Chapter 1511
Poor little hooligans didn't expect that the reason why these two killing gods ruined their good deeds was just to find someone, but they didn't know this person yet.

A few poor guys were woken up, they didn't know that they could ask Yanchengtong, there was nothing he didn't know about Yancheng, so they went to Yanchengtong's house in a mighty manner.

At this time, it was already dark, Yan Chengtong's house had turned off the lights and went to bed, Yan Chengtong was playing with the little lady in his arms, when someone slammed on the gate of the courtyard, scaring Yan Chengtong to scold her.

I want to die if I don’t sleep at night, and if I am in a hurry to reincarnate, I have to look at the place clearly, this is not the place of the king of Hades!You said that this Yancheng's mouth is really bad, can he speak?

Whoever knocks on the door at night when it's okay, it must be because of something urgent or urgent, isn't your mouth so bad that you want to beat it?Gong Xu was very upset when he heard this, so he stopped slamming on the door, and jumped over the courtyard wall with his legs and landed in the courtyard.

Qu Chang saw what happened?That kid took the lead!This is not acceptable, even if it is beating someone, it must be done fairly. I guess Qu Chang is a Virgo, and he is very clear about it.

He followed his legs and jumped in. The little hooligans saw that God had finally left, so they had better seize the opportunity to run, so the little hooligans took the opportunity to disappear, and after a long time, they did not dare to appear at the banquet. city.

Gong Xu entered Yanchengtong's yard and kicked open the door of Yanchengtong's room. Yanchengtong's curse was stuck in his throat, and he stared at the black figure who came in with wide eyes. Scream.

Gong Xu stepped onto the bed a little bit, stretched out his hand to stop the little lady's cry, then Gong Xu grabbed Yan Chengtong with one hand, and beat him hard without saying anything, who made this kid unable to speak.

Yan Chengtong's family members and the maid Xiao Si also woke up at this meeting, got up and dressed, bravely held the lamp, and came together to check, the mistress disappeared after a strange cry, I don't know if she was dead, but this will be the master's cry It's miserable.

Can it not be miserable?Gong Xu hits Qu Chang twice, and then Gong Xu hits three times. What strength do these two have?Even if they don't use their strength, it still hurts more than ordinary people, not to mention that these two people still have anger in their hearts, and it is really not something ordinary people can hold back.

"Oh, oh, lord, you two uncles, who are you? Why did you hit me? Please don't hit me, and talk if you have something to say."

Yanchengtong is a person who has seen the world, so if he sees that he is not strong enough, let him be soft. When his family and servant girl Xiaosi rushed over with lanterns and torches, Yanchengtong was already beaten beyond human form.

That guy was so miserable, his mouth was crooked, his face was slanted, his arms were turned backwards for some reason, and one leg was trampled off, lying there like a dead dog.

Xiao Si bravely shouted a few times, Gong Xu turned his head and stared at him, Xiao Si fell to the ground unconscious with a frightened ouch, Gong Xu bared his teeth, pretending to be true, he was not as knowledgeable as a servant.

Out of anger, Gong Xu said: "Yanchengtong, I'll ask you to answer, if you dare to say you don't know or lie to me, hmph, you will decide for yourself!"

"Yes, think for yourself!" Qu Chang made a fierce look, and the whole family of Yan Chengtong didn't dare to call out, knowing that if they encountered a hard problem today, if they were wrong, they would kill everyone.

"Yes, yes, I fell." Yancheng was unable to speak clearly, and I said that it turned into me falling.

"I asked you which young master was the one who provoked the noble family's cruise ship on the Yanhu Lake today?" When Gong Xu talked about this incident, he became angry again, and he dared to sing pornographic songs to Ling'er. He was quite courageous.

"Say it quickly!" Qu Chang clenched his fists, his knuckles clicked, and Yan Cheng was so frightened that he shitted.

"I fell, I fell, it's the young master of the Zuo family, Zuo Liufeng." Yan Chengtong tried hard to control his tongue, the words Zuo Liufeng, the young master of the Zuo family, could be clearly bitten, Yan Chengtong finally knew why he was beaten, and his feelings were settled by nobles coming.

"Where does the Zuo family live?" Qu Chang asked, they were not familiar with this place, and it was useless to know people's names.

Yan Chengtong pointed to the bookshelf and said, "La Shangha has a map."

The word "map" was clearly spelled out. Gong Xu understood it. When he came to the bookshelf and looked through it, he found the map of Yancheng. Then he took the map to the door and looked at it with the light in Xiao Si's hand.

Xiaosi was very considerate, and he flattered him when he knew he couldn't afford to offend him. He deliberately raised the lantern and torch a little higher, in case Gong Xu and the others wouldn't see it, and soon they found the location of the Zuo family, and then the location of Shenchengtong. The location was quickly determined.

Gong Xu took out a bag of silver and threw it in front of Yan Chengtong, he is not a bad person, he will pay for breaking someone!This is definitely not a run, and it is very active to lose money.

Qu Chang looked at Gong Xu's Qian Daizi and snorted a few times, took out a bigger purse from his arms and threw it down, Qu Chang was richer than Gong Xu, and he was generous with his moves, he couldn't lose his momentum in front of his love rival.

Gong Xu snorted angrily, turned around and left, and Qu Chang quickly left behind. As soon as the two disappeared, Yan Chengtong's house was in chaos, but after they checked the two money bags, they immediately closed their mouths Come on, invite the doctor to see a doctor, this time I will make a lot of money.

Let alone the Yanchengtong family, the atmosphere in the Zuo family is very good. They went to apologize and waited for a day without entering the door. The head of the Zuo family was so hungry that he hadn’t eaten all day. Serving wine, he wants to eat and drink.

It's just that eating and drinking is over, Patriarch Zuo is worried, how can you fix this matter, how can you offend the nobleman, call the people in the family to come to the hall to discuss matters, how to solve this matter, you have to think of a way.

In the hall sat the second and third masters of the Zuo family and several young masters, all of whom were members of the direct lineage, and none of the collateral lineages appeared here. There are no seats below.

On the right hand sits the priests of the left family. The so-called priests are powerful warriors. If they can't support themselves, they will be in the big family, and then each will get what he needs.

There are only two priests in the Zuo family, both of whom are warriors, and none of them are masters. Regardless of their strength, these two are very scary, tall and ugly, and they can scare people to death without beating them. .

At this moment, Patriarch Zuo told the story, the two slapped the table and told them to kill them, Patriarch Zuo heard their cries, his head got dizzy a few times, if they could be killed to death, they would wait for these two guys to speak ?

Patriarch Zuo was worried that the two of them didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, so he explained the identities of Qin Zixuan's group of people again, emphasizing that the group of people came from Fengtian City.

Besides, have you ever done anything?The guards at the gate were all carrying long guns, and they were more than ten meters away from them, and they had already set up their guns and were ready to fire. Whose body can block their bullets?
(End of this chapter)

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