy his hunger.

Besides, the old ghost of Huang Quan took Huang Qing and escaped far away, and he let out a sigh of relief. These two did not continue to monitor Qin Zixuan.

Dinosaurs killed all directions that night, and the spies from all sides did not escape. This is not counted. Qin Zixuan was really right. Dinosaurs even went to the deep mountains to hunt. In the morning, they came back with a bunch of prey on their backs, screaming Let the cook cook delicious food, and he wants to eat meat.

Dinosaurs were carnivorous animals. They ate grass for several years, and they resumed eating meat since they met Qin Zixuan. Their appetite was astonishingly large. A dozen cooks were specially assigned to deal with the stomachs of dinosaurs.

After dawn, the forces monitoring Qin Zixuan sensed that something was wrong. Their spies didn't send back any news, and didn't even send out a signal. This is not right.

On the contrary, Changjiang happily got up from Jiang Qinglian's side, and listened to Jiang Qinglian's stomach. Seeing Jiang Qinglian's blushing face, she laughed strangely again. Jiang Qinglian felt very funny in her heart. The child is too young to move at all. .

She couldn't help but look forward to it. This child was her eldest son or daughter. Jiang Qinglian, who was a new mother, devoted all her love to this child. Seeing that Jiang Jiang liked it, she naturally became happy.

Changjiang was tired for a while and walked out of the room. The head of the personal guard came forward to report the situation last night. He was very glad that he didn't send anyone to monitor Qin Zixuan, otherwise the person he sent would also become a dead body, a dead body without a head.

Think of the dinosaur's hooves, the guard's forehead was sweating, and his head was smashed to the ground with a hoof.Changjiang never doubted the fighting power of the dinosaurs, and he dared not send someone to watch them quietly. If he wanted to send someone, he would blatantly put them next to Qin Zixuan, saving innocent lives.

"Sort out the forces that were monitored last night, first find a reason to kill the wave, and then leave the wave to play slowly." Changjiang said lightly, if his father came to the Western Continent, if there were not a few small fish and shrimps jumping out, he would have more boring.

The chief guard responded, turned around and made arrangements, and Changjiang also started his day's work.

Qin Zixuan was not in a hurry to go back to the city. Since the scenery of Sunset Lake is beautiful, let’s watch it for a few more days and get close to nature. Everyone has no objection. Linger is even more excited and asks the dinosaur to continue telling stories, listening to ghost stories in the barren mountains That's called stimulation.

(End of this chapter)

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