Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1495 Nebula Beast

Chapter 1495 Nebula Beast

Of course, Qin Zixuan didn't want the little thing to suck the blood of the dinosaur, so he raised his hand and slapped the little thing's buttocks, which immediately caught the little thing's attention, and he turned his head and bared his teeth at Qin Zixuan.

Qin Zixuan was about to continue teasing this little thing, but suddenly sensed the danger, and immediately shouted: "The wind is tight, shit!"

The dinosaur was happy after hearing this, are they doing something bad?There was a wind blowing!But the dinosaur also knew that Qin Zixuan was warning everyone of danger, so he immediately jumped into the lake with the small thing.

He saw a few figures on the lake going up and down, and came to the opposite hillside in the blink of an eye. Qin Zixuan turned his head to look in the direction of the altar, and the furry feeling hadn't faded away.

After waiting for a while, I felt a strong wind, and a tornado suddenly burst out from the center of the altar, which could be twenty feet high, and everything caught in it was turned into pieces.

Wow!The few people sighed and wiped off the cold sweat from their foreheads, sincerely admiring Qin Zixuan's intuition.The little thing pinched by the dinosaur squeaked strangely, trying to break free from the dinosaur's hand.

Qin Zixuan looked at the little thing, then at the dinosaur, and asked, "What should I do? Do you want to release the animal?"

"Let it go, anyway, I still have a natural enemy, and I will fight it every day when it grows up." The dinosaur let go after a little thought, he needs an opponent, otherwise the master will be lonely, and he will not be able to stand on the top of the mountain every day for thousands of years.

Thinking about the boring days, this thing is small but can break through the defense of the dinosaur, which makes the dinosaur happy. After the little thing was free, he ran to Qin Zixuan's feet to urinate, and then jumped into the lake towards the person in the middle of the lake. Go to the altar.

Qin Zixuan was stunned. Does this little thing hold grudges like this?Isn't it just a few slaps?I still pat lightly, but I remember revenge, ouch, I'm going, the animals are all fine!

The little thing quickly swam to the altar, the altar was already ruined, surrounded by gravel, the little thing climbed up the altar and gnawed on the stones with its little butt pouted.

Wow, do you want to be so awesome? Qin Zixuan was stunned, and suddenly thought of a legend, that is, small animals will eat their own eggshells after they are born. Is that the eggshell of small things?
When Qin Zixuan asked this question, the dinosaur was the first to shake his head, thinking no, if it was really an eggshell, wouldn't it be a broken egg long ago, how could a broken egg hatch into a small thing.

It makes sense to say that, after all, there is another altar in Sanxian Lake, it's just a bit bigger here, and the few people looked at the little thing with their foreheads blurred, and they really haven't seen such a thing.

"Look, his size has grown." Gu Yueru pointed at the little thing and shouted. Everyone saw that the size of the little thing had grown rapidly, like a balloon that would inflate when the wind came.

The small thing got bigger and ate faster, and soon the gravel on the altar was eaten up. It stared at the energy column, grinded its upper and lower teeth a few times, and then became bigger again, with a bloody mouth It opened suddenly and swallowed the energy column in one gulp.

Well!Qin Zixuan's neck seemed to be stuck by someone, and he couldn't speak. The things in front of him were too unreal, and Qin Zixuan didn't know how to describe his mood at this time.

Li Han held the hilt of the sword tightly, touched Qin Zixuan, and asked softly, "Can you still feel the danger?"

"It's gone." Qin Zixuan pushed his chin hard, and the feeling of danger disappeared. Li Han proposed to go to Tantan again, but the dinosaur told you not to go, I will go!
Qin Zixuan thinks there is no danger, let's go together, if there is any danger again, he can still warn the police, even though he is the weakest, he is the one who gives orders the strongest, Qin Zixuan said that the withdrawal of this group of people will not stop, just run away .

In this way, several people jumped onto the altar again. The little thing saw them baring their teeth, stared at them for a while, and found that these people were not grabbing their rations, so they lowered their heads and continued to eat.

Li Han and the others went to study the changes here, while Qin Zixuan studied the changes of the little things. He squatted there and watched the little things eat. The big mouth was too big, and a small hole appeared in front of him.

The dinosaur held the stone on the tip of its nose and smelled it. After a long time, it said to Qin Zixuan: "Brother, this thing is not a stone, but a kind of energy. Eating it can improve your strength, but I don't think it's useful to me. It should be from that little thing." Exclusive food."

Exclusive food?Qin Zixuan looked at the little thing, and the little thing looked at Qin Zixuan, and then continued to eat, what kind of monster is this thing?Qin Zixuan's curiosity was an itch when he was scratched.

"Hey, little thing, can you understand human language?" Qin Zixuan asked, the little thing's body shrunk a lot, turned around and pointed his butt at Qin Zixuan, then lifted his tail, poof~, and ran towards Qin Zixuan with a loud fart rushed.

"I'm going, are you a weasel? How dare you attack with farts!" Qin Zixuan covered his nose and spun around angrily. The smell was so sour. Li Han and the others were like fishes in the pond, and Qin Zixuan held their noses and spun around together.

I really didn't expect this little thing to fart so stinky, it stinks!The little thing ate very quickly, and when the altar was eaten up, he hiccupped in a very humane way, shook his body and became the size of a palm again.

What is this thing?Qin Zixuan was secretly surprised that he could transform freely like a dinosaur. Gong Liangyan curled her fingers and tried to figure it out, but was stopped by the dinosaur. The dinosaur knew the origin of this little thing is not simple. What came out.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, "Infinite Heavenly Venerable, hahaha, Nebula Beast is finally born."

"Who!" Qin Zixuan and the others stood in a group in an instant, each of them found their own positions, and a small battle formation was formed in an instant. Qin Zixuan shouted: "Where is the master, don't show up quickly!"

"It's just the monsters showing up." Dinosaur answered hesitantly, and Li Han almost failed, because Xianggong's words didn't match the preamble and the afterword, so it was a joke.

"Little brother, we meet again."

As the voice fell, a Taoist appeared opposite Qin Zixuan. He was very strange, with a big head, a protruding face, a protruding mouth, thin hair, only a few hairs tied behind his head, wearing straw sandals and holding dust in his hands.

Hey, they are really acquaintances, Qin Zixuan pointed to the Taoist and shouted: "Well, wine thief!"

Pfft, the old man is getting angry, this kid really can't talk, and he can't pay attention to the key points, besides, is he stealing?That's taking, that's taking back the hexagram funds that he gave Qin Zixuan a fortune-telling.

Gong Liangyan pulled Qin Zixuan to turn off the fire, this old Taoist should have no bad intentions, otherwise they might not be opponents, the other party has reached the state of ecstasy.

Gong Liangyan came out in front of the crowd, pretending to be a disciple, and asked about the origin of the old Taoist. Since the other party is proficient in arithmetic, Gong Liangyan wanted to build a relationship. Learn two more tricks, it will be even better.

(End of this chapter)

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