Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1475 Explosion

Chapter 1475 Explosion
It was true that the gunman had a bomb strapped to his body. If he was an ordinary person, he would definitely be scared to death, but Qin Zixuan and his gang are not ordinary people. They are old monsters, and they have long been familiar with it.

Li Han untied the bomb on the shooter, took out one and stuffed it in the shooter's butt, slapped the shooter's face and told her to ask her to ask questions, and if he dared to answer honestly, he would detonate the bomb below.

Qin Zixuan watched Li Han's rude movements with veins throbbing on his forehead. Does this bitch know what it means to fight against men and women?Qin Zixuan seriously suspected that Li Han didn't know, how could he have stuffed things there.

The gunman cried even more. He suddenly regretted accepting this task. Although the reward was high, he had no life.

"Who asked you to assassinate the old man of the Cheng family?" Li Han finally started to ask, the gunman glared at Li Han and wanted to show what a tough guy is, and saw Li Han took out a match and lit it.

The match was shaking under the gunman's eyes, and the gunman's tough guy temperament disappeared. He didn't want to bloom there, if that was the case, he might as well die.

So the gunman handed over the whole story, and he was the gold medal killer of the killer organization. This mission offered a reward of 100 million, and the target was the head of a family in a small county.

At that time, the shooter felt that the person who sent the mission had a brain hole, but now it seems that he has a brain hole, whoever he met here, not to mention high-strength, is also perverted.

As for why Patriarch Cheng was killed, Qin Zixuan looked at the killer in front of him. The gold medal killer was actually a gunman, and he used a sniper rifle. It can only be said that the times are advancing, and human beings are closely following the times.

Even becoming a gold medal killer has become much easier. As long as you know how to use a gun, as long as you have accurate marksmanship, becoming a gold medal killer is not impossible, it is very capable.

The appearance of the gunman proves that there is indeed a problem with the Cheng family. There must be a mysterious person behind it, but they don't know what the goal of the mysterious person is. Qin Zixuan needs to figure it out.

The shooter finished his confession, he only wanted to die quickly, of course he couldn't ignite the thread below, Qin Zixuan complied with this request, and he didn't want to see that scene, he asked Li Han to kill him quickly and bury him, they had better go to another house let's go.

Judging from the battle just now, the strength of the Ma family is not weak. I don't know what the Ma family is facing now. Qin Zixuan said that I want to know, and the Fu family has to turn around. This kid really can't sit still
Even if he didn't sleep in the middle of the night, he didn't feel tired. He wanted to run around Guanbei County. Li Han didn't even want to kill people, destroy his body and traces, and then followed Qin Zixuan to the Ma family.

When they arrived, they took a look and found it boring, so they turned to the Fu's house again. The Ma's house was immersed in sadness, and it was really nothing to see. When they arrived outside the Fu's house, they found that the Fu's house was quiet, and the dog didn't even bark.

This quietness is a bit too much, Qin Zixuan instinctively felt that it was dangerous, so a group of people did not approach the Fu family, but chose a big tree far away from the Fu family to sit on the tree and watch from a distance, to see what the Fu family had. Danger.

Waiting until dawn, the Fu family did not make any noise. Of course, this silence is extremely abnormal, because Qin Zixuan didn't find anyone walking around the Fu family through the telescope, which is strange.

When the sun rose, a vegetable cart appeared at the side door of the Fu family. The vegetable seller was obviously familiar with the Fu family. He patted the door a few times but no one opened it, so he pushed the door open.

After walking about a dozen steps, I heard a loud noise, the Fu family turned into a gunpowder field, the roar was endless, and explosions happened one after another, Qin Zixuan stood on the tree pole and watched dumbfounded.

Fortunately, his intuition is very accurate, otherwise they must have died quietly when they entered Fu's house yesterday, how much explosives were planted, this is the way to deal with them, it is really ruthless.

Li Han swallowed, and gave Qin Zixuan a thumbs up. Qin Zixuan laughed twice, discussing whether to go back or continue watching the show.

Finally, after discussing to continue watching the play, I sent a guard back to tell everyone that he was safe, and then continued to sit on the tree and watch, with binoculars monitoring the entire Fu family.

According to criminal psychology, the murderer will definitely come back after such a big case. He should appreciate his own work, right? Qin Zixuan looked around for the murderer based on this.

The bombing here alarmed the people all over the place, and they all ran to watch the excitement. It was not easy to find the murderer from here, but Qin Zixuan did not give up. He was really curious who set up the trap, and even calculated their reactions.

If it wasn't for his intuition, Qin Zixuan would definitely go to the Fu family to check. If he didn't die, he would be seriously injured. What kind of hatred is plotting against him? Qin Zixuan would feel uneasy if he didn't find the murderer.

The enemy in the dark is the most terrible thing. Only being a thief for a thousand days is not the reason for defending against a thief for a thousand days. Qin Zixuan can't be a thief every day. This guy takes it very seriously.

The government office in Guanbei County finally appeared. A team of yamen servants hurried over to protect an official in green robes. The common people seemed to retreat from them, as if it was not the official family but a poisonous scorpion.

"It seems that the official voice of this government is not good!" Qin Zixuan said with his lips curled up.

Li Han asked why, but she didn't notice any difference, while Gong Liangyan pointed her fingers and said, "This is a short-lived ghost, and his life will stay today."

Oh, let me go, Qin Zixuan looked at this goddess stick, and didn't know what to say. She used to be quite cold, but now she looks like the Yellow River, curling her fingers here and there.

As soon as Gong Liangyan's voice fell, a person suddenly jumped out of the crowd, holding a sharp knife in his hand, and the sharp knife pierced the county magistrate's heart without any precautions.

The yamen servants behind the magistrate and the onlookers were dumbfounded. Before they could come to arrest him, the man had already taken poison and fell to the ground, pointing his finger in the direction of the Chenggong Building.

Qin Zixuan didn't notice this at first, Feng Qingluan was the first to discover it, and then everyone figured out the direction was really the same, but they didn't know why this man pointed in the direction of the Chenggong Building.

These are not important, the important thing is that the drama is still going on, Qin Zixuan found out that someone actually guides towards the Chenggong Building intentionally or unintentionally, the reason is that the owner of the Cheng family was shot in the head with a bullet, and the people living in the Chenggong Building have guns.

Qin Zixuan was also drunk for this reason. Could it be that they must be murderers just because they have guns?Is there any reason for this?
"The triangular-eyed man in black is a pusher, and the fat man in blue, and, hey, they all have a folded collar."

Qin Zixuan observed very carefully, and even saw such a subtle place where the collar was folded. Li Han and the others looked at it one after another, nodding frequently. It was indeed as Xianggong said, but he didn't know who was standing behind these people. Not too big.

(End of this chapter)

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