Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1501 Oriole

Chapter 1501 Oriole
The arrows rained down densely, and those who shot them were densely packed. In the rain of arrows, Huang Qing and others frantically resisted the rain of arrows.

Qin Zixuan held up the binoculars to observe, and finally let him find the archers, let alone these people are really good, but Qin Zixuan felt that if he shot it himself, he could shoot it directly with bullets, so why bother.

Those archers were covered in blue, with only a pair of eyes exposed. After the arrows in the quiver were shot, the group dropped their bows and drew their knives and rushed to the altar. All of them were good at it, and they all floated in the water.

Huang Qing was really going to cry at this meeting, as soon as his grades were about to come out, a group of people he didn't know came and shot without uttering a word, what is this called?

Of course, what made Huang Qing cry is still behind. This group of people is very strong. Huang Qing's wounded and defeated generals are really no match for them, so they have no choice but to break through.

It's easy to come, but hard to leave. Huang Qing's arm was cut by someone when he was caught off guard. Even so, Huang Qing didn't look back, and ran to the shore stepping on the water.

Soon the altar was occupied by the Ba people. The leader waved his hand, and the subordinates scattered in all directions, opening up the defensive formation. At the same time, someone brought armor and prepared to go down to check.

Qin Zixuan had fun watching it above, the emotional group wanted to be a oriole, but if you want to be an oriole, you have to be patient. Obviously, this group of people is much less patient, and they came out too early.

"Can they find out?" Li Han asked in a low voice.

"It's almost there. As long as there are living people coming up, it will be much easier to find out the situation below. Let's wait a little longer. It won't be too late for the final melee."

Qin Zixuan is addicted to being an oriole, and now he has no intention of making a move. The telescope in his hand is still checking the forces of all parties, and he wants to see how many people are strong opponents.

Gu Yueru put away the binoculars and said in a low voice: "Those forces have started a scuffle and are cleaning up the little fish."

Qin Zixuan nodded, he was indeed cleaning up the small fish, the food chain unfolded like this, of course the ones at the end would be cleaned up, but he didn't know how many would be left in the end.

There are constant battles in the mountains, and the outside world is not peaceful. The Yangtze River has to fight against a pile of official documents every day. This is the distress of the superiors.

Changjiang knocked on the table a few times, sent someone to call Deputy Han and others in, pointed to the files on the table and asked what they meant, why there were so many files at his place, even if there were too many files, there was still no solution to the problem, Is it up to him to make up his mind?
When Vice Han saw Changjiang squinting his eyes, he was afraid, fearing that Changjiang would miss him, so he quickly read these official documents, and then said that they would discuss countermeasures, and only asked Changjiang not to get angry, and he wanted to live for a few more years.

Seeing that the documents on the table were cleared away, Changjiang nodded in satisfaction. This is the style of the boss. If he does everything, then there is no fun in his life.

Tang Shiqiang was rushing towards Fengtian City with a group of people, when suddenly gunshots rang out, and the guy was so frightened that he quickly shrank his head and stepped on the gas. He didn't expect that he was actually robbing here. Is this person's grasp of people's minds too accurate?

The soldiers on the vehicle raised their guns to fight back, and at the same time, the car was advancing rapidly. It was the opponent's biggest mistake not to damage the road. It is estimated that the opponent did not expect the car to increase its power so quickly, and rushed out of the battle zone in the blink of an eye.

One of the people in the mountain stared at the departing convoy and beat the mountain angrily, asking who was responsible for the road and why it was not damaged.It's a pity that no one replied, so I could only get angry, such a good opportunity was easily lost.

The old monster Huang Quan hid in the dark, watching the convoy quacking and laughing strangely, and there were still a few corpses at his feet. The old monster Huang Quan hoped that this batch of materials would be sent to Guiyuan as soon as possible, as long as there were results there, he would know immediately.

Quack, no matter how smart Ren Li Yunfei was, he would never have imagined that he had bought the guards there. They all said that money can turn ghosts around.

With Mr. Wei as the internal response, Old Monster Huangquan felt that he would definitely have the last laugh. Thinking that the legendary Dao of Longevity was right in front of him, Mr. Wei's eyes shot endless greedy light.

Tang Shiqiang's convoy drove all the way into Fengtian City, and then stopped outside Guiyuan, which contained ancient books brought back from Sanxian City. Tang Shiqiang began to go through the formalities for the match without even drinking tea.

In the laurel garden, a group of people stretched their heads and looked out. It seems that these ancient books have been written for a long time. Changjiang Dexun also came to take a look. By the way, I met those scholars and gave a few words of encouragement. In short, everyone has really worked hard. The payoff will come right away.

These guys are grateful to Changjiang, even saying that it is not hard work, this is what they should do, if it is not for Changjiang, it is impossible to come into contact with so many ancient books in this life.

Changjiang smiled and didn't say anything, and gave a lot of things to this group of scholars. Changjiang left with graceful steps, the bait has been laid, now let's see how those forces jump.

Guizong, you dance the most, and you die the fastest!Changjiang raised his lips and went back to the office to meet Tang Shiqiang, asking if the trip went well?What kind of help does his father need, and what else does he need to do? Changjiang is very worried about the things ahead. What he is facing there is a group of lunatics who have long lost their humanity in order to live forever.

Tang Shiqiang was overjoyed after hearing this. Qin Zixuan really didn't need to worry about it, but the Yangtze River side was fine. No matter what the truth was finally found out, they couldn't escape their control.

Then Tang Shiqiang took out the memorial. These are the results of the investigation in Sanxian City, and the unimportant ones are written on the memorial.

Tang Shiqiang didn't write a single word of important matters, and dictated everything to Changjiang. The two exchanged a look, showing a comprehension expression, and Tang Shiqiang left.

Ji Zhongfa sat on the chair and looked at the documents in front of him. Seeing Tang Shiqiang leave, his eyes flickered a few times. Han Fu, who was sitting opposite Ji Zhongfa, frowned slightly, and couldn't help coughing, reminding Ji Zhongfa not to have any thoughts that he shouldn't have. They can't play the Yangtze River.

Ji Zhongfa glanced at Vice Han lightly, his eyes continued to fall on the document, Vice Han sighed, feeling that the greater the power in a person's hands, the greater the desire, if he can't expose his desire, sooner or later something will happen.

Fortunately, I can control it. Alas, Deputy Han sighed, people's fate is destined, and there is nothing he can do about it. Anyway, he reminded what should be reminded, and people don't appreciate it.

If he really wanted to keep his face hot and his ass cold, Deputy Han didn't have the guts yet. He was worried about causing the Yangtze River's misunderstanding. Wouldn't it be a big loss.

Changjiang sits in the office and flips through the memorials left by Tang Shiqiang and watches slowly, but he is secretly happy. This time the layout is successful, and most of the restless forces in the Western Continent can be wiped out, haha.
(End of this chapter)

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