Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1517 Interrogation

Chapter 1517 Interrogation
Gu Yueru's screams and Gong Liangyan's roar sounded behind Qin Zixuan one after another, Qin Zixuan shrunk his neck in fright, oh my god, this day will be impossible, those who want to get pregnant can't get pregnant, and those who don't want to get pregnant get pregnant.

God, this joke is a bit too much, Qin Zixuan raised his head and stared at Qingtian, sister, it's fine to get him into this world, can't he be allowed to do whatever he wants?

If you don't play like this, you will be beaten to death when you go home!Qin Zixuan patted his heart for a while and was afraid, Yuemeizi, that scumbag, doesn't look like a mother.

"Sir, stop! I promise I won't kill you!" Gu Yueru's voice came from the cruise ship, and she was about to lift her breath and jump to the lake. Gong Liangyan hugged Gu Yueru with red eyes.

"Sister Yue, you little lunatic, you are pregnant, why are you still in such a hurry, please sit down honestly."

Gong Liangyan hugged Gu Yueru and yelled, Feng Qingluan also hurried forward to persuade her, this really shouldn't be messed with, the imperial doctor said it's only been two months, it's not stable yet, so be careful.

The second daughter hugged her waist and pulled her arms to try to persuade her, while the imperial doctor wiped her sweat anxiously beside her. Oh my God, this is such a tiger, he can't afford it anyway.

Hearing the cry behind him, Qin Zixuan's speed became faster, Li Han looked back, grinning happily like a fool, the more children the better, he turned around and asked people to buy more supplements.

"Sir, where are we going?" The two fell to the lake, and Li Han asked Qin Zixuan's arm, smiling like a flower,

"Hey, I can't go back home. Let's go to the county government office. The county magistrate just said that a few people have been caught. I'm going to meet them and see what kind of skills Zhong Zongli, the remnant of the previous dynasty, has."

Gu Yueru's screams were still wafting over the lake, Qin Zixuan shrank his neck in fright, really didn't know how to deal with Yuemeizi, who had been screaming from the beginning.

I don't know what night she was so crazy, how could she sow the seeds in her body, it should be sowed to Gong Liangyan, who is almost crazy to want to get pregnant.

"My husband is mighty, he will definitely be able to solve the case, let's go." Li Han wanted to say that we should avoid the limelight, but she swallowed the word limelight.

"Let's go!" Qin Zixuan waved his hand and strode away, and finally ran away.

The doctor on board looked at Gu Yueru who was still jumping, and then at the prince who had disappeared, and sighed a long time. It seems that he should prescribe a few anti-fetal drugs to make it work.

In the county government office, Huang Tianluo and the county magistrate were sitting in the prison to try the case. There were several men hanging in the prison cell, and there was not a single piece of good meat on their bodies that had been whipped.

The whip was covered with barbed thorns, and a layer of flesh and blood was brought up when the whip fell. The painful man screamed and his eyes were red. Even so, no one confessed.

One of them even pointed at Huang Tianluo and scolded the traitor, and greeted all eighteen generations of Huang Tianluo's ancestors, Huang Tianluo changed his face when he scolded, and finally greeted him angrily.

As much as the whip hurt, the swearing was as loud as it was, the swearing was hoarse and he continued to swear, Huang Tianluo was so angry that his liver hurt, and at the same time he knew that he had met a diehard.

If this person's mouth could be pried open, he would definitely be able to catch a few big fish. Huang Tianluo thought that he was a body of guilt. If he could make great contributions, he would definitely be able to clean himself up for nothing, and maybe even get promoted and make a fortune.

The county magistrate sat beside him to assist in the interrogation, stroking his beard in secret joy, full of sympathy for Huang Tianluo, who was afraid that he would die at the hands of a traitor sooner or later.

Qin Zixuan led Li Han into the prison, looked at the bloody and bloody people in the cell, and then at Huang Tianluo sitting next to him, with disgust on his face, is the interrogation all so straightforward?
Seeing Qin Zixuan and the others coming in, Huang Tianluo and the others quickly knelt down to pay their respects. Qin Zixuan waved his hands to make them stand up. Huang Tianluo wiped and wiped the chairs before inviting Li Han and Qin Zixuan to sit down.

Qin Zixuan sat down and asked, "How did the interrogation go?"

Huang Tian had a sad face, and the county magistrate pleaded guilty, this is really nothing, he didn't say a word, but he scolded quite well, the clerk next to him was a fawning one, and actually sent the record to Qin Zixuan.

Li Han looked at it with his head together, so he was furious on the spot. This is not an interrogation.

This clerk was also a wonderful person, so he couldn't help but take a few more glances. Qin Zixuan glanced at the prisoners, tapped his index finger on the table, and thought for a while to hook Huang Tian over.

Qin Zixuan explained this to Huang Tianluo's ear, Huang Tianluo took the order to make arrangements, and at the same time his head was muddled, he didn't understand the deep meaning of what the Supreme Emperor did.

"Sanggong, these people should be dead men, and it's not easy to get them to speak up." Li Han pulled the record aside, so as not to dirty Xianggong's eyes.

"Actually, it's easy to get them to talk." Qin Zixuan smiled and looked at the prisoners, who were also sizing Qin Zixuan.

Their task was to take Qin Zixuan down, but it was the first time they met Qin Zixuan after coming to Yancheng for so long.

"Hey, you are Qin Zixuan, that male-female-looking ladyboy? Li Yunfei's father?" A prisoner hanging inconspicuously in the corner suddenly said.

It's just that these words are really unpleasant, what is a shemale who looks like a boy and a girl?Qin Zixuan touched his little face, he is good-looking, but he is not coquettish at all, okay?

"Hehe, you really are a little boy, and the son you gave birth to won't take your surname, so you should come in?" The man seemed to deliberately provoke Qin Zixuan's anger, and continued to speak without giving Qin Zixuan a chance to intervene.

"What kind of dignity does a person like you have in life? It's better to die cleanly! But the woman next to you looks good, that little lady, look at me, although I don't look good, but my big Ah, the power is boundless, guaranteed to make you happy!"

After stepping on Qin Zixuan, he still didn't forget to hook up with Li Han. Qin Zixuan's anger disappeared in his hooking up. He wanted to rush over to beat someone, but now he sat down obediently.

Li Han got up and was about to rush over to beat someone up, but was grabbed by Qin Zixuan. Qin Zixuan grinned so evilly, took out a handkerchief from his arms and shook it twice in the air, then took out a snack and ate silently.

This made the prisoners unable to understand what Qin Zixuan wanted to do. Is this still a man?You can bear this, what a jerk!

The county magistrate wanted to show his merits, so he beat them himself with a whip, but the prisoners only grunted a few times, as if they were not hit on them.

"Okay, stop beating, there's a lot of meat, but the strength is too small." Qin Zixuan looked at the fat body of the county magistrate, worried that he would be exhausted before being beaten to death.

The old county magistrate blushed and retreated to the side. He also felt that his strength was weak, as if a whip was not as good as a whip. It would be difficult to even stand up, and his legs were as weak as if he had been fighting on the bed for three days and three nights.

(End of this chapter)

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