Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1497 Can't Talk

Chapter 1497 Can't Talk

The dinosaur was laughing like a pig beside him, Qin Zixuan had the ability to annoy the living to death, and enrage the dead. If he was serious with Qin Zixuan, he would lose. Of course, if he tried to seduce Qin Zixuan, he would lose even worse.

Because Qin Zixuan himself is fine if he doesn't deceive others, like an old Taoist who wants to seduce Qin Zixuan, and even treats Qin Zixuan as a three-year-old child to seduce him, that is asking for a slap in the face.

Well, the old Taoists are old and smart, and they know where they are wrong in a blink of an eye. Qin Zixuan is a strange thing. If normal moves are definitely ineffective against Qin Zixuan, then think of other moves.

"Little brother, have you ever been to the starry sky?" the old Taoist asked.

"Yes, I often travel too far." Qin Zixuan replied, "Dreams while sleeping, too many!"

Alas, the old Taoist sighed, there is no way to talk today, if you talk, you will die, Qin Zixuan is not very talkative, so he should not talk about it, it is too difficult to talk about this kid, it is a truth .

A few people were chatting, Ling'er brought a team of guards over, and waved to Qin Zixuan from a distance, not to mention how happy, Linger was worried about his father's safety waiting outside.

The old Taoist looked up at Ling'er's direction, and said Feng Nu Tian Cheng, this woman is a lucky one, whoever marries her will earn, the family of Wang Fu Wang Zi Wang.

Qin Zixuan became angry when he heard this, his baby was reluctant to marry someone, Dinosaur took a look at the old Taoist, he was good at it, but he didn't speak well, he didn't say anything that didn't hurt people.

Qin Zixuan and the others flew away from the altar and came to the shore. Qin Zixuan grabbed Ling'er and went to the side to chat. Li Han ordered the soldiers to pack their things for good luck. These are treasures and cannot be thrown away.

Gong Liangyan continued to circle around the old Taoist, while the dinosaur squatted beside him silently observing the old Taoist. This was a warning to the masters. Even if Qin Zixuan didn't feel any danger, the dinosaur would still stare at him. The way this man appeared was too weird.

Gu Yueru ran to Qin Zixuan's side to join the chat, and by the way kicked the two brats squatting not far away, so as not to get his Linger's idea.

Linger and the others didn't encounter any danger when they were stationed outside, but they were worried about Qin Zixuan and the others. Linger listened to Qin Zixuan's exaggerated speech, and then looked at the little thing rolling his eyes in Qin Zixuan's arms, how cute it looked.

"After you transport the things out, store them well. Let's stay for a few more days to see if there are any other changes." Qin Zixuan touched Ling'er's head and said, he was reluctant to let Ling'er take risks here.

Ling'er pursed her lips, she was not very happy to leave, she wanted to take risks with her father, Gu Yueru said it was okay, if she wanted to stay, she would stay, my old lady will protect you.Ling'er was overjoyed at that time, Qin Zixuan had nothing to do with this one.

Gu Yueru doesn't have children, but he treats them ruthlessly and loves them more than Qin Zixuan. Alas, Qin Zixuan sighed and agreed to Linger's stay, but in fact he couldn't bear to refuse Linger.

After all the supplies were removed, Qin Zixuan and the others returned to the altar again. Qin Zixuan pinched a red-white stone to feed the little thing, and the little thing directly pointed his butt towards Qin Zixuan's hand, with his tail curled up, as if he would fart at any time .

Qin Zixuan really didn't provoke the little thing, it was too stinky, and finally decided not to provoke the little thing, so as to save himself the smell.

A few people were still looking around the black hole, thinking about how to study it, but the last proposals were defeated by reality, and a few people found that they really had no way to use this hole.

The cold inside means that dinosaurs will freeze when they enter, and it is impossible to go down to explore. The old Taoist is very good at telling fairy tales, but he has no way to deal with the real problems.

After staying here with Qin Zixuan for three days, the old Taoist left voluntarily, he seemed to be quite busy, talking about it all day long and didn't know what he was busy with.

As soon as the old Taoist left, Qin Zixuan immediately felt much more at ease, he could speak more freely, and he was no longer caught in a thorn, and became a kind and sincere prince again.

Li Han touched the little thing's head, and said with a bitter face: "Does the little thing not need to eat? It's been three days, and it hasn't even had a sip of water."

"Let's eat it. I guess it ate too much that day. It has to digest it." Qin Zixuan thought about the energy column. It's strange that it can still eat such a small thing after swallowing it in one gulp.

"Should we stay here all the time?" Li Han asked again, Qin Zixuan looked around, he didn't know what was guarding here, Zhong Tai'an said the truth was about to surface, so what is the truth?

After studying here for a few days, not only did I not get the truth, but I became more confused. Except for the small things, I didn't find any other benefits.

It's just that if this continues, will he become a passerby like Zhong Tai'an?Qin Zixuan thought of being trapped in the mountains and forests all his life in pursuit of longevity, living a life of a savage, ouch, Qin Zixuan felt goosebumps just thinking about it.

"Then what, let's leave." Qin Zixuan blinked and looked at the few people after speaking. Li Han nodded and agreed without hesitation. She will do what the husband says. There is a secret here, but in fact the secret is really not. important. .

Dinosaur thought about it and decided to leave. Whether he could live forever was not important to him. Linger wanted to leave a long time ago. There was nothing to do here.

If he decides to leave, he will leave immediately. Qin Zixuan is a straightforward person, and immediately went back to the shore to gather the troops, but he didn't know that shortly after they left, a group of strangers appeared on the altar.

The group of people looked around first, and after finding no suspicious person, they untied the ropes on their bodies and tied long ropes with each other. One of them tied his waist and jumped into the hole, while the others grabbed the rope and asked what happened from time to time. Discover.

Not long after they took action, Qin Zixuan's head appeared on the mountain peak in the distance. This guy was looking at the people on the altar with a telescope, with a sinister smile on his face. He was reluctant to let his own people explore, but others wanted to go to Qin Zixuan It would be nice to watch a play next to it.

Li Han and the others were by Qin Zixuan's side, and they were so impressed by the husband's intuition that they didn't realize that there was someone in the dark, but Qin Zixuan's intuition was watched by someone, and that's why they had to evacuate early.

Holding up the binoculars, the dinosaur whispered, "Brother, you are too bad, you are letting them die."

"I don't believe what I said, and I didn't force them to jump in with a knife or gun. They went to explore secretly by themselves, okay?" Qin Zixuan was acting like a good boy, with a mean smile on his face.

Linger gave her thumbs up beside her. Her father was an old man, too cunning. It would be enough for her father to teach her all kinds of tricks and tricks.

(End of this chapter)

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