Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1478 The Trespasser Dies!

Chapter 1478 The Trespasser Dies!

Because of Qin Zixuan's passing by in Guanbei County, the top power has undergone major changes, and none of the three major families was able to stay. The battle between the Ma family and the Cheng family caused a serious loss of family strength, and the young disciples were unable to continue.

The Cheng family lost even more, even the head of the family died, and they don't know when they will be able to recover, let alone the Fu family, the entire family has been wiped out, and all resources have been collected by the county government.

Early the next morning, Qin Zixuan and his group got into the car, and under the adoring eyes of the reincarnation believers, Qin Zixuan and his group left in a high-profile manner. On the high mountain outside Guanbei County, one of them stood coldly to each other.

Qin Zixuan didn't know who was going to see him off, and he didn't even know that someone was going to see him off. He was sitting in the car and driving. The name of the old driver was not covered, and he threw dirty jokes one after another, making the girls blush and smile like flowers .

The dinosaur walked around at will, he didn't follow the car to eat ashes, the goal of the few people remained the same, it was still the valley of the wicked.And Changjiang, who was far away in Fengtian City, immediately sent people to investigate after receiving the incident in Guanbei County.

Changjiang has always known about the remnants of the Yasheng Empire, but he couldn't find the right owner. He didn't expect them to jump out at this time and still provoke his father. Changjiang didn't know whether to praise them or despise them.

I really think that King Cheng is easy to bully. If anyone thinks that way, he is doomed to be buried deep or shallow. Anyway, Changjiang didn't see how many of his father's enemies ended well.

The masters of my mother are better than the other. The key is that there are two who can pinch and count. He will seek good luck and avoid bad luck. How do you fight him? If you find a dead end and withdraw early, no matter how good the game is, it is useless without the protagonist .

Gui Zong's current situation is very bad, being bitten by others, Huang Quan's old ghost tried his best to prove his innocence, the people sent by Changjiang actually opened their eyes and told lies, unanimously believed that Gui Zong had ulterior motives and plotted to frame Qin Zixuan .

This is forcing Guizong to jump out to rebel now, Huang Quan old ghost is also aware of this, the rebellion is not impossible now but the rebellion will not succeed, because the forces he wants to contact have not yet been determined to follow the rebellion.

If it was his own family, the old ghost of Huang Quan would not dare to rebel even if he was killed, he would be beating an egg to a rock. What he needs now is an ally.

At this moment, an olive branch reached out to Guizong, Huang Quan old ghost was very moved by holding this olive branch, and finally someone was willing to rebel with him.

Huang Quan's old ghost was happy for less than a day, and then he received a report from the spies, saying that the guy who extended the olive branch was the one who framed Guizong.

I'll go, this news made the old ghost of Huangquan feel like he was eating shit. When someone feeds him shit, he still has to thank the other party. It's a crazy life.

Why did the other party frame Guizong?What kind of power is the opponent?The old ghost of Huangquan wanted to know eagerly, what surprised the old ghost of Huangquan the most was that since he hooked up with that olive branch, the person who was holding on to the ghost sect before him let go.

Hehe, this further confirms the correctness of that news. It seems that there are also people arranged by that force in the court. The old ghost of Huangquan rolled his eyes and thought of a countermeasure. It would be great if he could absorb the power of the other party.

The report on the investigation of the ghost sect was placed on Changjiang's desk, and Changjiang smiled strangely after reading it. As long as they jumped out, they should not even think about shrinking back, and let them jump for a while, and when the time is right, they will catch them all.

It took Qin Zixuan five days to arrive at the site of the Valley of the Wicked. The former fertile fields were covered with weeds, and the houses were covered with ivy. Looking at the desolation, Qin Zixuan couldn't help sighing.

When the second boy went to help the Suzaku Empire, he went in a hurry, otherwise, with Changjiang's petty temper, he would definitely not be able to bear the appearance of this gang of villains under his rule.

Since I am his father, I will help my son to kill this poisonous insect, so as to save them from wreaking havoc on his son's territory.

The car drove into the wild grass, only half of the car was exposed in an instant, Qin Zixuan smiled wryly when he saw it, but fortunately the car had a high chassis and was of good quality, without cutting corners, otherwise it wouldn't be able to drive.

It really made the QQ from the previous life enter this environment, sorting out the trailers, Qin Zixuan moved forward and swayed, his eyes were still looking around.

About five miles away, a three-foot-high stone tablet appeared in front of him, which read "Valley of the Wicked, and anyone who trespasses will die!"The seven large characters are full of murderous intent, and are still blood red.

Qin Zixuan curled his lips after looking at it, and took out the map to look around. They have not yet reached the mountain range where the Valley of the Wicked is located. They actually erected the stone tablet here. It seems that they will move the stone tablet outward every time they swallow a piece of land. .

Gu Yueru asked me to chop the broken stone tablet, Qin Zixuan said he had no objection, Li Han said with a smile that Gu Yueru could only use stupid strength, why should he use stupid strength to chop when there are cannons.

What Qin Zixuan and the others said were speechless. It seemed that cannons had rarely appeared between the lines since they entered the Holy Master. At this moment, when they heard Li Han mentioning cannons, they thought of this big killer.

When she came here, the child of the Yangtze River had prepared a few statues, and they were on the truck at this time. Gu Yueru was not convinced after hearing this, isn't it stupid to use a cannon?
Well, if Gu Yue insists on chopping, let's do it. Qin Zixuan sat on the roof of the car to watch, Gu Yue rushed over with a long sword in his hand, and saw that guy wielding a long sword like a tiger. , I don’t know whether to split stones or perform her kung fu.

Anyway, Gu Yue Ruwu was very active, Li Han looked at it for a while and said quietly: "Her strength has improved again, no wonder she is in a hurry to show off."

Qin Zixuan opened his mouth and let out an ooh, only to realize that his strength seemed to have never been improved since he entered the Saint Master. He asked Li Han if there was any way to improve his strength?Li Han came to say that there is me, so you can hide behind with peace of mind.

Gong Liangyan replied that you should pet him, but Li Han asked you not to pet him?Why don't you spoil your fingers, Gong Liangyan is speechless, can you say that she is counting good or bad luck?If something serious happens, Qin Zixuan should be reminded to retreat.

Under the light of Gu Yueru's sword, the stele turned into pieces. At the same time, a cave appeared in front of Gu Yueru. Gu Yueru jumped up and down happily. This was a pleasant surprise. Who would have thought that there was a cave under the stele? .

Just don't know what's in there?Qin Zixuan and the others also rushed over. Qin Zixuan lit a torch and threw it down. Then the light from the torch made Qin Zixuan's scalp explode.

They didn't even care about the car, and they stopped after retreating [-] meters, and a huge mushroom cloud rose from where they were standing before. Qin Zixuan stood there and wiped his sweat. The explosives control on the Western Continent is too loose , Surprisingly, explosives are buried everywhere, is this still alive?

(End of this chapter)

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