Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1481 3 Immortal City

Chapter 1481 Three Immortals City

Qin Zixuan is a wonderful person, he actually piled up all the explosives dug up in the Valley of the Evil, and of course he didn't let go of the treasures in the Valley of the Evil. One cart of explosives in exchange for a cart of treasures is not a bad deal.

After all, explosives are also a worthless business, and they are all dug up. Qin Zixuan was very happy when he saw the Valley of the Wicked turned into ruins. Whenever he was happy, he would give away more than half of his wealth.

Just as they were bustling about dividing up the loot, there was a roaring sound from a distance, Qin Zixuan quickly jumped up to watch, only to see a mushroom cloud rising, so Qin Zixuan hurriedly sent someone to inquire.

It didn't take long for the guards and the dinosaur to come back together. The dinosaur was quite proud and told Qin Zixuan that you were too rough and let a big fish slip through the net. You must know that the Valley of the Wicked should be completely wiped out.

Qin Zixuan looked at the ruins in the distance, who would have thought that someone did not show up at Taniguchi at all, Pang Siliang's fault was all his fault, if it wasn't for Pang Siliang's body turning into ashes in the ruins, Qin Zixuan would really drag him Come out and whip the corpse.

Dinosaur looked at the treasures on the car, they were all ordinary things, nothing Dinosaur liked, urged Qin Zixuan to pack his things and hurry, let's go to Sanxian City as soon as possible, I heard that it is very lively there now.

Qin Zixuan had no objection. He also heard that the day of offering sacrifices to the Three Immortals was coming soon, and the tourists in the City of the Three Immortals were about to burst the city walls. This kind of excitement should not be missed.

As for saying that there are no interesting things, Qin Zixuan has to refute one or two things. It's not that there are no interesting things, but the group of people who have interesting things don't know. Qin Zixuan is holding a trick box in his hand, and he was studying how to open it before.

This will see the dinosaur say so and immediately take out the trick box to show off. The dinosaur sees that this thing is too small, not enough for him to slap it. As for breaking open a trick box, the dinosaur said that it does not have that strength.

His family knew his own affairs, but his big hooves couldn't grasp the small trick box. This was incomparable to Qin Zixuan's small hands. It was really convenient for a human to have hands, and it was incomparable for a beast.

So Qin Zixuan hurried on his way, waiting for a whole day after Qin Zixuan and his gang left, the yamen servants from the nearby county boldly came to check, and were surprised to find that the Valley of the Wicked had disappeared from the map.

The news was reported quickly, but their report was not as fast as Qin Zixuan's flying letter. After receiving Qin Zixuan's letter, Changjiang also realized that the matter of explosives must be strictly investigated.

This bastard, Sanlang, betrayed his trust. He never expected that the guy he single-handedly promoted would be so bold. Changjiang's movements were fast, and Sanlang's movements were not slow either.

Sanlang has felt uneasy since he came back from the Yangtze River. He sold so much explosives in the past two years that Sanlang himself was deeply uneasy. After a stranger appeared outside his yard, Sanlang decided to run away.

If he doesn't escape, he will die. Sanlang is also a ruthless person. The money he earned in the past two years is enough for him to live for several generations. In this case, he doesn't want his house in Fengtian City anymore. He started planting explosives around the house.

San Lang had a good idea of ​​just waiting for the explosives to be buried and then detonated to escape in the chaos, but he underestimated Chang Jiang's strength, and he never thought that Chang Jiang would personally come to arrest him.

Changjiang watched Sanlang bury his buttocks with hands behind his back, and when Sanlang buried the last handful of soil, clapped his hands and was about to leave, Changjiang asked quietly, "Buried?"

"Well, ah!" Sanliang turned his head to see Changjiang, with a ghostly expression on his face, and blinked vigorously. That's right, it was Changjiang standing in front of him, and Sanlang's legs softened and he knelt down, "My lord , I was wrong, please forgive me once."

Sanlang said that tears came out, he was so frightened, his heart was broken seven or eight petals, why did he bother to enjoy the high fishing, his life might be at stake.

Changjiang sneered twice, and if he made a mistake, he would die. Sanlang looked at Changjiang and sneered, like falling into an ice cave. He knew the tricks of Changjiang.

Sanlang took out a dagger from his ankle and threw himself at the Yangtze River, but he didn't give up on wanting to accompany him. Changjiang sneered again, and stepped on Sanlang's heart, and Sanlang fainted on the spot.

Only then did Changjiang scan around, and ordered the guards to search the scene, not to let any suspicious persons go, but to see where the explosives were bought.

Sanlang was tried at the Yangtze River, and Qin Zixuan and his party also came to Sanxian City. The most famous of Sanxian City is Sanxian Lake. There is an island in the center of the lake, and there is an altar ten meters square on the island.

It is said that there is the place where the Three Immortals ascended, and every year on June [-]th is the festival for the Three Immortals. People from all over the world brought their cattle and sheep to participate in the activities.

The front foot is crowded with the back foot. You can only see the heads but not the flow of people. Qin Zixuan's convoy is blocked outside the city. Let alone the car, it is difficult to squeeze in. The soldiers guarding the city gate are squeezed close to each other. City Wall rolled his eyes.

Li Han looked around and asked if he wanted to kill her. Qin Zixuan was speechless looking at this crazy woman. These are all people under the rule of the Yangtze River. What do you want to do by killing her here?

If he really wanted to cause chaos, he didn't know how many people were trampled to death. Qin Zixuan didn't do that stupid thing. Isn't it okay to smear his face? Besides, the excitement is just this day. It's not too late to see.

So Qin Zixuan ordered to stay outside the city, not to go into the city, or else we will go climbing, from the mountain to look into the city is not bad, anyway, there are binoculars, but to see what activities are going on.

Everyone had no objection to this proposal. In fact, it would be troublesome if Qin Zixuan insisted on going in. So many people would not be able to protect Qin Zixuan and his group, and they were pregnant, let alone crowded.

When they left, some people continued to squeeze into the city. Qin Zixuan sat in the car watching Zhile, and really couldn't figure out why there were so many idiots. Even if they squeezed in and saw Sanxian Lake, could they be able to ascend?
In front of the Sanxian Lake and the city gate, they were crowded together, and paper boats floated on the lake from time to time, and there were small offerings on the boat, and I don't know who threw them on it.

Occasionally, the sound of falling into the water can be heard, and there are several flower boats floating on the lake. In addition to the flower boats, there are also wooden boats passing through. The wooden boats are used to pick up people to the small island in the middle of the lake.

If you want to get on the boat, you have to have money, not much, 1000 taels of silver per boat, this price has attracted a lot of criticism, even so the boatman still stretched out his finger to ask for a price, and it was a fixed price.

There is no shortage of rich people in the crowd. Although 1000 pairs of ordinary people are many, it is really not a problem to those nobles, so occasionally someone will step on the wooden boat amidst the envious eyes.

On the small island in the middle of the lake, the county magistrate of Sanxian City is accompanying and carefully serving the big man in front of him.
(End of this chapter)

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