Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1488 Discovery

Chapter 1488 Discovery
The four of them were still discussing whether to go back, when Li Han sent an order, Sanxian Lake was too weird, Li Han really couldn't bear to let Bai Jing and Liu Yi continue to wander on the lake, if something happened to her, she would regret it to death.

So the four of them went back to the shore and explained what they saw to Li Han one by one. Li Han thought it was too weird, and he couldn't see it through, so he had to wait until the dinosaur returned.

On the bottom of the sea, the dinosaurs rushed back with a pile of food on their backs. When they passed the underground estuary, the dinosaurs found that something was wrong. A large number of corpses and blood seemed to be sucked away, and they rushed to the ground in a line.

What's going on?Isn't that the mouth of the sea?Why does it seem like an underground passage? The most amazing thing is that these corpses and blood did not flow into the sea at all.

As a well-educated dinosaur, I really can't understand it, it's weird, it's too weird, the dinosaur threw away the seafood on its back, and began to shrink its body, he wanted to see what was so magical about it.

However, such a powerful dinosaur could not break through the invisible cover, and the two sides made contact with each other, once, twice and three times.
bump!The dinosaur's body finally passed through the estuary, but he didn't crash into the downwelling channel, but crashed into the bottom of Sanxian Lake. The dinosaur looked around and couldn't help but let out a strange cry. Yes, hurry back.

It’s just that when the dinosaur returned, the place had returned to calm. After searching for a long time, nothing was wrong. In order to prove that he was not dazzled, the dinosaur was digging desperately, but unfortunately found nothing.

Strangely enough, the dinosaur turned around for a long time and didn't find anything wrong, so he had to go back to Sanxian Lake. The dinosaur's head popped out from the bottom of the water. Looking around, he seriously suspected that he had come to the wrong place.

What about Huxin Island?Why can't I see the island in the middle of the lake?The dinosaur circled around a few times and was spotted by the guard. The guard pointed at the dinosaur and was speechless. It looked like a dinosaur, but the dinosaur was not so small.

The dinosaur quickly jumped to the shore, seeing the silly guards roll their eyes, and then ran in the direction of Qin Zixuan, Qin Zixuan heard the sound of the dinosaur and looked over, oh my god, did the dinosaur come back from the refugee camp? ?
Most of the refugees were hungry and skinny. The dinosaur was starving even to the bones. The dinosaur didn't care about Qin Zixuan's surprised eyes, but he was a thief if he smiled.

"Brother, good news, great news!" The dinosaur barked its teeth and claws happily, Li Han rushed to look around, and then looked at the dinosaur. What good news is this? Do you need to keep it secret?

The dinosaur is not a real idiot. He quickly realized that he shrunk down again, and became the size of a big yellow dog. Qin Zixuan was startled, and ran over to hug the dinosaur to ask how he did it. It’s so awesome, it’s Monkey King’s 72 change?

The dinosaur told Qin Zixuan very seriously that this is not the 72 transformation, it is similar to the bone shrinking skill, but it is more powerful than the bone shrinking skill, but it can also be reduced when it becomes bigger. Of course, it is only the volume that is reduced, and the quality does not change.

He only shrunk by squeezing the particles in his body, and the weight didn't change at all. Qin Zixuan let out an oh, and asked why he didn't have this function before. Could it be that some heaven-defying treasure appeared on the bottom of the sea?
Saying this, Qin Zixuan smiled wide-eyed, rubbing his hands and wanted to get something to eat, the dinosaur whispered twice in Qin Zixuan's ear, Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows, so that's what happened.

Touching the baby in his arms, Qin Zixuan really wanted to try a slice, but the dinosaur quickly stopped Qin Zixuan's movement, so let's discuss this matter with Dahai Nawa, who knows more than them.

Well, Qin Zixuan thinks it makes sense, Dahai really knows more than himself, Qin Zixuan admits to accept pride, because it is his kind.

Li Han asked about the changes at the bottom of the lake, and the dinosaur told what he saw, but he didn't know where the flow was. Anyway, it was weird, and he couldn't tell where it was.

The smell of blood in the air did not fade because of the disappearance of the corpse. Li Han proposed to check it out. Dinosaur said that there was no need to check the bottom of the lake. There was no smell of blood there. He could smell it very clearly all the way back, so let's go with the wind now.

Everyone was not interested, and arranged to deal with the aftermath. At the same time, they sent a letter to Changjiang, telling him about the changes in Sanxian Lake and asking him to send someone to take over Sanxian City.

A group of people set off, and the smell of blood came from the wind. They chased the wind and went out of the Three Immortals City. They turned over a mountain, and there were endless mountains in front of them. The smell of blood was in the mountains.

Qin Zixuan and the others were about to move forward, when Qin Zixuan suddenly yelled that it was dangerous, and shouted to retreat at the top of his voice, only to see a group of people backing away with a whimper, the speed was so fast, there was no doubt whether Qin Zixuan's words were true.

They were very fast, and retreated more than ten meters in the blink of an eye. The dinosaur stayed behind and broke down, only to hear a roar, and the mountain in front began to topple. Back faster.

They retreated another hundred meters, and the gravel could not hurt them, but the mountain on the opposite side was half shorter, and the air was full of sulfur smell. Qin Zixuan looked around and saw that many people were injured by the stones, and then looked ahead, holding back I can't help but click my tongue.

Fortunately, these people have full trust in themselves, even half a second of hesitation will cause serious damage. Who is it that can plot ahead of them!

After the dinosaur was broken, it was hit by the gravel the most. Fortunately, his skin was thick and he was not injured. The dinosaur was very speechless about his defense against the sky. With this defense, it is estimated that he would not be killed if he sat still.

Along the way, he was rescued by dinosaurs who were slow-footed. The wounds were being bandaged. Qin Zixuan smelled the smell in the air again, and the smell of blood was still there. What's going on?
"Would you like to go ahead and take a look?" Qin Zixuan asked, Li Han nodded, this matter must be investigated, and they can't retreat just because they encounter some danger, that's not their character.

The dinosaur called me to fight first, and Qin Zixuan was in the middle. Once he found danger, he would retreat. It was the dinosaur who was behind. This guy was not afraid of death, and he was very brave. The free adjustment of his body made the dinosaur flexible.

But this time they didn't all go, only Qin Zixuan, Li Han, Gu Yueru and Gong Liangyan went with the dinosaurs, the others stayed here to support, Feng Qingluan and the others wanted to leave protective words.

The few people did what they said, and soon they were ready. The dinosaur adjusted its legs to long legs, as if they were walking straight with their legs. Qin Zixuan looked at it with envy, it was awesome.

Soon the group of them came to the first explosion site. The smell of sulfur had not dissipated. The dinosaurs were jumping back and forth in the mountains, and soon they found signs of human activities around them, which meant that the explosives were man-made.

I don't know why they counted as their appearance, Qin Zixuan held up his binoculars and looked around.
(End of this chapter)

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