Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1508 Both children and children

Chapter 1508 Both children and children
Qin Zixuan's mentality was so good that Yang Shulin couldn't accept it, so he had no choice but to report to Li Han. Li Han raised his eyebrows and let them go. Anyway, as long as someone dares to come and make trouble, come and kill one by one, they are not decoration.

After working on playing with toys for the children for a while, Qin Zixuan thought about going boating on the lake, taking a fishing rod, catching a few big fish, and setting up a fire. Those days were like a fairy.

The group of people were all moved by what he said, and they shouted to go together, even the pregnant woman's eyes were bright, she really wanted to go.So Qin Zixuan waved his hand and went with him.

The small boat turned into a big boat, and the wharf is not far away from the yard. The traffic here is very developed, and both water and land roads are neatly repaired.

When many people saw Qin Zixuan and his group, they thought they were wealthy relatives, there were crowds of horses and horses coming and going, and there were like clouds of servants. Where did this big family come from, and they all whispered to each other to inquire about the situation.

The common people nearby didn't know the identities of Qin Zixuan and his group, they only knew that there were noble people living there, and they heard that the courtyard there was luxuriously decorated, uniquely shaped and unique.

But the people watching secretly knew Qin Zixuan's identity, so they were envious of Qin Zixuan's good luck. It's too awesome. With beauties around him and servants like clouds, there is no weakling.

Sitting on the boat, Qin Zixuan threw a fishhook and wore a sun hat on his head. There was cold beer, peanuts and other appetizers beside him. He enjoyed fishing before the pot was opened. The dinosaur sat on the other side with a stick in his mouth Lollipop, with a ruffian face.

Ling'er helped Huayan come over, Li Han came over with a watermelon in his arms, and asked for watermelon juice, Qin Zixuan looked back, all of them were dressed beautifully, they were all eye-catching, and a person should live like this.

Qin Zixuan and his group were enjoying themselves in the Western Continent, and the sea was wandering outside Wu Ying's room. Concubine Cheng supported Song Shi while chanting Buddha, while complaining that Qin Zixuan was too playful, and the eldest grandson was born and did not come back.

Song had no choice but to comfort her. She said she would come back. Who would have thought that Huayan would be pregnant on the way, and there would be a lot of other things in the Western Continent. If she wanted to come back, she might be in a hurry, and she was also worried that Huayan's body would not be able to bear it. .

Concubine Cheng can understand these things, the palms and backs of her hands are full of flesh, but hearing the screams in the room, Concubine Cheng is so upset that she can't help but want to complain.

Old Concubine Ren is also in a hurry. In this world, Old Concubine Ren is just such a family member. Her daughter is her lifeline and the strength for her to survive. If something happens to her daughter, she really doesn't know if she can survive. .

Dahai turned around twice, came to the door and looked in with his eyes stuck to the door frame. Before he could look twice, he was pulled over by Concubine Cheng to prevent Dahai from looking around, and men had to avoid women giving birth.

Dahai rolled his eyes, he didn't believe it, but the rules were here, and the old lady was watching here, so Dahai could only step back a few steps and continue circling.

Huang Shan also ran over after handling the official business. Seeing her son's eyes shining, she thought that her son's fate had not yet come, so she was in a hurry and had no choice but to let Huang Shan take in two maids, but Huang Shan was unwilling.

Love is described very well by Qin Zixuan. In Qin Zixuan's words, it's the first time it's not for the person he loves the most. It's a big loss!Huangshan doesn't want to lose money, he wants to guard his innocence and wait for his love.

The palace of Prince Cheng was full of people coming and going, and the outside of the palace was also full of people who were inquiring about the news. Everyone was very concerned about whether Wu Yingsheng would have the eldest son or the eldest daughter, which was related to their wallets.

Some people put their hands together and prayed to the Buddha to bless her as the eldest daughter, while others put their hands together and prayed to the gods to bless her as the eldest son. The two groups almost got into a fight because of whether they were the eldest daughter or the eldest son. The scene was so beautiful.

Mrs. Lin came with his wife in a carriage, the butler saw it and rushed to report to Concubine Cheng, Concubine Cheng anxiously grabbed her handkerchief and didn't know what to do, Mrs. Song hurriedly arranged for the old butler to greet her.

Before the baby was born, several waves of guests had already come to Prince Cheng's Mansion. Fortunately, everyone knew each other very well, so there was no need to deliberately entertain them. A group of people stood outside and watched the sea circle around.

With a cry of congratulations came out, it was a little prince, Hai Hai called for reward, heavy reward, Concubine Cheng also called for reward, the midwife inside was overjoyed, she knew that today's reward must be indispensable.

After a cup of tea, another cry came out, and congratulations came out again, it was a cute little princess, Da Hai was jumping up and down with joy, now it's all right, both sons and daughters.

"Reward, great reward!" Dahai waved his fists and shouted. Concubine Cheng ordered the housekeeper to immediately announce the birth of the little prince and princess of Prince Cheng's mansion, and give porridge for several days until new food is received!
Good guy, Cheng Wang's Mansion has become lively, the maid Xiaosi walks with the wind, grinning like a ladle, that's really a reward from top to bottom, and the reward is three months.

When the news spread outside, some people cried, but when they heard that the porridge had arrived, they were happy again, because they knew they didn’t have to worry about starving to death. It seemed that Prince Cheng knew that they were irrational, and everyone was on guard.

There are also people who feel very embarrassed. They bet their eldest grandson and granddaughter, and they also consider that they will not starve to death, otherwise this winter will be difficult.

well!How can people be compared to others? It was really embarrassing and thrown home. Wiping away tears, he knelt outside Chengwang's mansion to thank him. He said in his heart that Chengcheng's mansion was really too kind, and that was the reincarnation of a good man from the tenth generation.

Thinking that their emperor is also from Cheng Wang's mansion, are they afraid that they will not live a good life with such a kind emperor?Then news came out from the palace, amnesty to the world.

Dahai got a pair of sons and daughters. It was a celebration. I don’t know how many red eggs were given. An official came to give a gift, but was rejected by the housekeeper. Dahai didn’t want those people to play tricks by giving gifts.

Dahai asked himself that he was not short of money, so he didn’t want to sew some officials with ulterior motives. He only invited people close to him to be guests. When the news came out, the common people applauded again. There is no comparison between the sky and the earth!

Dahai waited until the midwife opened the door, and went into the delivery room to see Wu Ying's smirk, and Wu Ying's smirk at Dahai. Concubine Cheng came over to see the two idiots. Forget it, she still Look at the great-grandson and great-granddaughter.

Needless to say, the joy of Prince Cheng’s Mansion is celebrated with lanterns and festoons. Of course, on such a festive day, someone must take eye drops. do you know?

Huang Shan looked at Yushi's memorial in the main hall and his nose was crooked, so he asked if there was any money to build your house?
The censor was speechless when asked, and thought to himself, does this still make people talk?They are the censors who have heard the wind, so why is the emperor trying to shut their mouths?So I started wrangling with Huangshan.

(End of this chapter)

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